Chapter 37: Reminiscence

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" A Very Fuzzy Memory. yet a very warm memory "

" What kind of Kingdom ill make if i was going to be a Queen of my own?"  Agnesia
crosses her arms and placed her " Hmmm "  she thinks. " No idea being a 
Ruler isn't really one of my goals " she added. the girl whose half of her face is 
Shadowed chuckles softly " You know that you can't become a adventurer 
Forever you know. at some point you'd settle down too " the girl stated 
" then what about you H--u  What kind of Kingdom that you want to build 
If you ever become a empress too?"  Agnesia asked. " The Empire i want to 
Build is one where everyone are free to love whom they want to love regardless
of race, blood line, status, and gender. i  also want that empire to be not 
Controlled by the glories of the pasts. and not be bounded by Tradition and 
Beliefs. a kingdom a country no.. a continent where people free to be 
Innovative and free to pursue their ideals which would help the kingdom to 
flourish even further " the girl smiled at her then Agnesia nodded her head 
And looks at the others sitting in same table as them Two women and two 
men whose half of face are also covered in shadow " You can count on us Leader!"
They all responded to with Smile. then Agnesia wakes up from her dream  
and placed her palm on her face " I see i did dreamt about my past again 
" She.. i see its been twenty five years since her passing. and if i stay any 
Further more the seal will deteriorate " She sat on her bed and still hasn't 
Removed her palm of her face " it  hurts... remembering them hurts "  
She said as tears crawls down on her digits while gritting her teeth 

Meanwhile Olga carrying a bouquet of pink carnations on her arms 
heading towards the abandoned farm outside of the village that is lost in 
the time.  then spun a heel towards  the barn. where she found Nina and
At the same where she ended Nina's Life she put the bouquet at the doorstep 
of the barn. " Hey Nina. i am back. I have been Busy Raising Horus for past 
Twenty years.  Your Little Boy has grown up into a fine man.  " She moved 
her hand  to her forehead and performs a salute and then bows. she did 
This to show respect to Nina's passing. then Olga raises her frame up and 
Smiled  " Even though He's much of a troublemaker like you. " Olga then 
Chuckled gently. " Say Nina i did the right thing aren't i...? i had filled
in a role of a mother after you for him. taught him things about this 
World However... "  she looked up in the skies as her hair and coat flutters against
The wind " Its his birthday next month. should i tell him everything? About 
What really happened to you .and the dark witch he saw back then was 
You during your curse's abnormal take overs?" Olga asked in wonder and 
Shook her head " Yeah you're right i should tell him the truth he deserves it " 
Olga then flicks her hair against her ear for it to resist the wind  

Meanwhile in shopping district in Queens- New york Whiu was carrying her 
Grocery Bags heading home to their mansion on foot. then as she passes 
By a clothing store. one of the outfits displayed caught her eye then she 
Proceeds to walk towards the glass and leans forward to take a closer look 
upon seeing a maid outfit Whiu smiled " This takes me back alot " she 
Stated. then a memory crosses her mind.  many years ago in the slums 
Whiu as a little girl was outside of their old and shabby house. she walked 
beside an alley and there she lied down against the pavement hugging her knees
she was hungry, dirty and wore tattered clothes. she also has bruises that may 
hinted domestic violence.  " What are you doing? why are you sleeping here 
You don't have a house to sleep? " Little Agnesia found her in the same alley 
As she passes by " Leave me alone... that's not your business... "  Little Whiu
Responded to her then Little agnes crosses her arms scanning whiu from head 
to toe " Aren't you cold?" she asked " of course i am cold... what do you expect 
I am poor and has to sleep in this alley. i ran away from home " Little Whiu 
Responded " Based from the way you dressed.  you are a r------y aren't you 
Are you here to make fun of me for being a poor little girl who can't do anything" 
Whiu responded gritting her teeth in anger hinting the bullying she experienced

" Looking Down at others is a mannerism of the n----s. not mine.  why would  
Would i look down on the poor if they are the very reason why K-----m exists 
They are the very foundation and the roots of the said K-----m itself. " Agnesia 
Responded and this response makes whiu widened her eyes in shock. also that's 
Not true that you can't do anything. don't let the others decide your worth yet 
without knowing what you can do. and that's something you'd discover as you 
Continue living a life " Little Agnesia added " even though we're on the same 
Age... yet speak with wisdom " Whiu responded " Then "  she then lay her hand 
To Little Whiu " Work for me and you didn't have to worry about getting poor 
Again i can promise you food and shelter as long you work for me. so 
What do ya say?" Little Agnesia smiled and Little Whiu looks at her hand and 
Grasp it then Little Agnesia pulls her up " From now on you are also my friend! " 
Little Agnes declares. Memory ends and Whiu smiled " I miss those days of her 
Being Silly and Happy go lucky " then she peels away from the display window 
" Until a series of incident changed her for good " Whiu then frowns as she 
Remembers all the bad times that happened and sighed then walked away 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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