Chapter 53: Royal Maid on Action

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" Take others and Retreat " Whiu stated as she descends down after hovering 
This time whiu looks different or more like she's in her real form now . a Pale 
Skinned Beauty with a dark brown long hair. tied in ponytail with large White ribbon
She has a glowing emerald eyes and a pinkish lips. she was wearing a royal court 
vintage designed Maid outfit. that has colors of brown and whtie she wore black 
Thighs and knee high belted Boots. she also has  the maid hairdress on. 
Olga nodded her head then she , nedesko and Bruji carried the officers away from 
There. then the white haired woman descends down as well. then the woman 
Took off her mantle. revealing her outfit a sleeveless long coat but designed torn
Like and shaped into crescent form. the coat doesn't have buttons so its intended 
To be a split type.  at the waist of the coat is a fur that circulates it. the coat itself 
Doesn't have upper covering hence revealing the upper area of the bust  
the color theme of the coat is black and purple. then she has a Purple cape that 
is designed like  torn and sleek Two dragon wings she wore a short length shorts 
Paired with Knee high black armored boots and she wore a gauntlet on her arms 

" So you did came to me personally Whiu Candlite or should i call you with 
Your real identity? Priarfire Kingdom's Head Royal Maid Erasia Maharagi " 
The White haired woman states Whiu's real identity " Looks like you been 
Doing good as well being a dog to the council. Lady of Darkness Nishka 
Taylor " Erasia also did the same stating the woman's real identity 
it was clear that Nishka was not happy about being called a dog of the 
Council then the two levitates while seizing each other up. Both flare their 
Auras based according to their attribute a aura in form of dark smoke on 
Nishka's and electricity dancing around Erasia in a blink of an eye both 
of their fists collides against each other causing a dome of shockwave to 
Nishka head butts Erasia to break their collision prompting erasia to shake
her head and nishka tackles her against to the other city destroying settlements
On their way Erasia kicks her away and leaps and lugs a punch at her causing 
bursts of lightning to hit on the ground impacting Nishka against the ground  
Then she rolled away and does a black flip evading Erasia's Lightning Tackle 
Nishka points her finger at Erasia and Generates a Absolute Darkness which 
Distorts everything in its vicinity and Fires it against Erasia causing it to destroy 
and distort every matter on its way like a fast distorting void that gobbles everything

Erasia Coats her fight with almighty class lightning. and punch the Absolute 
Distortion with ease causing the lightning gnaw at until it completely dissipates 
Then Erasia's Fists glows and performs a long range lightning Nishka utilizes 
her void physiology and performs the cross arm guard and attempts to block it 
but the power of the almighty lighting still blew her away and it flung her against 
The huge building and it crashes down on her then she stood up as smokes and 
Static wanes from her as she regenerates " Looks like i had underestimated you 
I will take you on seriously now " Nishka then pulls out her Spear that has Draconic 
Like Designed with a tip shaped like a dragon's head. it had a large ribbon wrapped 
Against it as part of design. the color of the spear is obsidian black and it emits 
Purple glow on its entirety  " so you had pulled out the Calamity huh. great 
I guess ill pull my sacred edge as well " Then Erasia manifests a Great Sword
Clad in Angelic white colors.  its designed to be cross shape that has a Arrow 
Head Shaped Blade it emits the power of  Divine Lightning.  then she flicks it 

Then Nishka stabs the ground with her spear causing both of them to be instantly 
Transported into the Void zone. where nothing can escape where everything is made
of pure darkness  where the only light in there is their eyes glowing and the glow 
From their weapons  Nishka lifts her spear up in Whiu's eyes she suddenly multiplied 
And strikes her Erasia Parries each attack then Nishka Drags the spear from the bottom
And slashed Erasia the other tries to stomp  the spear down but the pavement of the 
Blade were turned into form of a slash. causing to Erasia to get slashed and knocked
upwards the field of darkness wont let her to land down making her stay still in 
mid air nishka then relentlessly slashes her with her spear the darkness around her 
responded to her attacks it also slashes Erasia. in each slash that Erasia Takes 
it slowed down her response to movement and dulls her sense of movement  
it is as if everything around her slowed that down that was what she felt 
Nishka Pierced Erasia with her spear and slams Erasia against the pavement but 
The void synchronized with her attack and it unleashed a dark spire piercing 
Erasia from behind causing to be skewered nigh in mid air. Erasia bleeds severely

Each wound Erasia got weakens here severely due to the void zone's Domain 
of Weakening and Anti-Curative Curse which hinders and halts any form of 
healing and regeneration then Nishka peforms a Spinning sweep attacks with her 
Spear causing Whiu to be ragged down in mid air while being at suspended state 
Due to the Void Zone's Hold Against her. Then Niskha spins her spear peforms a 
Wide Ranged Megido Slash against Erasia.  as Erasia about to lose her sense of 
Touch she has felt her grip on her Sacred Edge to be fading " Ah.. i am losing my 
sense one by one.. I Can't succumbed to the damage i took yet... " She clenches
her fingers against her sword's Handle she incinerates the Dark hold of the void zone
With her Violent Lightning Aura. then she used the Sacred's power to parry the 
Megido Slash but the collision of the powers causes her to skid backwards 
Then she stabbed the sacred edge against the void's pavement then she wiped 
The blood off her lips then she pulls the sacred edge off the pavement and 
Flicks it  then her eyes glows red activating her vampiric prowess to regenerate 
" It seems like you had given me quite a beating its my turn to give you one " 
then Erasia Activates the Zionforce causing the whole domain to be engulfed 
by the Positive and negatively charged energies this simply alone the presence of 
Erasia's Attribute then around her is a hyper-active maelstorm which discharges 
Lightning bolts endlessly around her then Erasia lifts her sword up and slashes Nishka

The Slash was at the speed that breaks the speed itself as both concept and definition 
She keeps slashing Nishka as the energies around them indefinitely attacks Nishka
And each strike increases her sensitivity against pains the lightning around them 
Lashes at her like omni-directional whips and chains and each strike disintegrates 
Her instantly and she keeps regenerating and reforming her body due to the void
zone still active. Erasia keeps slashing Nishka ragdolling  her as each swings puts her 
In Ragdoll motion the slashes on each hits becomes stronger and faster each 
Lightning strikes becomes powerful each of positively and negatively charged 
Energies Affecting her giving her negative effects that are beyond mortalization 
And Weakening combined. " You are tough alright. i give you that. " Erasia was 
Astounded by how durable Nishka is by taking alot of punishments from her  
Erasia has to finish this and she knows that she has to defeat Nishka before the 
Time limit of the zionforce is up as it will put alot of toll on her after it deactivates 
She  decided to dual wield as she manifests the sister sword of the Sacred Edge 
The Eclair Edge then she starts slashing Nishka full of fury and precision as Every
Attack and Every hits counts under the time limit of the zionforce itself 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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