Chapter 61: Childhood - 5

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While Erasia was cleaning the dishes that Kouha used this morning. 
She heard the other maids having a conversation " Hey did you know that 
About the rumor about Princess kouha?" One of the maids gossips " Yes 
I heard that she is helping commoners like us she might be wild and free
but she also has a benevolent heart " one of maids replied " us the commoners
really loved her that's for certain. but what about the nobles..?"  other maid 
Replied worriedly " The nobles wont shut up about it for sure. since this was 
The first that a royal after lord horan. shown a great care and consideration 
For commoners like us "  another  responded " Yeah she has earned the Ire of 
The noble families causing her to be branded as the heretic princess " one 
of them joined  " Quit your chattering and get back to work " the head maid spotted
Them talking and they immediately resumed their royal maid duties  

Hours later. Erasia was seen carrying dried laundered clothes on her way 
To the hallway and she heard Kouha's voice coming from her room 
She decided to take a peek in there she saw Kouha with Haru talking 
" Princess does this comes with a set?" Haru asked " Eh what?"  Kouha
Responded unsure of what is Haru is referring about then Haru chuckled 
And picks up the automatic water heater and temperature stabilizing cups 
" Do they come with sets? " Haru smiled while asking  " Well if you are 
The type that enjoys tea time I guess i could make that a set " Kouha responded
Then Haru puts both down and she placed her hands together and nods  
" Then princess as your first customer can i request you to make me this set " 
Haru smiled at her while asking for request " You betcha i will! " Kouha 
Responded at her with cheerful smile which made Haru giggle at that sight 

Erasia smiled and carries on with her afternoon duties as one of royal maids 
And later at night Erasia was tasked to deliver the documents to queen horan 
Before she could knock on the door she heard horan and karue discussing about 
Something  " You told our little girl about her being a flame scion and the 
Immortality that she has possessed  " Erasia widened her eyes upon hearing the 
Part of the princess being an immortal " yeah i did and it must been a really 
heavy burden for her " Horan sighed " Though about this immortality. is it 
Activated after birth or is there a certain  age for it to be activated " Karue Asked 
" Age conditioned Immortality. since it was given to me at my thirty then hers 
Should be somewhere Age 25 and 30 " Horan responded to Karue's question 
Erasia waited for the conversation and stood five minutes infront of the door 
So that she wont come off as eavesdropping she knocked on the door and 
Horan  permitted her to enter then Erasia delivers the papers to her then after 
That she excused herself and went off the office then she heads towards her room
Upon entering her room she closes the door. then she spun a heel towards her bed

She sat on her bed facing the windows. she hugs her legs while looking at the stars
at night Erasia is having a mix feelings about Kouha's Age conditioned Immortality 
" Having immortality also means having eternal youth and defy death inducing illness 
or disease... " Curled her lips in frustration " she wont be able to age after hitting 25th
year of her life " She repeated that sentence inside her mind " My life revolves around
princess now.. she saved me from my horrible life.. gave me a life that finally lets me 
do something.. a life that i could never dreamt of having of.. now that i have.. its all
i owe my life and everything to her... " Tears runs from her eyes down to her cheeks 
" I want to serve her till the end of my life... till i am no longer able to.. i want to be 
Her maid till i am grey and frail...  but... she's immortal... I'd get old before her... 
I'd get weak and frail before her.. I'd die before her... i don't want to be a pain that
she's Going to remember eternally.... " Erasia laments while she continuous to lament 
To her own mortality a thought crosses her " What if i do too " She stated erasia 
Suddenly remembered about Daywalker vampires unable to die of old age nor from
Disease and that they have a immense self healing factor and that she also remembers
That Kouha has something stored that is related to the daywalker vampires themselves
she gets up of her bed takes the spare key from her table and heads towards  there 

After  arriving there she unlocked the door and opens it then she spun a heel inside and 
Closes the door behind her then she proceed to head towards the collective cabinet 
Where the preserved materials are kept she browses through the bottles and found a 
Bottle that contains the daywalker vampire's heart she knew how it looks as she remembers
its appearance in one of Kouha's research books then she opens the bottle it unleashed a horrid
Smell due to the preserving liquid that was used on it. meanwhile kouha was walking Towards
Her craft room checking one last time before going to sleep " Hmm? I don't remember 
Leaving this room unlocked earlier.. i think i must have forgotten earlier " She then 
Opens the door and saw Erasia about to take a bite a with a daywalker's heart she 
Enters and hurriedly closes the door and rushes  towards Erasia  " Erasia you idiot! 
what you are doing?? do you know what you are about to do and what it may 
Result you as?!  " Kouha fumed in a protesting manner showing concern as well 
" Yes I know what i am doing lady kouha i had once read it from one of your research
Materials. I Would too become a daywalker if i had eaten the raw heart of a day walker
Vampire  "  Erasia responded to kouha seemingly fully knowing what she is doing 

