Chapter 54: Agnesia vs Council Members

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While Erasia was Fighting Nishka. Agnesia and Rin were talking together in  the 
Downtown  Agnesia saw from a distance. people that looks familiar to her 
And she knew immediately that they are the council. she pulled Rin into the 
Back street " Lady Agnes?" Rin Was shocked by sudden act of impulse from 
Agnes " You have to leave here right now.  i am about to make this place a
Bloody battlefield. " Agnes Tells her to leave. " Why what's going to happen" 
Rin asked " Don't ask and its better that you shouldn't know now go!" Agnes Yelled
At her and Rin immediately scurries away from the downtown. then Agnesia 
Manifests her flame storage and pulls it out a 2 Feet long Katana. the katana's 
Appearance has a black sheathe which had a red scarf wrapped around it 
it it was wrapped twice in manner of x shaped.  then at end it was wrapped  
Ribbon shaped and it leaves both sides of the scarf to flutter freely then 
Above of the sheathe is a luminescent silk wrapped against it in eight layers 
then finished in knots at the side of the sheathe. then on the butt of her sword 
there's a red Tassel tied on it and a two black strings that holds two small bell chimes

" Milady says that we should fight her " One of the members reminds " I mean 
We could try? you know that this Agnesia has a bounty her head that would 
last you a lifetime. " the other one responded " you know you're right who cares
About the mission let's just catch her and get our money " one of them agreed 
" Looking for me?" they heard Agnesia's voice and they all turn around and 
Manifests their weapons up " Before we all start " She snapped her finger causing 
Something inside them to burn out  " What did you do to us??" one of them yelled 
" Oh I Just burn your attributes down.  You all are not going to fight me with just 
Weapons. if you guys are indeed the members of council you should be able to 
Keep up with me with regular combat right " she responds as she unsheathes her 
Katana revealing a moonlit like smoothness and sleek blade. " Attack her!"  says 
By one of them as they the melee users charges at her. then she smack the 
hand of a katar user away from her and she beheads him she then kicked his corpse
in mid air to block the arrows and bullets then she leaped into the mid air avoiding 
The frontal assaults and she kicked the headless corpse into one of the snipers 

Causing the sniper to stumbled down. Agnesia then slashes the arrows 
Fired at her and she spins her sword causing the force it makes to launched 
The arrow heads to be lodged into the the fore heads of those from below 
then she landed to where the sniper was earlier and sunks her sword on his 
Sternum and used his corpse to block sniper shots she slam her sheathe 
Against the grip rip of the sniper rifle that is lying on the pavement 
the force was enough to knock the Gun upwards she kicked carcass away 
And she whips the red scarf on her sheathe causing it to be wrapped 
against the trigger she pulls the scarf backwards causing for the rifle to fire 
Against sniper then she slams the cheek of her sword against the body 
of the sniper rifle and she pulled the scarf again causing the trigger to be 
Pushed and fires at one the archer's head then the bullet shell lunched from the casket
of the sniper rifle she slams the the cheek of her sword against bullet shell causing 
To launch by such force and speed that it kills two enemies at once one of the 
Remaining archer and a cannoneer then she removed the sniper off the red scarf of her 
Sheathe and she jumps down to Fight the Melee units those that are not hit by arrows earlier

then the tall guy with great hammer charges at her and uses his force to bludgeon her with 
his massive hammer she used the ridge of her sword to block the hammer blow while 
Moving her right foot back to absorb the blow better. then she shifts her left foot 
forward and deflects the hammer by pushing it with her own force then she slashed 
him his leg severing it off causing him the loss balance and then she proceeds to behead 
Him with a swift sweep of her katana. then a katana user charges at her does a quick 
Stab aimed at her she uses her sheathe to sheathe his katana on. and lets go off 
her sheathe causing the guy to slid past by her and she does a turning around sweep and 
Looped his head off his neck then she launched the dead man's katana against 
The incoming attack of a flail deflecting the steel ball then she rushed forward and 
Slams her sheathe against the flail's body to knock the steel ball up and slashed its 
Wooden body down and swiftly slices through the neck of the guy severing his head up
then she saw a shield man approaching her  she kicked his shield to stop his march 
then used her sheathe to block a strike from his sword she slammed the Katana's 
Guard against his eyes causing him to let off both of his shield and sword to tend to 
His crushed eye wincing in pain. she proceeds to does a side swipe severing both 
of his arms and head " You're all weak you call yourselves members of council?" 
She stated as she deflects the knives thrown at her back to the knife user 
Causing them to be lodged into his eyes making him scream in pain then 
She swiftly performs a sweep as she walk passed by him causing his head to 
be flew into the mid air. Agnesia was fully bathed by the blood of her opponents 

" I Guess Nhiem no.. the current council president didn't disclosed to any of 
you of what i am before " She turned around and smirked at them the 
Remaining members were mortified by how she easily destroys them despite of 
Their number advantage  but they decided to do it in do or die way as they 
Know she has no intentions of letting any of them alive anyways then a 
Great sword user attacks her with one full swing she performs a double 
Block using her sheathe and her Katana's ridge then positioned both of her 
sheathe and her weapon on salt causing the great sword to slide down then 
She slammed her sheathe on bottom of his chain causing his  head to lift up 
Then she performs a quick slash on his neck cutting his head off his neck 
then a mace user attempts to attack her upclose she slammed her 
Sheathe against the mace's hollow stem to halt the attack then performs a 
seventy degree sweep causing his face to be sliced into half he fell on his 
Knees with his half of his face to impacting on the ground and he then fell 
Down entirely.  the Lancer dashes towards her and performs a Piercing 
Stab against her with a intention of skewering her up. she parries it with 
A Quick slash then she slammed her sheathe against the body of the lance 
Causing it to be slammed downwards and stomps the lance against the 
Ground the force caused the user to let go of his weapon she performed 
A Quick Dash and sliced him into half. upon killing all of the members of the council
She sheathes back her katana.  " Its no use telling these to the dead men but i 
Gonna say it anyway " She turns around " That i used to be a member of council 
until to the day that they did nothing for me at the very day  when I Really
needed their help and abandoned me " she then walked away heading to The 
Location where Erasia and Nishka to Beat Nishka and Send her back home 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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