Chapter 97: Evil King Kindred

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The man at his 50s wearing a sleek black coat that is completely closed with belts
and this coat has a erected collars.  this is  paired with black pants and black 
calf high boots within inside his coat he wears a grey long sleeved shirt then 
he had his white sash dangling around his neck he had slicked his back to his
back he is a human with features of devilkin, protruding fangs, pale skins, 
Red irises black eyeballs and purple sclera " Hmmm interesting.  whoever planned
an attack like this is not just an ordinary adventurer. so careful so accurate a
force to reckon with "  The Evil king looks around as he opens the door to his 
Castle as he spun a heel inside he saw Kouha sitting on a stairs while the shiela
three standing beside her slanting their back against the stair's handle 
" We have been waiting old man"  Kouha " I suppose you got me cornered "  he 
Used his appraisal sight and identifies his enemies " The top 1 adventurer of
Cygnus Elsie Fair,  the top 2 Sheila Nord. hmm? this one supernatural? her name's
Erasia huh. but this girl in the middle is something else "  Cold sweet run past his 
Temple upon seeing Kouha's monstrous levels of ether " Unbelievable her ether
is too thick that it even conceals her attribute "  The Evil king thought to his self

Sheila generates electricity from her katars and bolts forward with her instant 
Thunder movement and performs lightning thrusts at him at override speeds
and he reacted to it by stepping back and kicks her in the stomach and she
arch her body forward and does a double arm block with her katar utilizing 
her wind attribute to  reduce the friction so that she won't get knocked back
But his seemingly amplified strength has slowly started to push her "Nrgghh! "
Sheila struggles to deflect his attack Elsie then slashes him through his blood
causing a severe in his side to open up " Blood slash? that's ridiculous way to 
Attack someone with water attribute " He fumes then Erasia popped up from 
His Shadow delivers a Jab to his head impacting him face first against the 
Pavement causing the whole castle to shake from her jab alone " back off" 
Kouha hollered " Then three of them immediately jumped away from the 
Evil king as he slowly rises with his malevolent purple aura toggled on 
All three of them returned to where kouha was  " Gravity Burst! "  The Evil 
King yelled his chant and Kouha raises her palm then the a large dome of 
Burst made up of stretched up matter and atoms causing a relativity burst 
To occur Kouha blocks it with her reinforced ether shield preventing 
Them being blown into smitheerens  then the evil king chuckled after the 
The gravity burst faded after being casted by him " Interesting" 

He looked at kouha " To think there's  a ether user capable of blocking the 
Gravity itself  you are way too capable for this expedition.  i even 
Begin to think that you are on par with the demon lord lambda " 
Evil King Praises her  " I want to pummel her down anyways so i am 
Starting by you "  Kouha smirked and the Evil king smirked back at her 
" I see let's see what you guys got " He stated as he utilized his gravity 
Attribute to empower his physical prowess " Just i thought he's using 
it as an offensive boosting armor " Kouha noticed the way he utilizes his gravity
Attribute then utilized his other Attribute the dark attribute " the Night 
is still young lets dance until one of us leaves this mortal coil " The evil 
king challenges them to attack him " Erasia " Kouha calls out as she 
Passed a long sword to Erasia " Go all out " Kouha orders  then Erasia 
Smirked with her eyes glowing red  " Yes Milady " Erasia replied with 
Enthusiasm then she unsheathes the long sword and pulls her great
Sword from her back and coated them with lightning energy causing 
The electricity within them to emit a buzzing and zapping sound 

" The First time i saw the Lightning Brave to fight i might as well 
Fight along side  " Sheila then grasps something underneath her 
Katar's handle causing the three headed blade to change into  
Single pointed merged blade then she channels this time both of her 
lightning and wind attribute within them Elsie then gets into a striking 
Stance wielding her sword in two handed style causing her blade generate
Jets of hyperactive water the Evil King then bolts towards them lugs a 
Graviton channeled punch to sheila's mug but Erasia charges forward 
and heads him with her vampiric strength causing him to skid backwards
Then performs a lightning stabbed from her distance to his distance 
fired from her long sword.  he bends the lightning with his punch 
and dissipates it Sheila rushed forward the moment the lightning 
Get's dispersed and strikes him with katar triggering a gale blow 
from the tip of her katar and sent him impacting against the tree 
Then Elsie leaps towards him and slashed him with her water blade
and he blocks it with both of his arm and his gravity aura causing
The water to disperse away he throws a punch at Elsie and he 
leaps  away from him with a swing of her sword causing the water molecules
around him To turn into mini blades and slashes him many times  
Sheila points her katar at him causing the air carrying ions to enclosed 
him then Erasia snaps her finger making those ions to become charged
and This Electrocutes him with immense electric shock the evil king 
Remained their motionless for a second then he grinned as his dark 
Attribute heals him through the the darkness factor of the night time 
itself " Very interesting so this is pain huh. i haven't felt it for awhile 
if you are all so weak otherwise this won't be a enjoyable fight " 
The Evil King laughed sinisterly as he stood up dusting off his clothes 
" The Fight is far from over old man " Erasia cleaved her sword against 
The ground causing pillars of lightning to strike the evil king but he absorbs
it with the touch of his palm  " What?" Both Sheila and Elsie reacts  " That
Was " Erasia wasn't sure if its absorption or not  " Similar or so.  it makes
Since he has gravity attribute so i am not shock that he had a blackhole 
touch " Kouha gives them the answer of what the evil king just did 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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