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Enzo and i are incredibly happy together, We have three kids, Our first born her name is Anastasia, Second born his name is Seth, Our youngest his name is Kai.

Anastasia she wants to be a actor, She's so good at it. When we first took her to work with my parents who are actors Anastasia's eyes glowed, She had a big smile on her face the entire time, Now every time she goes with them a smile remains on her face. She's been in a couple movies but we don't want to do to much since she is only ten, But she does have acting lessons weekly which she loves.

Seth, He loves playing with his guitar and making his own little songs, It's so adorable. He wants to be a musician and i know he will be an amazing one.

Kai isn't really sure what he wants and that's what i love, Them being born into a family who love working and business they have thought about it a lot, Anastasia says she's chosen acting and Seth singing, Then there's Kai my youngest who's unsure with everyone and just loves playing with his toy cars or driving with his Dad Enzo in his cars.

Enzo and I are big hard workers, I've been doing music and he's been doing football which he's incredibly good at. Recently I did come out with a documentary just to show everyone what i have been through, A lot of people think since you have money and fame that you can't go through things but that's completely wrong. In the documentary i showed a lot that had happened when i grew up, With how obsessed people can get to the point it's sick, People trying to assault you, Murder you, Just because you have this big platform that apparently means you can't have bad things happen.

"Delle, Stop day dreaming. We've got to get the kids to school." Enzo places a kiss on my cheekbone

I snap out of my daydream and quickly realise the kids aren't here "Where's the kids?"

Leo walks in yawning "Good morning. Who's driving the kids to school today? Alice and I or you guys?"

We bought a bigger mansion and we all live together, Yes i'm living with my brother but i love it, As much as he annoys me. I live with Alice, Leo, Enzo and all of our kids. Alice and Leo have two beautiful children, Zuko and Nadi.

I hear giggling in Nadis bedroom "I just know they are doing something bad." I walk into her bedroom and all of the kids are sitting in a circle eating choc chip cookies. I gasp "Guys, You have to brush your teeth. You can't be eating cookies at eight in the morning." I grab the cookies off them.

Leo groans when he sees me holding a bag of cookies in my hand "They got into the cookies? Again."

"Again?" My eyes widen "How much have they gotten into the cookies?"

Everyone goes silent.

Alice interrupts that silence by bringing all the kids with her "Okay, Leo and i will drop the kids off at school."

Enzo's arms wrap around my waist as i'm sitting at the kitchen table "Your hair is so soft." He whispers, While his head digs into it.

"I'm glad we're alone." I place kisses on his collarbone then trial them up to his jawline.

The door opens and it's my parents. You've got to be freaking kidding me.

"Hey! We got you some flowers." Mom passes me a massive bouquet of flowers.

I smell them "Thanks Mom. What are you doing here though?" I ask trying not to sound rude "Today is our alone day, No kids, No annoying Leo who is mentally a kid."

"We're here to tell you something important." My Dad tells us with a smile on his face, We follow him over to the couch and watch him look at my Mom then back at us. It made me nervous waiting to hear what they had to say. "Your documentary has reached the most watched documentary on that platform!!" My Dad announces.

I cover my mouth and my eyes become glossy, I felt good being heard. Everything that happened i felt like happened for a reason, So i could show people that people like me do go through things and to show other people who also have fame and have this happen to them that they aren't alone. I had someone shoot me in the leg, Grab me in bars, Tie me to a bed, And i shared all that in the documentary.

My Mom had things happen too, She had a ex friend set cameras up, Try force her to be in a relationship with him, Stalked her. She told me after things started happening with me and i am so glad to have her by my side supporting me.

I hug my parents "Thank you for telling me, And the flowers smell and are so beautiful." I wipe the tear from my cheek.

The front door opens and it's more of my family coming in to support me "I'm so proud of you." Josie gives me a hug and so does her daughter Kayla.

Parker sits down beside me "I've always know. you could do this, Dove." More tears leave my eyes, Parker is someone who's always been here for me, Always helped me. I wouldn't be here without him.

Enzo presses his lips against mine "I'm so proud of you, Showing everyone how strong you are." He wipes my tears with his thumb.

I go to my bedroom and get a tissue wiping the black mascara off my cheeks, I jump a little eve i see a reflection in the mirror for it only to be Enzo "You scared me." I laugh, Slightly hitting his shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you." He whisper as he kisses below my ear.

"I'm proud of myself too." It took me a while to be proud of anything i did, I used to always over think it. But now, I'm actually proud of myself and i wouldn't feel that if it wasn't for Enzo, He has told me not to care what others think, To only care what i think and now it's a lot easier to be confident and happier and i wouldn't be that if it wasn't for him.

Thank you for reading "Stuck With Him"
I really hope you enjoyed reading.

I do read all your comments and they do have me laughing a lot and smiling so thank you for bringing me happiness.

I really wanted it to end this way because their lives resolved around family and taking care of each other is what made them all strong, Even if they hated each other they took care of each other. always. That's where i saw the father in Enzo.

And as someone who doesn't get really along with their family i'd die to have the family bond they all do, Enzo is a amazing father and i hope to find someone like him one day.

(If you know where to find wattpad men please tell me.. Asking for a friend)

This story may have ended but theirs goes on— Faye.

Love you all.

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