Chapter 40: Walker's Past

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" Man you had it tough " Kyle as he drinks from his bottle " Being chased by a killer 
clown at age of five i am impressed that you didn't gained coulrophobia after that 
Ma'am " Walker says in a genuine impressed tone. " Well it was really scary i gradually 
Conquered that during the near death situation and now i had accumulated a  tougher
Mental fortitude since i joined the counterforce " Cherish replied while drinking  
From her glass " A toast for that " Elvira stated while raising her glass then everyone
of them bumps their bottle and glasses to each other performing a cheering toast 
" Okay whose turn is it " mason asked while taking a sip from his whisky bottle 
" its my turn " Walker replied " it all started when i was 13 years old. " He starts narrating 

" I was afraid of not doing good enough or better than doing good " a 13 year old 
Walker sitting on his bed hugging his legs and face pressed on his knees with tears 
Crawling down from his tears through his cheeks " my tears are not because of the 
fear of failure.. but the abuse " As Walker kept his silent cries his father burst into his 
Room " Lectricus  What the hell is this! " His father pointed his index finger at the phone
screen showing Walker's live performance " Uhmm i don't know father... " walker 
Responded "It says here! you didn't get any much viewers lately! you useless piece of
trash! " his father angrily barked " But i-i can't do anything about that maybe they 
Just don't like the way you choreograph my performance.. " Walker replied to him 
" You stupid brat how dare you talk back to me like that huh! " His Father angrily  
Grabbed him by his  shirt's collar " Please let me go! " Walker pleaded but his 
Father was not budging and dragged him all the way downstairs there he made 
Walker rehearse a performance which includes both singing and dancing 

" If you got a time to cry then be a man to fixed your mistakes you useless child! 
Can't even give me enough money! " Walker's father shouted at him. while 
Rehearsing Walker would receive harsh criticisms and unnecessary insults from 
His father. and His Mother would slap him and smack him with a stick repeatedly
he even made walker washes the dishes and proceeds to beat walker with a stick 
After walker dries them and cover them with clothe since his father didn't bother buying
a cupboard for the dishes he beats walker because he sees what his son is doing is A
Against his beliefs and while walker thinks it was the right and logical thing to do 
Later that night walker lied down on his bed fearing the failure he'll come commit 
fearing doing things that are not good enough to the eyes of the masses and fearing 
The abuse that he gets from his own father. he cried to his self in his sleep the next 
four days after that. walker sat on the bench outside of stadium with a glum look
then Olga wearing sunglasses and a brown summer hat sat down beside him

" Hey young fella why you look so glum?" Olga asked " its n-nothing lady... 
Wait you recognize me?" Walker asked " of course lad. i am aware that you 
Are that the rising child star. Lectricus Walker with televisions nowadays 
There's no news that you can't hear about " Olga responded to him with facts 
" I see... Yeah you are right lady.. " Walker responded while lowering his head down
" Tell me what bothers you and ill listen to you " Olga gives him a assurance and 
 Walker felt that she is serious about it " Well.. My Father wanted me to become a 
Male idol.. even though i don't want to.. but i can't defy him because he is my father.. 
because of this path set for me... i have become scared of making mistakes afraid of
not performing good enough or better enough... i become afraid of his abuse... " 
Walker was about to cry when olga suddenly interrupted him " Then what do you 
Wish to become " She asked " I want to become hero that protects people with 
his powers and such Like those in the stories" his response made olga chuckled. making him look at her in surprise " Sorry i didn't meant to laugh i bear no ill against your desire. but "
she placed her palm On his head and caresses his hair " The word hero is not an occupation
but its the Word to describe a person who suffered for the good of others. and not all heroes
wears a cape and some don't even have powers. but sure you can become a protector " 

