Chapter 33: Stolen Replica

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" Ah What should i do...? " a light skinned beauty with short black hair wearing 
A White themed office attire of the counterforce. " This is too a important case
But.. the Officers right are tackling supernatural entity threats right now... ah
What should i do... " The Woman scratched  her hair in a panic mood " Hana 
If you scratch your hair like that you'd look like a witch that no men want to 
give you flowers for " Agnes stated as she walks towards the reception  
" eeeeek! Lady Agnes! " Hana straightens up and saluted Agnesia. the other just 
Chuckled. finding it rather cute than funny. " So Where's Olga?" Agnes asked 
" Oh She took her adoptive son across Las Vegas to learn its culture like casinos 
And stuff " Hana responded  " What is that old dolt doing.  teaching Horus About 
Gambling " Then she noticed the filed case that Hana was holding  " Another one?"
She added  " Oh this one... yes Milady its the important one. this time a Project 
replica was stolen. by one of the employees of our client companies" Hana 
responded " the perfect genetic replication project  of the late archon 
Administration huh. " Agnes correctly deduces the identity of the project 

" According to the report he stole the project and used it to replicate several 
Individuals and they are now hiding " Hana added " Where he was last seen?" 
Agnes asked. " he was last seen in Detroit with his family. he had barricaded
The whole state and place guards and soldiers on airports and sea ports 
of the whole western continent " Hana explains to Agnes in detail " Despite 
of that kind of deployment they still haven't found him so that means he's using 
A Soundless Invisibility Attribute " Agnes deduces. " Hey Hana " She calls out 
" Yes Milady?" Hana responded " Can you make the soldiers patrol the inner city 
The Wider streets only "  Agnesia requested " eh sure i can but why Milady?" 
" Since no one's around here to take but other  than me. then ill gladly solve this 
Case for you. don't worry i have experiences about this " Agnesia turns around 
And walks away " Thank you so much! " Hana Politely bows as she leaves 
Under the orders of Hana .the counterforce helicopters drops two troops of 
Soldiers in the inner of detroit. they were told to patrol the wider streets 

Meanwhile on the wider street of detroit a family of four were trying to evade 
The counterforce soldiers that are patrolling the wider streets "hmmm?" 
one of the soldiers aimed his gun at the family but the soldier cannot see them 
he just aimed because he felt something. the father and mother covered the 
Mouth of their son and daughter " Must have been the wind. " then the soldier 
Lowers his gun and the family hurriedly left in silence. then they used the 
Back street as a detour and decided take a stop at the park to catch his 
Breather " did we lost them " the wife asked " Seems so honey" the husband 
Responded " Daddy we're scared " The Daughter whimpers and the son too 
the husband looked around to see if there are soldiers around. and he has seen
None he lets go of a relieving sigh and sinks his back a bit in the park's bench 
Until a old man salary worker sat down beside him looking kinda glum
Then the four of them looked at the oldman with a concern look 

" Oh My Apologies did i bothered your family bonding?" The old man apologizes
" Oh no you don't have to apologize mister "  the Wife assured the old man it 
Was fine and that he is not bothering me " I see i am glad " the old responded 
" You know i could have a family too. but my wife passed away many years ago 
I was not simply blessed to have a child " The old man told them " I am 
Sorry about your lose sir " The Husband responded to that tale then the old man 
Looks up at them from the head to toe " Your clothes are all tattered were you 
Guys running away from something?" the old man asked " yes some bad guys 
Were chasing us " the husband responded " Oh my then you shouldn't waste 
Your time on a old man like me. you should go now young ones " The old man 
Responded the family thanked the oldman and proceeds to run into one of 
The back streets to safely maneuver the state of detroit in order to escape it 

as the family exited the back street they found the soldiers strafing their guns at
Them " Fire! " one of the soldiers ordered and they start shooting at them the 
Husband and wife hurried picked up their children and booked it for their lives 
and activated the soundless invisibility and proceeds to take the right alley 
But ended up in a dead end. they then catch a breather until a sound of
Multiple gunshots caused them fright as four of them were accurately shot 
in the knee. the husband takes a closer look at the shooter it was the very same
old man they met earlier  " You're... " before he could call out the old man 
Tapped his face and removed a mask. canceling the disguise attribute. 
its Agnesia herself  " There are variation of the so called resurrection 
One is by necromancy which is a reanimated dead.  two is soul transfer
Transferring one's soul from a dead body to the unconscious one. rewriting 
That body's current soul to take over. the third one is a memory implant. 
Taking one's memory and transfer it on the other. causing a rewriting 
process of that said person's memories. just to insert the memory you 
intended for that body to function as "  then Agnesia summons her Attribute 
Sword Unsheathing it and activate its Mana blade form then she approaches
the Family  all four of them were horrified of her and her intentions 

" The other method which is the one you had done four days ago. 
Creating a Perfected  Genetic Clone of the deceased " She stated as she 
Begins to approach the family closer and closer " No.. nooo! stay 
Away from my family! please! i am begging you! " the  Man starts begging 
To spare his family " You call that family?. they are nothing but a 
Abomination. an artificial creation that has flesh and blood and with a 
Brain of your so called family implanted upon them. this method has
one flow that even its a perfect replica of their genetics. is that overtime 
Genetics evolves. and the replicas cant they will simply mutate or rot 
When that time comes. they'd be no different than zombies " Agnesia 
Rears her sword up and the man widened his eyes. " no please! 
You can take my life but not theirs please i am begging you! " the 
Man begged for one last time " If you can't perfectly resurrect someone 
Then don't bother trying at the beginning. otherwise you are just 
Disrespecting the dead. you  should have let their death untouched 
Mortality is a  feeble thing you know " then with a swift slash she severed the
Head of the wife and children off their necks the man broke into tears 
Upon witnessing that  " Respect the dead. you dumbass " Agnes stated
As she sheathes her sword. then the corpses of the replica family turned
Into dusts  " Nooooo! " the man screamed and he hugs the dusts of his 
Family " Weep all you can. but you can't change the fact they are dead 
To begin with. make sure to apologize to your real family's grave you 
Idiot " Then Agnes Puts down a bouquet of pink carnations in front of 
The man This flower on the floral language means " not forgotten or 
Cannot be forgotten "   then Agnesia turns around and walks away 
As the soldiers rushes to perform the arrest of the corporate's thief 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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