Chapter 81: Flight Disturbed.

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Kouha Sets her Hover Mount on auto-flight as she takes out some packed 
meals from her bag and a bottle of water " Huh a boxed lunch. i guess 
Erasia knows best after being my personal maid for years " She then opens
The meal box and starts eating by spoon only " She was high up in the skies
So that her hover mount cannot be heard passing by the skies of Von Doux 
" so nutritious. now i remember that erasia started making nutritious foods 
After she gets a earful from haru " Kouha chuckles as she remembers that 
then she proceeds to she is looking at the stars as she finished her boxed meal
and opens a bottle of water and drinks then closes it and puts it back to the 
bag " Reminds me of that night i danced with haru. i wonder what is she doing 
Now? i heard she's doing business trips  in my stead. well that's really great
Since that means she's learning about the world outside of our nations " 
Kouha smiled as she's genuinely happy that haru was pursuing what she wants
To do " Maybe ill visit her once i am a orichalcum rank " then she placed her hand
On her hover mount's handle bars  " now then " She Squeezes the throttle 
Causing it bolt forward faster leaving a trail of disoriented clouds on her way 

She then lowers her altitude to take a look at the distance in front then she 
Saw the Abandoned Temple " That must be it " She starts lowering her altitude
to a 500 feet in the air and starts speeding up the hover mount more. 
" Most of dungeons are formed over hundred years ago. since when ashrey 
Said that this  one is recently formed she must have meant about two decades ago huh 
From the way it looks this town been abandoned just right around two decades"
She measures the dungeon's age through the topography and visible history 
of the town from the air then she noticed her vehicle slowing down.  "huh?"
She then proceeds to look at her motorcycle's visual gauges " What the? 
Power's dropping down? " she noticed her electronic gauges flickering  on and off
" This Vehicle isn't run by electricity either but Freym Attrite core and attribution stones
Then that means "  her hover mount suddenly died off and her mount starts 
Descending fast  " That there's an Anti- Attribution field in the outskirts of the 
Town  " she then presses the buttons on the right  bar  and causes the mount's
Wings to switch to its mechanical state bringing out its gliding capabilities 
She then aimed her mount's head towards the town and guides the vehicle
To Glide towards it while simultaneously slowing her Descending speed 

As soon as she she  lands her hover mount behind one of the house near 
The entrance. this is to make sure that no one would steal her vehicle 
it could be rogues, bandits or another zealous adventurers " I think its 
Well hidden for now " She looks at her hover mount that is safely parked 
Behind the Abandoned Inn's Backspace then she proceeds to walk into
The moonlight exiting the alley. she take a look around her all she could 
See is dust filled buildings the town was nothing but ruins that are slowly
Falling apart due to the decades of abandonment. She still could see the 
place bound souls that are groaning in ethereal suffering they look horrendous
Due to the way how they died especially some of the souls were sacrifices for
The sake of worshipping culture.  " When a living being dies their soul is 
Trapped in their lingering ether which later becomes Ethereal a type of 
Ether that contains the souls of the once living being however only a 
Place Bound souls are  subjected to this kind of afterlife condemnation 
While a majority of souls goes to Noviere after all " She then unsheathes 
Her Long  sword  and takes a look again at the wandering souls that 
are wandering this abandoned temple town aimlessly in eternal suffering

" Once i completed the dungeon this town too will collapse so it would 
be the best i will freedom them before they become permanently part 
of this location "  She then channels her either on her long sword 
Causing her sword to have a bluish light glow " May Noviere accepts 
You as its a part of peoples. i will use Ether Smite on them "  She then 
Wields her Long sword with both hands and formulates the ether withn
it causing the bluish white glow to take a form of a massive great sword of
Ether its size in length is about half the size of the town itself. then she 
then she slashed the entire town with it. without causing any physical 
Damage to the town just the wandering swords that are being slashed 
Severing their soul from their ether freeing them from their ethereal state
then the ether that binds the souls breaks down and dissipates causing 
For the souls to obtain their human looks when they are still alive and 
They all lined infront of Kouha and smiled at her as they wave at her a 
Farewell " Thank you young adventurer we can now be at peace "  
They say as they cross the white light that is calling them which is the 
Noviere . as soon they all crossed into the white light.  the light disappeared
Then Kouha taps her index finger on the Formulated ether on her sword
causing it dissipate and wane away. reverting her sword back to its normal
appearance then she sheathes it back and puts it back to her waist 

Then she looked ahead to where the dungeon is seemingly based at 
" No Problem may you all be at peace " She says she starts to spun a 
Heel towards the dungeon. the once eerie atmosphere that the 
Abandoned town has. no longer around as the atmosphere that it 
Now emits is a peaceful one. Just a town that is in ruins and falling 
apart giving up peaceful ambience.  cold breeze of the night 
The howling of a wind hitting against the windows of the buildings 
A Moonlight that is brighter than it used to be earlier. then kouha 
Grabs a bottle of water while walking she opens it and drinks from it
" Now then i wonder what's waiting for me " She smirked with anticipation
As she could see that she's getting closer and closer to the dungeon 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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