Chapter 41: Elvira's Past

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" Heh? is that why she gave you the moby dick skyship as your main weapon "
Cherish remarks while drinking from her glass " That's right Ma'am" Walker 
Responded as he brew a cocktail for his self " Man among all of us you might 
the only officer who had a desired to become a protector before even meeting 
The commander " Kyle chuckled as he drinks from his bottle then they all 
Laughed along with him " So whose turn is it?" Mason asked "That would be 
me then " Elvira volunteers as she pours another vodka on her glass  and 
Drinks " it all started in one sunny day " she then starts narrating  

" Elvira you are late again! you get few tardiness and you are out of here! " 
The Foreman scolded elvira " I'm sorry boss.. it wont repeat again " Elvira 
Apologizes " That's what you said last time this be the last time that you 
Gonna repeat the same apology now get back to work! " the foreman 
Yelled at her then she immediately ran back to the working field and 
Starts working she works as laborer at the construction site at Day and 
Goes home at Four of the afternoon. she lives in a two story apartment 
She didn't had a time to take a bath so  she only washed her face off and
Cleans the sweat off her body using a wet clothe then she changes into 
her wallmart uniform and sprinkles a lavender scent cologne across her 
neck to stay in fresh smell.  then before she heads out she looks at the 
at the picture frame that contains the photo of her and her lover  during 
The days from as  soldiers. she was the youngest major at age of 16 
and her lover is a girl named Mina Schneizel. and they got a official
Marriage after their promotion to their  ranks. in that picture frame they were
Wearing their high ranking officers outfit. Elvira frowns remembering that day 

Then the past sorrowful memory has flashed before her eyes about
The Day that she lost Mina during Behemoth Class Entity incident 
that strike down the drop plane they were boarding in causing  it 
Crash immediately against a radio tower in Shinjuku. Elvira was 
Unscathed and due to her Enhancement She carries the huge chunk 
of debri on her shoulder and hurls it away " Mina! " she called out 
she said while grabbing large debris and tosses  them away "Mina!!" 
She hollered  " Where are you Mina!! "  she kept hollering while lifting 
up and tossing away debris  " Elvi ..." she picked a faint voice and hurriedly 
Went to that location and she found mina at the foot of the radio tower then
Large chunk of debri seemingly smashed half of her body " MINA! OH MY GOD! " 
Elvira Screamed at the sight of her lover and hurriedly lifts the large of chunk
of debri and toss it behind her she then knelt down and held mina's hand 
" Stay with me mina! "  She hollered to kept Mina's consciousness from drifting 
Away " Hang on i will carry you and find you a healing attribute user that can 
Heal you up " as she about lift mina up the other shook her head " I'd probably 
Die shortly... Listen Elvi.. You have to defeat that Entity.. it has to be you.. you 
Are the only one left here that has the power to do so.. the old administration
is gone... and the united states army... are not built to tackle these kinds of 
Threats... so i want you to live normally... till you can find the right place for you... "
Mina's lifeless eyes slowly closes " I Love... you. " She said her last words as she 
Passes away then Elvira embraces her lifeless body and mourns very sorrowfully 

the flash of memory ended  and elvira wipes the ears off her eyes and cheeks 
Then she proceeds to apply make up before leaving.  then after it she 
leaves her apartment and spuns a heel towards the bus stop that has a vending
machine and a bench she buys the cold canned milky coffee and sits down 
On the bench holding it with both of her. olga was inside the gift shop 
notices Elvira being lost in thoughts while waiting for the bus she even takes
notice of the canned coffee she's holding. then Olga decides to pick up 
the waterproof sticky notes and proceeds the counter and proceeds to buy it 
" Excuse me i'd like to purchase this "  she said as she talks to the cashier while
Simultaneously noticed elvira boarding the bus. Elvira lives from Chicago 
and works at the walmart in Michigan.  in there. Elvira works from six of 
The evening to eleven in the evening during her break time at nine  
" Elvi. a nice silver haired lady told me to give you this " the Manager hands
over the chilled can of milky coffee with a sticky note pasted on it on the 
note it was written " Don't give up smile for another day " Elvira chuckled 
Upon seeing the note and opens the canned coffee and proceeds to drinks it 

