Chapter 65: A Year Together - 1

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Morning Arrive. the sounds of bird humming and chirping wakes Haru up 
She gets up from her rubbing her eyes as the sun light touches her beautiful
Skin then haru gets up while rubbing her eyes she does a stretching and 
spun a heel towards the window and opens it and sees Kouha watering her 
Plants which includes fruits, vegetables and herbs  " Oh" Kouha notices her 
Shadow then she turned around and looks up to face haru  " Good Morning  Haru
Did you have a good sleep? " She greeted " Yes princess thanks to you i slept 
Like all of my worries been washed away " Haru smiled at her and she smiled back
" Good timing.  get changed Haru " Kouha urges " Eh are we going somewhere
Princess?" Haru tilts her head in wonder " A Morning Walk " Kouha says while smiling 
" A Morning Walk? i thought we should eat breakfast first " Haru was confused then 
Kouha chuckled making haru pout. " as you see the first step to being free. is being 
Able to face the beginning of your day  and that is to get some light for our skin "
Haru listens to kouha preaching. to her it is as if she could listen to kouha everyday

" okay ill get changed " Haru responded and Kouha nods with a wide positive grin 
Few minutes later. haru approaches Kouha " Lets go?" Kouha notion " Yes princess"
Haru agreed then the two decides to have their morning walk the two were greeted
by the commoners when they reached commoners town " Princess now we are both 
16 we are at age that we are allowed to travel  far places what do you want to do?"
Haru asks  " Hmmm? ohhh actually this year i did plan to become a adventurer 
I want to travel and gain some ideas and experiences as a innovator those are 
Very important to me hehe " Kouha responded with glee Haru looks down while 
Walking " And to think that has to be delayed because of me.. i guess i am nothing 
But a trouble aren't i...? " Haru speaks as if she's degrading herself " I'd have to 
Stop you right there " Kouha interjects " Eh?" Haru reacted " Don't say or  think 
That you are at fault of me delaying something i wanted to do this year " then both 
of them stops walking and Kouha looks at Haru in the eyes and the other did so 
then Haru places her palms at haru's cheeks " look Haru " Kouha smiled at her 

" You can't be always putting yourself at fault for someone's decision. i will stay 
With you for whole year. this year it is something that i want to do and it is something
That i wanted to. i want you to get the grasp of what being meant free as" then  she 
Takes her hands off her cheek " That's why you should not feel that you are at fault 
because this is my decision that i made out of my free will " Kouha smiled after reaffirming
To haru about her  feelings as being a fault. this gives haru sense of relief. then the two 
continues their morning walk.  Haru feels the grace of the breeze and the warmth of
The sun she closes her eyes appreciating all of it as she never took time to appreciate 
These kind of things as she never did when she was still focusing on her duties as the 
Queen consort. to her now the princess is right this too is part of being free  

After taking their morning walks both of them heads back to the Royal palace
and proceeds into Craft room and then to the kitchen. both of them takes 
Their seat and erasia serves both of them eggs and bacon "Thanks for the meal"
Both of them did the thanking the grace for the meal and proceeds to eat 
Then after eating the breakfast erasia served them a cheese cake " Princess
What is this?" Haru asked with curiosity " Ah this is a cake a new delicacy 
that i recently came up with i want you to be the first one to eat it " Kouha 
Placed her palm on her cheek and smile at haru " a delicacy cake... " Haru then 
takes a slice of it and eats  " Cake is a baked delicacy but has alot cream and milk
coatings and is made with eggs, butter and flour. this one's flavor is cheese " 
Kouha briefs then haru widened her eyes as she finished eating "what is with this 
Food its so easy to eat so soft yet so delicious, so sweet and gives nice feeling when 
Eaten " Haru's Compliments over the delicacy made both erasia and kouha giggled 

" Well all i did was make the recipe. i do have fair share of cooking but i guess 
with Erasia's cooking skill makes it possible to make " Kouha added then 
Erasia bows " I am undeserving of your praise princess " she added humbly 
" Possible to make?" Haru catches the last part with confusion " From the 
other party's view not only this cake looks so grandeur but also tastes delicious 
so some must think that this is the kind of food that only suits the aristocrats no?"
Kouha briefs and Haru nods her head " But Even Erasia is a royal maid her
origin is still a commoner. if Erasia someone who is a commoner made this with
Just of her cooking skill. then its given that anyone can eat this food isn't it " 
Kouha explains and this made haru widened her eyes in realization then 
Kouha smiled at her brimming with the same positivity she had six years ago 
They spent the whole day doing a book sharing.  as they both let each other
Read the books that they used to read six years ago.  Kouha was surprised
to learn that haru did too read stuffs about crafts and methodology.  and 
Found a book mark at the front page saying  that she's the first "customer'
To ever buy the book and the author's name was no one other than Freym Pia
Kouha was happy internally knowing that haru is her biggest supporter all this time

Later at night time. As Haru done changing to her sleeping Pajamas she laid
Down beside Kouha " so what do you think haru. how did the first day of 
being free does wonders for you?" Kouha asked with her eyes closed  
Then haru smiled as she pulls the blanket up for themselves  " only now that 
I begun to appreciate the nature more.  the grace of breeze the warmth of the 
sun the humming of birds, the sound of water flowing even right now i can
Appreciate the sight of stars in the skies. i never paid attention to any of 
these before " Haru admits with a smile this also made Kouha smiled with 
her lips while eyes closed  " I see. yeah able to appreciate your surroundings  
Are also part of being free. "  Kouha agreed with what Haru has said  " earlier 
When we had breakfast about this delicacy called cake " Haru opens up 
About that one " Princess  You know that i noticed it too. that even in eating a food 
its always been divided into two as always.  what Nobles eats the commoners
Should eat them. what commoners eat are too low for the standards of the 
Nobles "  Kouha nodding her head while her eyes are closed hinting that she is 
Listening to haru attentively " When you present that cake to me. i realized that 
Food is food and must be eaten freely with rights free. a food must be eaten 
regardless of the status and rank " Kouha nods her head as haru keeps telling kouha
her learnings  " And that food is everyone as long someone knows how to cook 
Them " Haru turned and face kouha and the other did the same  " Thank you for 
Giving me your time.. no a whole year of yours. princess " Haru then closes her eyes 
Brimming with happiness.  " Mhmm You're welcome "  then kouha snaps her 
Finger causing for the lights to be toggled off. then both of them went to sleep 

[ To Be Continued  ] 

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