Chapter 72: Departure

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Spring Season

Meanwhile at Kouha's own room she was swirling around the mirror to check
On her looks She wears a black knee high jacket that as  big pockets on each
Side then her Jacket had a flat collars on. then her jacket is paired with maroon 
Polo. the sleeve of her Jacket is paired with sets of black leather gloves that has 
metallic finger tips on them inside of the gauntlet is a metal for protection 
then rubbers beneath the metal to act as insolation against  the heat. 
She wears black pants paired with knee high belted black boots then she placed 
Her sheathed long sword on her left side.  " You look great princess" Haru 
Compliments " hehe thanks.  going on light armor is very important for 
Adventurers. even though it provides less protection but it gives more 
mobility to compensate " Haru nods at her explanation then smiled  "Erasia 
Are you done preparing as well " She calls out to Erasia then the other comes
out from the changing room. she wore a Black long sleeve dress with a long and flowy train
in the back. it also sports a  breast plate armor and a chain mail inside. and then she 
also wore medium length full metal gauntlet. then pairs it with  thigh-high,
 intricate, black boots connected to garter-belts. then she wore the head dress
That has similar looks that of a maid's hair dress " Aha you're sporting a Semi 
Light armor yourself Erasia " Kouha notices and gives a commentary 
" Yes princess i believe can be a good vanguard "  Erasia responded " I Thought 
Vanguards should wear Semi- Heavy armor or heavy armor though "  Haru 
Responded within her thoughts with a sweat drop expression she had on 
" Ill go and inform my mother that i am leaving today "Kouha then walks into the 
Door and leaves the room and heads towards Horan's office to see her  one more time

" Mother " she calls out as she knocks on the door " Come in" Horan responded. 
Then Kouha opens the door and comes inside " Mother its already month tres. 
I think its about time for me to leave. to go on adventure " Kouha informs her 
Mother about her departing then Horan stops writing and puts her pen down 
" I see. and here i thought you are just gonna stick with the life of business " 
Horan responded " You'd be experiencing more painful journey ahead you know
And The life of adventuring isn't exactly a happy and peaceful one. its a life 
Filled with sorrow and agony. if you want to change your mind you still have 
the chance. " She added. to kouha it seems like her mother is expressing a worry
rather than trying to change her mind " Mother i am sure what you were saying 
is right but i am bound to experience them through time.  please take care 
of my little sister please raise to be a proper queen "  Kouha bows before her 
mother after replying and Horan sighed " You idiot daughter of mine. 
I know it very well that you had given up your rights for the throne for your  
Little sister's sake. even though you were regarded as heretic by the aristocrats
but the commoners loves and respects you and acknowledges you as the 
one with talent and a true personality and trait that of a queen. but 
if you insist upon wanting to go on your own path. then who i am to stop 
You. go my child leave " Horan stood up from her desk and walks towards
Her eldest daughter and gives her a long hug and kouha returns the hug as well 

As Kouha exits the back door of the castle. she saw Karue and haru as well erasia
Waiting for her " Have you already told your mother about  your departure? " 
karue asked " Yes mom i already have her blessing now i just need yours hehe " 
Kouha sheepishly giggles this side of kouha made karue chuckle then 
She grasp both of kouha's cheeks  "I am sure you'd be going  on a long adventure
But if the journey gets rough and tough mentally. always remember you have
us your family " then she proceed place a kiss on kouha's forehead prompting 
The other to hug her. then Karue returns the hug. after few minutes both breaks
The hug " Haru " Kouha calls as she turns to face haru " Yes princess?"  Haru 
Responds with a smile then Kouha gets the keys from her pocket and she 
Grabs haru's hand and place the keys on her palm? " Ehhh w-what?" haru was 
Surprised " These are the master keys to my company and to my craft room
Since ill be away. i wont be able to access them for a very long time. you 
can manage them or not that's up to you. but i just wanted to give these to 
You on my own will " Kouha smiled  and then haru grasps the keys and nods 
" Yes princess ill make sure to visit them everyday " Haru swears and it made 
Kouha smiled brightly " Thanks! "  She added energetically. then she proceeds
to hop on the hover mount and powers it on.  then Erasia follows while carrying 
Their bags then she hops on the seat in the back then Kouha revs the engines up
Causing the mount to levitate into higher altitude " Ill be back " Kouha Smiled
Brightly at them and then releases the break causing for the mount to fly 

Haru and Karue waves at the to them as they flew into the horizon 
" Sister... " Kaohu watches her sister leaves in her own room's window 
Horan watches the two leave in her office's window. smiling with a crossed 
arms " I Hope you'd meet good friends and people that are gonna be the 
causing factors of making your adventures a lively and fun one.  we will
be waiting for your coming back home So until then. take care of yourself
My Little princess  " Horan expresses her inner thought.  While Karue 
Stopped waving as she sees the two getting father and farther " She Really 
Do reminds me of you Doesn't she.  Horan?"  Karue and her inner thoughts
Under her smile.  meanwhile haru seeing the two slowly fading into the 
Horizon has a deep feeling of sadness because the person that gave her
Reasons, taught her freedom. is leaving her behind and she can't follow 
Because that she still has alot to learn  but she inhales and exhales 
" I Just Admire You and I Admit that I'm In Love. " Haru expresses loudly
And karue smiles upon hearing  " so until then. wait for me and ill be sure
to come to you my dear princess "  She added as she embraces both of the 
Keys and the sword that was given to her by princess kouha herself 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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