Chapter 3: Outbreak - Part 2

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 " Alright for starters we need to barricade ourselves up " 
The manager suggested with soft voice " But Ma'am do you 
Have Anything that would suit this place up? " one of the customers 
Asked  " if you ask for tools to lock this place up with wood and Metal 
Yes i do but we can't make any noise no matter what.  the crystal doors 
And windows wont be enough to provide defenses let alone stall the swarm
the outside. " she explained " What should we do now Ma'am " The guards asked 
" Lets take off ours foot wears and sneakily barricade the place with heavy 
Furnitures "  The Manager briefed " All of them nodded and takes off their shoes
and the men started doing the heavy work such as lifting the furniture and 
Carries them with all of their put because pushing causes so much noise 

They Barricaded the the glass door with the tall ones like bookshelves 
Mug Shelves,  Cupboard on the top of the heavy table after them and
Tripled it with larger furniture such sofa and couches that are in lounge
After every glass window and doors are being barricaded everyone took
A Breather  "Good Job Everybody,  our Survival solely relies on your 
Cooperation, let us cooperate until to the very end " She speeched
And Then Everyone looked at her and nodded their heads in agreement

Meanwhile at the Quarantine Blockade the Counterforce are having 
An open Fire against the Zombies using their attribute empowered firearms
"Don't Falter! Keep Firing! Take all of them down even it means Wiping out the
 Whole Town clean! "Kyle the Delta Squad Leader Hollered at his troops as 
He too fires at the infected with his Assault rifle  "Sir yes sir! " The Troops 
Responded and Proceed to arm their selves upon with even more firepower
Meanwhile the white haired woman wearing a female commander uniform
Is watching the footage of the outbreak through her satelites from space 
Her name is Olga the commander and founder of the Counterforce  

" We can't seem to locate or detect what kind of monster is doing this
and i am pretty sure this can't be just written off as justly as Anomaly "
Olga stated as uncrossed her arms  and place her palm on her chin 
" More over, it seems more and more people are being infected all i 
Could hope is for people to stay quiet at least "  She then pulled her 
Phone and calls the head chief of electric company " Hey its me 
Olga of the counterforce, i request the shutdown of powers 
in whole of New york city, do it we got outbreak to dealt with " 
She ordered the head chief to cut off the power of whole New York

Meanwhile Somewhere faraway a grey haired woman wearing a 
Black queen Crown dressed in all black fashion and hanging
her trench coat over her shoulder watching the chaos occurring on the 
New York City  she kept a grin when she saw the counterforce 
Struggling  against the current situation " Well then Olga let's see 
How far you can really go.  i do hope the pesky supernatural 
Collector wont appear so soon so that fun won't be shortened 
She is the queen of the underworld also the founder and creator
of the Evil Bellows Organization, Her name is Yvon Strasser 

Meanwhile at the coffeeshop everyone sitting on the couch and sofas 
Chatting about their situation as softly as possible then suddenly 
The Power went out they gasped as the darkness blankets the room 
So sudden and they tucked their urge to panic very hard internally 
In order not to make alot of noise to attract the swarm surrounding them
then the manager pulls up the charged emergency light to provide a 
Bit of lit to the room " Looks like the counterforce has decided on 
putting the whole city on a black out  " one of the business men 
Pointed out and the manager nodded her head " I Have a generator
But "  She added " Oh that's great " the male college student replied 
" The Thing is its in the back and its risky to go out there " the Manager
Sighed as she let them knew its location everyone looked at each 
other and started discussing softly of who is going to do it  

" We'll do it "  The Two Servers raised their hands " You guys? 
But its risky and you guys might not make it "  The Manager 
" Both of us are orphans and we have no family waiting for us
so we'll do it. we'll power on the generator for everyone's sake 
Please if something happened to us please do the necessary thing " 
The Two Servers replied as  they insist to volunteer to risk their 
Lives  " you two are really the unsung heroes"  then she looked
At the two guards " Be the Door guard for them " She ordered 
And the two security guards nodded to her then she handed the 
Emergency light at one of the servers and the four of them headed 
to the back through the kitchen of the store itself  the servers Slowly 
opening the door and sneakily goes out of the kitchen and headed
To where the generator was safely place and located  

Then one of the servers is providing light to the other by Holding
The Emergency light and the other Server gets his hands on the 
Generator and starts firing it up the noise of the generator 
Powering up causing agitation to the surrounding zombies 
the zombies glomps on them them tackling them down biting 
Them  the two servers screams in agony, alerted by the screams
one of the guard slowly opens the back door while strafing his 
Gun he saw two servers being attacked by the zombies he 
Attempts to help them but the Manager Grabbed his arm
Pulling him back inside "Stop it they're gone, don't waste 
a single bullet here we need to put those ammos on good 
use especially if we are to decide to evacuate later on " 
The Manager said to the two of them and they agree on her 
Decision then the three of them went back to the dining hall

Then Everyone turn their gazes to the three of them and 
The whole store is lit up hinting the power is back on
Due to the help of the generator " Did the the other two... ?"
One of the customers asked the manager and she nodded
her head "Yes they're gone.  Lets not forget the willingness 
in sacrifice those two did for us "  The manager Stated and
Everyone nodded and went back to chatting and coming 
up with topics that are related to their situation  

[ To Be Continued  ] 

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