Everyday Elvira continues the same routine working at construction site 
At day time and a Walmart Employee at Night time. and everyday and 
Everyday she gets motivations from the sticky nights that she gets from her 
Cans of cold milky coffee and she collects these sticky notes and kept them 
the collection of notes so far has these written on them " Life is hard but 
it will bear fruit,  Work hard Dream high, Suffer now succeed later 
Sleep well and it will improve health,  Take care of yourself, A Lady 
Shines Bright when she's stress free,  Don't let Stress win defeat it by 
Staying positive, Smile like a sunshine tomorrow , Have a Good Night 
Tonight, Have a Cozy Evening and sleep well " These notes improved Elvira's
Situation and it motivated her to work at better pace and at better state of 
Mind it made her think that Mina may be gone but there are is atleast one 
person that cares for her giving her motivaton and moral support from the 
Shadows that it made her want to meet the person behind the sticky notes 

one day at the construction sight a worker picked up a weird shaped 
Stone it didn't had any glow and it looked a ordinary rock thinking that it 
Was a ordinary rock and toss it away.  then upon the impact the monstrium 
ore activated itself and assimilates the metals around them. this alerted 
Everyone of them including Elvira then the entity starts forming with all
of the materials " Entity! run for your lives! " the foreman screamed and 
Everyone of them booked it for their lives  except elvira who chose to
Stay in the site " That thing looks massive its probably bigger than the 
Behemoth class i had fought year ago " she clench her fist and blue aura 
engulfs her whole being activating her attribute " However if i wont 
Defeat that here  it will cause some serious damage and deaths " 
then she set her enhancement at superhuman level and leaps towards 
its face and lugs a full powered punch at it only causes it to stagger 
Backwards " Damn so tough. its tougher than what i fought year ago"
Then the Metal Golem retaliates and punches Elvira as well 

She tried to block it but its rawpower and bruteforce breaks through 
her Superhuman enhancement causing her to be flung against the
Site's safety wall. Elvira got impacted against there and she coughed 
Blood. she then recovered and lies her back against the safety wall as the 
Metal golem approaches her " What a strength it has it breaks my
Enhancement  immediately " then elvira widens her eyes when suddenly 
the Golem's legs gets sliced cleanly causing the golem to collapsed on its 
Weight Olga approaches both of them with her broadsword that has glowing 
Inscription on its blade as the golem tries to get it Olga stomps on its back
and stabbed the core located inside its head causing it an instant death 
" Who are you lady?" Elvira asked as she walks towards olga  " My name 
is Olga i am the leader and founder of the counterforce "  Olga introduces herself
" Counterforce? that infamous rising battle force that protects mankind? " 
Elvira responded noting that she has heard about them " yeah we are not huge 
For now since we just had started this year " Olga responded to her with truth 

" Thanks for saving me for someone who is not using her attribute to kill that 
City level Entity you are really powerful " Elvira praises her for her strength 
" She knew that i wasn't using my attribute huh. as i expected from the former
seasoned Soldier " Olga stated internally " here catch this " Olga tosses a can of 
Cold milky coffee with a sticky note written " Nice to meet you " this made  
Elvira shed tears of happiness " So it was you all along lady.... " Elvira then 
Looks at olga with tears flowing from her digits " Your notes... thank you  for 
Looking after me... you really gave me another chance in life  and you made 
me pull through by giving motivation through those notes " Elvira wipes her 
Tears and smiled at olga and olga smiled back at her.  then Elvira kneels down 
on one knee and placed her right hand to her chest and bows to Olga with her 
Eyes closed " Please Allow me to Join your counterforce my general no... my 
Commander Olga. I Elvira Schneizel a former soldier swear my loyalty to 
You Commander. please allow me to fight along side you " Elvira swears her 
Fealty and loyalty to Olga then Olga responds by tapping her sword on Elvira's 
Shoulders and sheathes it " I Olga Accept Former Major Schneizel under my 
Wing and banner.   Welcome Aboard Counterforce Elvira " Olga smiles as she 
offers her hand to Elvira then Elvira stood up and shakes it  " Mina if you are 
Watching me from there. I think I had found my right place " Elvira smiles while 
Speaking through her mind  meanwhile Mina's spirit behind her fades while smiling 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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