" If you know that much why do you insist upon doing this Erasia! " Kouha yelled
at with her with an angered tone but she did this because she's worried about 
Erasia " Princess i know you are an aged conditioned immortal. and so that 
means by becoming a daywalker vampire i could serve you eternally princess 
Kouha please let me do so.  " Erasia plead. Kouha was speechless about Erasia's 
steadfast and unbreakable loyalty and she couldn't say anything about the far 
Lengths that erasia plans to do by giving her loyalty eternally to Kouha herself 
All Kouha could is watch erasia proceed with her intentions. she watched Erasia 
Chow down on a raw daywalker 's heart  the moment erasia finished it she 
Kneel down in pain with her eyes glowing red she was filling the extreme chills
Erasia was having a convulsion and erratic episodes.  Kouha walks towards her 
And embraces her tightly " This must be the Hybrid turning process. the body 
Simply trying to understand to adapt to every instantaneous changes in cells, 
hormones, genetically compounds basically every biochemistry changes 
Within the body slowly adapting to it the only way to for this is waiting it out
Until her body recognizes, adapts and administered the changes as its own " 

She tightens her embrace on Erasia " Basically she's undergoing the Biochemical 
Metamorphosis " She accurately deduces Erasia's uncomforting change in 
Process  she kept embracing erasia to comfort her while undergoing painful 
Hybrid turning process. it took about an half of hour until the process is finally 
Completed she examines erasia. she checks if her pupils are diluted and all
She could see her pupils were turn into cat like when she is in vampiric state 
She also check if Erasia had grown any fangs and found that her canines 
Were normal she also checked Erasia's blood by cutting her and takes a 
vial and store some blood. then she plucks a leaf from one of her plants 
And drops it on the vial this causes the leaf to wither upon teaching her 
Blood. Kouha nodded and proceeds to seated erasia and uses her 
Advanced Attribute vision notices that Erasia's heart is still pumping 
Blood and that also that her temperature remains at cold state  she 
Nodded her head and proceeds to record all of it on her Research book 

" Looks like being a daywalker hybrid doesn't ceases your heart 
And Doesn't let you grow a fang. that means you are a daywalker 
That could never develop a taste for blood. which also means 
That  your taste Towards meat related foods became non-existent 
You gonna have to eat fish and vegetables and fruits for the rest of your life
Your blood being highly toxic to living  matter only indicates that you cannot 
cannot be touched by anyone while severely wounded. having a blood like this
also means that you cannot drink water. you can only drink toxins like alcohol 
To keep your body liquids regulated. Daywalkers don't burn in daytime so you
Don't have worry about it. your body being at constant cool temperature would 
Also make you pale. gladly your natural pale skin hasn't changed by it "  
Kouha tells Erasia her full dialysis about her about her status quo  and 
Erasia looks kouha in the eyes and asked " Would i also become immortal?" 
She asked " Yeah.. as a hybrid you wont become an immortal immediately 
Your body will only attained that once it stopped growing after reaching the
Adulthood which is your 30s " Kouha sighed when she answered that and 
Erasia smiled " I know its selfish of me princess but please let me dedicate 
This life that you saved to you " She spoke with utmost loyalty.  then Kouha
Holds Erasia in the shoulders " No one should know about this understood? 
Ill tell my mothers and your mother about this. so that no one in our queendom
Knows that there's a daywalker living in their nation i don't want you to get 
Exiled by the Rights of nobles "  Kouha requested and Erasia nodded her head 
Swearing not to tell anyone about her well being as daywalker vampire  

Kouha sighed and stood up from her seat "Ill clean the mess here Erasia 
You should go wash yourself up using this room's washroom. i can't 
Afford of the risk of you spotted bloodied " Kouha ordered and whiu
Bows " yes princess ill do what you wish " before Erasia could turn around
Kouha stops her  " Before you get the room make sure to toggle off your
Vampiric state  " Erasia nods and toggles off her vampiric state which led
The red glow from her eyes to disappear causing her normal green colored 
Eyes to come to light.   " Well then if you excuse me princess " Erasia bows 
As she excuses herself then she spun a heel towards the wash room she 
takes off her outfit and proceeds to go to the washroom locking the doors
And proceeds to take a shower. Kouha then carries the change of clothes 
to Whiu and proceeds to take the bloodied maid outfit of Erasia and starts
Washing it with her hands  in one of her Craft room's sink she washed it 
With soap and water then after washing it she dries it  by squeezing the outfit
and then she flapped it five times to flick some water out of it and then 
She walks towards the window and proceeds to open it proceeds to 
hang the maid outfit outside of the window where the metal ledges  are 
At and she hang it in there using a clothing hanger. and left it there for a night
" Loyalty huh "  Kouha places crosses her arms pondering about Erasia's decision

[ T o Be Continued  ] 

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