Chapter 28: Counterforce Attacks!

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 In the abandon airport in Germany. Leah and other high ranking evil bellows 
Are there on pick up mission they were there to pick up a supply of monstrium formula
Probably provided by Rin Elrune. " Why do we have to do a secret pick up this makes 
us look suspicious criminals " Yegor fumed " Dude we are. the suspicious criminals " 
Fuchsia responded " Oh that's true " Yegor replied. " Anyone on sight?" Leah asked 
" Coast clear Ma'am " Reynold responded " Alright lets head out -- " Before Leah 
Could finished her sentence yegor got kicked in the mug and gets flung into one of the 
unused planes. his impact caused the plane to explode " Going somewhere evil bellows
Hmm? hmm? " Elvira stated as she lowers her foot down as the  " Where did she...
Don't tell me... " Leah Realizes " Kyle!!! " she yelled. then Kyle emerges from Elvira's
Shadow and performs a forward forward thrust against leah with his lance gun. 
She reacted upon it and utilized a Light Sword and blocks it causing both of their 
Weapons to collide.  Reynold before he could snapped his fingers to stop time. his
Fingers got frozen Cherish undone her temperature cloaking and performs a high 
Side kick and slam's Reynold's entire mug onto the pavement " What's going on why 
Is the counterforce are attacking us with so much fury. we never seen them getting 
Serious this much " Kresnia observes things as she runs along Fuchsia  

Then Fuchsia gets a low sweep from nedesko causing her to bowl over then she 
Performs a kipup on to get hit by nedesko with a low curve kick causing her mug 
To be impacted against the pavement again  then Kresnia takes a detour and summons 
her Wind Eagle and commands it to carry the monstrium formula supply back to the 
headquarters of Evil bellows as she as she turns around She got tackled by Mason 
Against the wall then he grabbed her by the face and repeatedly smash her face 
Against the very same wall.  then Bruji strafes with her sniper rifle then Svenia 
Fired her sniper rifle at her but Bruji pulls out her high powered pistol and fires 
At the bullet of Svenia causing it to changed its trajectory and gets deflected on 
The ground Bruji fires accurately at Svenia using the same pistol Svenia blocks 
it with her sniper rifle and bruji no scope shot using a sniper rifle at her causing 
Svenia to drop her sniper rifle then bruji switches to pistol quickly and shoots at 
Svenia causing the other to run for the cover. Bruji then proceeds to descend  from 
The Aviation tower  then after she left the tower through stair case She saw the masked
woman and chase after Svenia the two had a run gun Fight going on  

Fuchsia grabs one of the nedesko's foot after the other performed a round kick she 
Performs a Repeated Front kicks at Nedeko's mug. Svenia Quickly reloads
Her Handgun  fired at Bruji's pistol's  barrel causing it to clogged and fires at second
shot at her. disarming bruji off her Pistol. Leah slam her palm at Kyle's sternum and 
Knocks him away with a light blast then she slashed him through his eyes's reflection
Reynold clasp his hands together trapping Cherish inside of a Time specturm then 
He charged his fist with Temporal energy and dashes forward at irrelevant speed
To lug a punch at Cherish in her mug. then Yegor catches one of Elvira's punches 
And Decays her Enhancements immediately then he attempts to decay physiology 
also simultaneously weakens her using decay as well. Kresnia then performs a 
Tornado punch by on mason by transforming her fist into massive twister and 
Slams mason onto other side of the the airport. Carlotta levitating in the skies 
Manifesting Colossal Swords and Spears that are embed with Anti-Attribute 
Empowered and fires it at the Counterforce officers. but the Moby dick Quickly 
Bolts forward and blocks all of the colossal weapons with its Absolute defense 
Manifested by the stronghold squad. the skyship unveiled its cloaking state 

" The moby dick don't tell me! " then a massive lightning bolt struck her from 
The clouds causing her to scream in pain and she fells down from the skies 
" Enhance Physiology: Body Supremacy " Elvira utilizes the ultimate form of her 
Enhancement attribute and completely resisted yegor's decay then she amplified 
His fearing and a mere snap from her finger causing a loud shock going through 
His brain thus knocking him unconscious. Kyle closed utilized his dark attribute 
to Utilized his Bicorn to appear from Leah's shadows. the horse knocked 
Lia through head butt and kyle shoots void bullets from his land gun at her knees
and causing her to reel down and performs a low kick to her mug and then he
Stomps on her sternum rearing his Lance gun nigh to her mug. nedesko caught 
Fuchsia's heel and grips it then she she does a quick low side kick against Fuchsia's 
Back leg causing her to fall down and nedesko quickly grabs her from her collar 
And performs a overhead punch at her mug slamming Fuchsia unconscious against 
The pavement. nede wipes the the blood off her lips and nose and pulls out a handgun
And points it at the unconscious fuchsia meanwhile mason stood up from the ground 

he activate his armored power suit and bolts forward Kresnia Shoots Massive 
Twisters from both of her hands he just rush through it and lugs a empowered 
Punch from his Suit's gauntlet impacting Kresnia against the wall unconscious 
Reynold freezes into block of Ice. Cherish freezes the time spectrum and breaks 
Free from it then she kicked reynold causing him to crash into blocks of ice then 
he used rewind time to reform his body but cherish performs a low altitude 
Uppercut causing him to flung high and landed on his pain he winced in pain 
Cherish freezes his body except for his head then she grasp his face and slowly 
Compresses him into subatomic levels by artificially stopping all of his molecules 
Within his body he widened his eyes in terror.  meanwhile Bruji sidesteps avoiding
The Third Bullet fired from Svenia and sunks a knife on masked woman's side 
she kicked Svenia in the knee and lugs a rabbit punch at her with such fury 
Causing Svenia to immediately lose consciousness. meanwhile walker descends 
From the thunder clouds and pulls out a attribute powered handgun  from his 
Coat's inner pocket and points it at the paralyzed half unconscious  Carlotta 
As they are about to perform a coupe de grace on the evil bellows " Stop " They 
All heard olga's voice " If you kill them. we'd be no different than them. " Olga 
Stated then they all lowered their weapons and sighed " Sorry Ma'am we got 
Carried away from our anger " Cherish as she let  go Reynold's face. then all of 
Sudden of all of the evil bellow high ranking members gets teleported out from 
There. without any cause or reason " This ability Yvon's huh " Olga deduces 
" Sorry Master. but i can't allow you to put by underlings behind the bars. i wont 
Abandon you like how you did to me and Rin. Twenty Five Years ago " Yvon responded 
Hinting that she may have observe the whole ordeal with her own attribute 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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