𝟒𝟖 || 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐫

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Catching Enzo with cocaine and pills again sent me back and reminded me where we all almost lost him to his addiction he hid very well.

He hid that he was taking drugs very well but his mood change was very obvious but we all assumed it was because of the loss of his brother and Dad, Not because of drugs. He told us it was a one time thing and he never touched them again, That was a lie, A massive lie that almost resulted in his life being taken.

He was constantly doing drugs after what happened with his Dad and brother, He had lost them in a fire and ever since then we can't talk about them, We're to scared it'll send him into a spiral like last time. But we do go to their tombstones with him so he's not alone. It was his idea we stopped talking about them, He said he knew he'd lose himself again.

After what happened Leo blamed himself, So did I. That night we were so scared and covered in guilt. Asking ourselves, If we had been there for him more would he of done this? If we went into his room any earlier would he never of taken it and overdosed? So many thoughts swarmed around in our heads.

"Delle, You know Enzo was the one who told that guy you like that your already talking to someone.. Right?" Alice asks.

Anger builded up inside of me. I liked Victor but he was annoying, Still. Enzo shouldn't of ruined things between us "He what? I'm going to go to his room right now."

I storm into Enzo's room, Slamming the door open "Enzo, Why did you have to ruin things between me and another guy.. Again." I look around his room but i know he's in here, I watched him walk in here thirty minutes ago, He never left. "Enzo?" I call out.

I see him next to his beside table, White powder on the bottom of his nose, His face turning purple. "ENZO." I drop to the ground "ALICE CALL NINE ONE ONE. NOW." I scream at the top of my lungs. "Fuck what did you do Enzo?"

Tears are falling down my face. He is covered in his own vomit, Eyes flickering shut and his body shaking, I see cocaine on his bedside table along with pills. I thought it was a one time thing? I didn't know he was over using drugs.

Alice runs into the room with the phone to her ear "Oh my god." She loudly gasps "Please come here now, Enzo has overdosed.. Is he dead?" She cries out "He's shaking!" Alice runs out of the room and waits at the door for a ambulance as i wait here with Enzo in my lap.

My fingers reach to his neck to feel a pulse, He's slipping away. "Enzo, Please. Please stay with me." I choke on my cries, I couldn't lose him.

I kiss his forehead, My tear dropping down on his purple face. I hear Leo rushing to the room "Why is nine one one here and why are you crying Delle?!" Leo shouted, Fear in his voice.

Leo walks in and sees Enzo in my arms "Enzo." He drops to his knees and instantly sobs "Please don't leave. Fuck." Leo's hand slaps his forehead "Your my best friend. I don't know what i'd do without you. I love you." Hearing Leo speak to Enzo scared that he's going to lose him breaks my heart.

The doctors rush into the room and pick Enzo up from my lap putting him on the bed, Foam started coming out of his mouth. Before he was shaking, Now his whole body was seizing, His body was shaking and the doctors had worry on their face which sent us all into a deeper panic.

Leo breaks down and i hood him in my arms "I don't want to lose him Delle, I can't." Pain was in his voice "He's my best friend, I love him, I need him here." Leo sobbed in my arms while i sobbed in his, We couldn't lose Enzo.

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐢𝐦Where stories live. Discover now