Part 6 Chapter 12

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The delegates from HME today were going to visit a military exhibition that happened to be held in Jakarta. They had not gone anywhere since returning from the meeting held at the Central Government Building because they were quite tired, and they held their own meeting at the hotel to evaluate the results of the meeting. With Ambassador Gravit by their side, they were now getting ready to depart.

"We will now go to attend the annual military exhibition held at the military base outside Jakarta." Gravit said

"Will all of Myto's military equipment be on display there?" asked Phiam.

"Nearly all the equipment that was used in Elysia might be on display. Of course, large equipment cannot be exhibited." Gravit said.

Actually, the military exhibition that was being held only exhibited combat equipment that was newly made and used in Elysia. Therefore, space combat equipment was not among the items on display.

The group from HME got into their vehicles and drove to the military base outside Jakarta. Along the way, the group from HME saw the city of Jakarta and were amazed at its efficiency and cleanliness. However, Phiam noticed that the architecture of Jakarta was rigid and not artistic to his taste, unlike the cities in HME.

They drove for a long time to the military base. As they started to exit the city, Rydorka suddenly said, "It seems that this city does not have a fortress protecting it, right?"

"That's correct, we don't have them because such a static defense system makes it difficult to develop the city and it simple for combat aircraft to get around." Gravit said.

Ambassador Phiam nodded in agreement about the assessment. In modern combat, it is indeed difficult to withstand an attack using only static fortifications. But the question was, why did Jakarta have no traces of fortifications? Is the city so new that it doesn't need fortifications?

They continued to talk on the short journey.




After a while, they arrived at the military base on the outskirts of Jakarta. General Alena, the commanding officer of the base, greeted them. Some people from the HME group were quite surprised at the fact that the head of the base was a woman. Although many members of the magic squad were women in HME, it was rare to find women in the regular army.

"Welcome to our military base." General Alena said.

They introduced themselves to each other. It took almost 10 minutes because there are 20 members of the HME delegation. After that, they were taken into the waiting room and given drinks and snacks while waiting for preparations to take them into the exhibition.

"General, are exhibitions like this held regularly?" asked Phiam while drinking the drinks that had been served.

"Yes, sir. We hold it every year. Each time, it is held for two weeks. This is the fifth day of the exhibition." Alena said

"Oh, why is it held every year? Is it to celebrate a certain day?" Phiam asked further.

"No, to celebrate Military Establishment Day, we do combat equipment demonstrations, but not exhibitions. We hold this exhibition because we are currently in the highest phase of military change and growth." Alena said.

"The highest phase of change, what does that mean?" asked Rydorka.

"In the past few years, we've created all kinds of new military equipment. This is why people need to be educated about the military equipment that has been mass-produced." Alena said

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