Chapter 58: Childhood - 2

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Morning in the Priafire Queendom.  at the gardens of the royal palace 
in a Small teahouse there's the two young girls having tea together one of the 
Girl's has a long pastel yellow colored hair that has white hue on it she also 
has a beautiful amber colored eyes and a cute and pretty face. this girl is 
the fiancee of Kaohu. she is the young duchess from Hurrain Dukedom an allied 
Nation with the priafire kingdom. their parents are long close friends to each other
Both Haru and Kouha are of the same age. which is Ten years old while 
Kouha was wearing a royal outfit.  Haru was wearing a noble themed outfit 
This is necessary to show the difference in rank which Kouha didn't like about. 

" So how is it going Haru ?" Kouha asked while takes a sip off her tea then Haru 
Looks at her tea and smiled mildly " I am fine thank you for asking princess Kou "
Haru responded  " Though I have been focusing on academics and etiquettes 
Recently... " Haru added  " hmm " Kouha places her tea cup down " Why though?"
She asked " Pardon?" Haru was taken a back by her question " Why are you 
focusing on Academics and Etiquette?  Don't you like have something else that 
You really like to do ? " She asked  " Maybe...?" Haru responded with unsure tone 
" I am doing this so that i can be a good queen-consort for princess Kaohu " 
Haru added as she drinks her tea " Kouha then pours tea on her cup and lifts her 
cup up " Being a good partner doesn't need to be doing the same things as your 
Partner. what really makes a woman a good queen-consort is how they are able
Support their partner and how they should make their other-half happy. that's 
All to that " then Kouha drinks her tea " Are you telling me.. that i should disobey 
my duties.. and responsibilities..?"  Haru felt attacked by Kouha's opinion 
" Who knows maybe five years later you'd find out " Kouha responded and this 
Made Haru silent as she can't fathom about abandoning her obligations as duchess 

" Princess its time for your sparring match " The Head Maid notified her " Yeah 
Coming " Kouha stood up as she puts her empty tea cup down  " wait a minute 
Sparring?" Haru stood up as well wondering what does that means  " Ah 
As you see Kaohu recently been mentored into the ways of Royal swordplay 
And Mom Karue pits her against me to see how far in the progress she has gone 
Do you wanna come and watch?" Kouha asked " Please allow me " Haru responded 
with a bow  then they went to the training grounds of the Royal Palace then 
Both Kouha and Kaohu enters the center with their weapons with them 
Kaohu was using a Rapier and Kouha was using a wooden sword  to compete 
" Wait a second why is Princess Kouha using a wooden sword. a wooden 
Sword against a real weapon that's not fair " Haru protests then the Head
Maid chuckled which surprises Haru " I guess its your first time here 
Duchess Hurrain. well for now why not just watch to find out " the head 
Maid then smile and gives Haru a pat in the head which confuses Haru 

" You both have 60 mins to try and defeat each other.  the match ends 
When one of you surrenders or unable to continue the fight. now then 
Start! " Karue gives the signal then Kaohu places her left hand on her back
then Kouha takes a offset less one hand wielding stance.  " Royal swordplay 
The type of fighting style that is focused on elegance and dexterity while 
the other one is a offset one hand sword play. which is focused on 
Countering and versatility of attacks. its hard to believe at such age she's
Keenly mastered such a fighting style " Haru quietly observes their moves 
Kaohu performs a step in forwarding stab. Kou steps forward to close the 
Gasp and slams the ridge of her against the Rapier's ridge causing for it
To be bounced backwards then she used the guard of the wooden sword 
To disarm Kaohu then she positioned the blade slanting downwards and 
performs a upside sweep but stops the motion of her wooden just inches 
Away from Kaohu's neck then she pulls her wooden sword away she then 
Turn around and walks back to her corner and flicks her sword   

