Barbie Girl

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Kara sat happily as her boyfriend brushed had hair. Her hair was naturally perfect on earth but she enjoyed this anyways so she didn't tell him that. "Thank you for this"

"No problem" (y/n) replied with a smile as he ran the brush through Kara's hair. "It's like playing with my sisters old Barbie dolls" Kara smirked and the boy seemed to sense it even though he couldn't see her face. "...which I never ever did"

"Sure" Kara spoke, obviously not convinced. "So I'm like your life size Barbie now?"

"Guess so" (y/n) let out a small laugh at the idea.

"How is it that song goes?" Kara asked as she over dramatically put her hand on her chin and thought. "I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world. Life in plastic, it's fantastic" she started before snapping her fingers and smiling. "You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere"

"Wait that's how the song goes?" (Y/n) asked as he went wide eyed. "I thought this was for kids"

"Oh Sunshine the song gets SO much worse" Kara laughed before singing a later verse. "I'm a blonde bimbo girl in a fantasy world! Dress me up, make me tight, I'm your dolly!"

"Alright point taken" (y/n) let out a small laugh as he shook his head.

Kara then impersonated a male voice. "You're my doll, rock and roll, feel the glamor in pink. Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky-panky"

"Yeah children shouldn't be allowed to listen to this" the boy frowned as he went back to brushing Kara's hair.

"You can touch, you can play! If you say I'm yours, Ooh woo!" Kara forgot how much she loved singing. She needed to do it more often. She skipped to the next part of the song she remembered. "Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please. I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees"

She the switched back to her man voice. "Come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again. Hit the town, fool around, let's go party"

"Done" (y/n) spoke as he finished with Kara's hair.

"Aw" the girl pouted as she stopped singing. "Pick out my clothes for me?"

(Y/n) shrugged before moving onto the closet and opening it. He gained a confused look at glanced at Kara. "I've never seen half these outfits" he looked at the closet again. "Maybe you really are Barbie"

"I decided to lean into the pink theme" Kara spoke as she motioned to her half pink hair and then towards all the pink outfits in the closet. "... and I may or may not have accidentally put my pink and red stuff in with Lois Lane's clothing last time I was at the fortress... she said I could keep it all"

"Well alright then" (y/n) shook his head as he grabbed a pink T-shirt as well as a pair of sparkly pink pants. "Here. Pink" he threw the stuff onto the bed as Kara sat down on it.

"Dress me?" Kara asked as she looked at the boy cutely.

"Seriously?" (Y/n) asked as he crossed his arms.

"Yes please!" Kara said hopefully as she clapped her hands together excitedly.

"Fine" (y/n) replied as he walked over to the girl and proceeded to undress and dress her.

A couple minutes later the two walked downstairs. Kara smiling as she intertwined her arm with that of her boyfriend.

The two reached the kitchen and (y/n) frowned as he notified Imra wasn't eating like she usually was at this time. She was still been hiding out in her room after the events of yesterday. He didn't blame her, losing all your friends was scary enough as a thought. He decided it was best to give her a bit of time.

(Y/n) sat down at the kitchen table while Kara used her powers to quickly make them both french toast. (Y/n) had three pieces while Kara had at least ten. "You know, if anyone else ate like that every day they'd pop"

"This Barbie is a Kryptonian" Kara smiled as she quickly ate her first piece. "That means she can eat whatever she wants and not get fat"

"Does that also mean she speaks in the third person?" (Y/n) asked as he started cutting up his French toast.

"When she feels like it" Kara shrugged as she ate her second piece before smirking. "She also would like to know if that's a turn on for you"

"It's not a turn off" (y/n) shrugged. "I do like all the pink though" he spoke as he ate a piece of his toast.

Kara smiled widely. "She hoped you would" she spoke as she twirled her hair like spaghetti with one finger. "She likes it too"

"Who likes what?" The two quickly turned to see an extremely tired looking Saturn Girl walking into the room.

"Kara likes her pink new outfits" (y/n) explained as he motioned for the girl to take a seat. "How are you feeling?"

"Depressed" she replied frankly as she got herself a cup of water before sitting down besides Kara.

The Kryptonian quickly took Irma's hand in her own. An attempt to comfort her as she took a glance at the girls stomach. "Your stomach is empty. Here" she quickly held a piece of French toast up on her fork. Irma just waved it off.

"I don't need to eat as much as humans" Irma replied as she waved it off.

Kara and (y/n) glanced at each other, not sure if that was true or not. They both knew Kara didn't need to eat but Kara hadn't been paying attention to Irma's heartbeat so she didn't know if she was lying or not.

"Alright" Kara frowned as she bit into the piece on her fork. "But just ask and I'll make you a feast"


Word count: 1002

(I saw Barbie today)

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