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Start from the beginning

My head is high although my heart is weak. As we come to the end of the hallway, it goes by way too fast.

Then when we turn to the right, a few men stand dressed in fancy, silver suits. There are six of them with three of them in line on either side of the hall.

They're neat and smell decent. Their hair is parted professionally, and it makes me more scared of what I'm about to go through.

The man next to me removes his arm and hands me off to one of the men dressed in a silver suit. Once my hand lands in the other man's palm, I'm already being tugged forward.

All of a sudden, in the middle of where the men were standing, one gets out of line and grabs hold of a metal bar. The man starts climbing toward the ceiling where he unlocks a sealed door on the roof and a bright, wave of light shines down to my eyes which burn.

The ladder is high, and when he reaches the top and looks down at us, I can't make out his face from the long distance and sunlight.

I turn away. My nerves were so bad I never realized there was a ladder there until the man started climbing. Once the first man is outside, the next one climbs, and then the next until eventually my turn.

The man holding my hand places it on the ladder and pushes me forward to start climbing. With my one hand holding tightly around the boutique and the other supporting my weight as I climb, I near the light.

As I near the ceiling, the light becomes brighter, the air is better, and the scent of grass, dirt, and earth overwhelms my senses.

When I come to the top, I stick my hand out of the wide circular door and feel the breeze graze my fingertips. I pull my hand down and marvel at the feeling of wind on my skin.

Forgetting for a moment of my predicament, I hurriedly climb out of the bunker. My weight sinks into the earth as I stand still with the wind tickling my neck.

I stand high. A beautiful ocean of green explodes into my vision. Trees stand firm as I smell their bark, birds chirp in the distance as they sit in their nests, the grass sways with the invisible wind, and best of all, I feel the warmth of the sunlight hit my skin. I stare into the sun, ignoring the burning feeling in my eyes, and only for a moment, take in how beautiful the light truly is in this dark world.

Suddenly, I'm grabbed by the man behind me. It's only when he does so that I'm brought back to my fate.

The man's strong grip pulls me forward to the onlookers from the short distance that I now fully notice.

There are not too many people, but a few rows of seats are placed on the ground with some dressed nicely and sitting. They soon stand when we walk toward them, and I unknowingly tighten my hand around the man who holds mine.

It's not because I trust him or feel safe when I grab onto him; it's because I need to know this is real. I don't have the time to understand the reality of the situation when we walk toward the middle section of the rows of seats.

There's no music, no sound, nothing except the nature that surrounds us. The people are turned in their standing positions, facing me with either a look of approval or a stern warning on their features. There's no doubt these people are crooks like himself. I can practically see the crimes in their eyes. It's hard to describe, but I know this look, and it's settled within Ghost's eyes, too.

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