" From Parry to Disarm then to Attack. the transition of defense to 
offense is really quick. what a bone chilling talent leaving no room
For flashiness Just pure intention to defeat something or someone
if that wasn't a wooden sword. Princess Kaohu would have lost her 
head now i understand why she's using a wooden sword... " Haru 
Explains what she has seen with her own eyes. even though she 
Sees now flashiness and elegance in Kouha's Performance but 
She's intrigue how the other fights with just Savagery and efficiency. 
Then she keeps observing how the spar goes. she sees that Kaohu
is getting countered by Kouha at every attack she throws at her older sister
then she moved her eyes to Kaohu " She who thinks with a royal mind 
the mind that answers to all expectations of people around her
a Royal that is following the  purpose of her role " then she moved her gaze 
To Kouha who seemingly appeared to be shinning in her eyes and her 
eyes widened at that moment " And She who thinks with freedom a 
Mind that decides to follow what she wants to do in her life. a 
person who thinks others are also free to decide to on their own " 
then she held her hand against her chest and looks down " Freedom is a 
Luxury that not all people can have. its the Luxury that most desired 
Yes its the luxury to get to freely decide on your own... " Then her  
Expression sours " do i really deserve such luxury... ?"  Haru felt 
something heavy is swelling inside her but she cannot describe it 

Later at the dusk. after Haru went home through her carriage and 
Kaohu went back to studying again. Kouha was summoned to the 
Queens's office and there she stood before her mothers. " Daughter 
I Must tell you something " Horan opens a topic " Sure what is it 
Mom " Kouha responded attentively " You are the current flame scion
My dear little princess.  And this role was already been decided the 
Moment you are born " Horan tells her daughter about her destiny
" Then mother the previous flame scion is... " Then Horan nodded at Kou 
" Yes it was me " She admits to her daughter  " The Flame Scion in vice 
versa meaning. is the inheritor of flames.  which was later declared as a 
race of our own.  many of the previous flame scions already passed on 
However in my case I was an immortal flame scion the first immortal 
Flame scion " Horan added " But why did you lost that immortality mom?"
Kou asked  " The Immortal flames is a hereditary obligation. and the 
Immortality of the flame inheritor started when Attria noticed that the 
Flames of Life is fading its embers are dying. so she gave the previous 
Flame scion an immortality in order to for the user of the flame attribute
to keep the order of life to be eternally continue with the flames that 
Gives life as opposed to its destructive nature. " Horan explained more 

Kouha nodded her head listening to her attentively " But before this 
Hereditary Obligation was given.  Flame Scions were the lineage of 
Heroes as the first king attria the founder of council  decided that the 
Priafire the only bloodline of the flame scion race. will be the Heroes
that will slay the all the evil that are in this world. including the 
Demon Kings and their armies. " Horan briefs the history about their 
Bloodline " In order to put a stop on that i had build my own queendom 
And Married Karue. since its possible to create a life using my flames of 
Life and Karue's Holy Attribute and it resulted to you and kaohu my 
very own daughters.  now that the priafire is a nation the council 
would have to accept the end of the heroic bloodline of the priafire"
" Is that why you are called the Hero Queen.  Mom?" Kouha questions
And Horan nodded confirming it to be true " as for me losing the 
Immortality i once had because you inherited it. the Flame Attribute 
is only one and that's why its the rarest as only user can use that attribute
So yes i lost both immortality and the flame attribute and you had  
Inherited all of it. my daughter " Horan expresses a sadness in her tone 

"I am sorry that you are born into this world with such huge role
To carry that will cause you a huge burden in the future. so ill ask you
This my little princess.  do you accept to be a flame scion? " Horan 
Asked her then Kouha smiled at her  " I don't plan to answer to the 
prophecies of Attria ill follow my own path i will live my life in a way 
That i wanted to be. no prophecies or set stoned destinies will ever 
Decide what my future is going to be. ill follow what my heart tells me 
To isn't the luxury to choose and to move forward freely that's 
What freedom is for me " Kouha then smiled cheerily after that 
her Answer surprised both Horan and Karue their shock eventually 
Turned into a smile showing a sincere proudness towards their 
Daughter's straightforwardness towards her way of life  then  
Horan reaches for Kouha's top head and pats her head and caresses
her hair to show her daughter a motherly affection  Karue smiled 
And giggled upon witnessing Horan's act of affection towards their daughter

[ To Be Continued ] 

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