𝟒𝟗 || 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬

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Leo vacuumed the floor in Enzo's room then went to his own, I heard Leo's cries. I know he didn't want us to hear him, That's why he walked away. I cried while i heard him, I knew how he was feeling.

I see Koa walking towards Leo's room and give me a wink. What the fuck is he doing here?!

He opens Leo's door and i instantly hear his body slam to the ground. I rush into Leo's room to see his fist pounding into Koas face. Leo's fist became red and his face became unrecognisable just like Enzo's but for different reasoning, Leo had been overcome by anger.

As bad as it sounds i didn't stop Leo from hurting him, I watched and was glad Koa was feeling pain, Just like Enzo is now. Not once do i even think 'Should i stop them?' I knew i had to let Leo do this.

"Who do you think you are?!" Leo shouts in his face, Koas face painted with his own blood. "Giving Enzo drugs right after he almost died?" Leo lifted his head and banged it back on the hard ground hard, Another loud bang.

"I—I'm sorry!" He cries out scared "He looked like he needed them."

Leo scoffed "You think he needed them?" Leo was in disbelief with Koas words as was I. Koa nods nervously and fast. "How the fuck would he need them?! He almost DIED, He doesn't need that!" Leo shakes his head then collides his fist with Koas face.

I was frightened but I didn't want him to stop.

I see my Dad rushing towards me "What's all that loud noise? Is everything okay?" He looks inside Leo's room and pushes him off Koa "What the fuck happened?" Dad looks over at the blood on the floor and covered all over Koa "Fuck."

"He gave Enzo drugs!" Leo shouts.

My Dad let's go of Leo "Koa get yourself out of here before you regret it." He spoke while flaring his nostrils and anger covering his face.


I'd gone to sleep that night while Leo dealt with everything, He told me he'd be more comfortable if i wasn't around.

I make my way to Enzo's room, I open the door and see he's still sleeping. "Enzo?"

He groans "Mhm."

"Do you.." I hesitate "Want me to go?"

"No, Come here." He spoke in his tired voice. I get into bed with him, He turns his body around and holds me in his warm body "I'm sorry. I'm embarrassed."

Embarrassed? Why would he be embarrassed he's struggling? "Don't be embarrassed." I kiss his forehead "I just want you to talk to me okay? I don't want what happened last time to happen again."

He rolls his lips into a thin line and nods his head. "I was just upset, And angry with myself that i'd do that to my best friend.. Well not best friend anymore but you get the point."

I did get the point but it was weird to hear that, I never thought in any universe they wouldn't be best friends. In a way they are kind of like soulmates, Not the lover type but the best friend type, They were meant to be best friends.

"He does care for you, You know?" I assure him, I needed him to know that. Enzo shrugged his shoulders and his eyes moved away from my face to the roof. "He was crying last night because he was so scared, I never see him cry until this whole situation, He even beat up Koa."

Shock springs on his face "He did?"

"He does care, He's just hurt too." Enzo laid there with his eyes to the roof breathing heavily, I could tell he wasn't feeling well. "So.. Today we're going back home."

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐢𝐦Where stories live. Discover now