then she took off her hand from his head " besides making a mistake is what makes 
us humans there's no need to fear on making them. as for your fears on not 
Doing good enough or better enough. you didn't need to worry about that Just 
become what do you want to do. and follow your ambitions. if you felt abused 
by hands of your father. then built up courage and get stronger " Olga pats 
Him in the head " protector... " that brighten up walker and caused him to smile 
" So what about other stories that you read?" olga asked "Moby dick! because 
if you read it in different perspective it will become a story that is about the 
White whale's struggle and survival " Walker responded sheepishly and olga 
Chuckled and stood " its about time lad " she added " Will you watch my 
performance lady?" he asked " sure " olga responded  to him with a smile 
then Walker gave it all to this day's performance because he has now to courage to end 
it all in this day after the two hours long of excellent performance enough for the 
Crowd to asked encore then Walker picked up the mic and started his speech 
" Today i am retiring as a child star and i don't have any plans to become an male idol 
 I Want to follow my own ambition. yes the ambition to become a protector no one 
can stop me from my ambition not even my father. thank you for all the support 
you had given me. someday when i am strong enough i will return those supports
in form of protection " Walker finished his speech in his surprise the crowds showers
Him with cheers of support for his ambition and gave him a rain of applauses  

This time Walker felt relieved from all of his fears and decided not to let go of the 
Courage that he built in. olga smiled and left the stadium. after the crowds winded 
Down and left Walker's father angrily dragged him by the back of his neck "Ackkk!" 
" You stupid child why you wont do as i say huh. how dare you to rebel against me 
You little piece of shit! " His father fumed " I can't follow what you say anymore! 
i finally have the courage to follow my ambition! i can't let go of it ever! " Walker 
Retorted angrily.  " Just you wait till we get him i gonna give you a good beating 
One that will bring you back to your senses! " His Father threatens him and walker 
Flails around in desperation to break free from his grip. until a smokebomb was 
Thrown at them and the sleeping fumes it expunges knocks them out immediately
as walkers comes into his senses in time witnessing his father transforming into 
a horrendous looking entity then it rams walker at high speed causing both of them
To be impacted outside of the warehouse "Gukkh! " Walker grunts as he stood up 
Walker points his index finger like a handgun " what should i do... if i shoot it may 
Kill my father.. but if i let this monster get out of here it will take lives of others... " 
Walker shook his head off " No that's not it... " then his eyes glows blue and fires 
Lightning bolt from the tip of his finger but the entity assimilated his lightning 
" it can't be...."  Walker was loss for words that he can't decide what action he should 
Take next  before the monster as about to lunge at him a swift slash hits it from behind 
and it cut the monster into half. there she saw olga with her board sword approaching him 

" I see so. evil bellows experimented monstrium on humans.  and it seems like you 
Had finally clung into the courage you had found and built " Olga says she sits on 
her knees and walker sits down " Lady Just who are you...?" Walker asked 
" i am one of those protectors that you aspire to become. my name is olga the 
Founder of the counterforce " Olga introduces herself " Defenders of humanity 
The counterforce... so protectors do exists " Walker responded as he looks 
" He's dead..yet i still can't forgive him.. I really suffered from him.. to the point 
That i became paranoid of everything... and there's nothing he could do to make 
me forgive him... " Walker Laments " You didn't have to forgive him. no matter 
What are his ideals was. what he did to you was definitely abuse one that is not 
Easily forgiven. you were truly in pain because of his ideals. but the very same pain
has led you to realize your ambition " Olga's response made him widened his eyes 
In Realization " Lady Olga... what is this overwhelming feelings that are swelling 
Inside me... i don't understand it... " Walker says with a face of sadness and pain 
" No person can fully grasp the deepest feeling of another person. " Olga sheathes 
sword and puts it down " you can only get the sense that you and that person
certainly have them. she reaches her hand to his shoulders " However there's only 
one general answer that i could give to you " then she pulls Walker to a embrace  
" That is when someone's parents die there's no way they are not  going to cry" 
the moment olga answered Him  Walker hugged her and cries on her shoulders 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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