Date Night

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(Y/n) Lang sat in his car beside Nia Nal as they watched the screen outside, the audio for the movie playing through the car radio.

(Y/n) stole a glance at the girl. She had changed so much over the years that he had missed. She was older, taller, and more beautiful than ever. His thoughts were quickly interrupted.

"Popcorn?" They both turned to see a bucket of popcorn being held out to them by a green hand coming from the back seat.

"Thank you Brainy" Nia smiled before taking a couple pieces and throwing them into her mouth

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"Thank you Brainy" Nia smiled before taking a couple pieces and throwing them into her mouth.

"You're most welcome" Brainiac 5 replied robotically as he stared at the movie screen. "What is the purpose of this?" He asked suddenly.

"What?" (Y/n) asked with a frown. "The three of us watching a movie?" The green man nodded. "You two are on a date and I'm third wheeling since I'm the only one who has a car and I don't want to be home right now"

"Fascinating" Brainiac 5 nodded one more time as he rubbed his chin. "I was not aware this was a date"

"I did ask you out" Nia rolled her eyes.

"Yes, but you did not say the word date" Brainy replied as he ate a bit of popcorn. "I would have downloaded some information on human dates if you had"

"You don't need to know everything about dating to go on a date" Nia rolled her eyes. "Just sit there, enjoy the movie and then (y/n) will drop us off at a restaurant later"

"Very well" Brainy nodded again after a moment of silence. He went robotically still as he watched the movie.

"He's a keeper" (y/n) mouthed to Nia. "Does as he's told, good quality to have in a relationship"

"Mhm" Nia nodded and looked back to the movie. "Speaking of keepers, how is yours?"

"Do we have to ruin the evening?" (Y/n) asked with a groan.

"That bad hm?"

"Of course she is" (y/n) replied as he crossed his arms. "Otherwise I'd be with her instead of third wheeling"

Nia just shrugged as she looked back at Brainy. "You got any relevant information that can help?"

Brainy quickly looked to her. "I have all relevant information that I can possibly have. Where shall I begin?"

"Does supergirl ever come back into the public eye?" Nia asked hopefully.

"Negative" Brainy shook his head. "Once defeated by Mr. Mxyzptlk she never again returned into the public eye"

"Great" (y/n) spoke sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. "That fills me with confidence"

"It should not" Brainy spoke with a frown.

"He's being sarcastic Brainy" Nia reached back and pat the other aliens hand.

"Oh" the green one nodded. "That would make more sense"

(Y/n) shook his head and continued to watch the movie. "I'm going to watch the movie. If you seriously want to discuss this then we can do it later. I'm not letting you two ruin Paddington for me"


Kara Kent-Lang sat in the blinding light once more, unable to see anything and alone. She hated this more than anything. She wanted to just scream as loudly as she could but nothing came out when she tried. She couldn't even hear her heartbeat anymore so she questioned whether she was really alive or not.

Last time she had been here she had been with her husband, this time she was not so lucky. Although she didn't want him going through this again she missed his company.

This time Kara could actually see herself. Naked and covered in blood and scars. Had she done this in the time since she had been taken here again? Or had she done this to herself beforehand? Was it neither?

Suddenly Clara was yanked out of her thoughts as the bedroom door opened. She realized that she wasn't naked and she wasn't covered in blood, the scars were there though. She watched as in poked the head of her niece. "Hi" the girl spoke with a smile.

"Hi Kara" Kara spoke with a sigh. "Can you give Aunty K some alone time please?"

Little Kara Kent frowned and instead of doing what was asked of her walked into the room. "You want to come and play?"

"Not right now sweetie" Kara sighed and shook her head. "Maybe (y/n) can"

"No, he's with the pretty lady and the green bean man" Little Kara spoke as she walked over to Kara's bed and sat down on it.

"Green bean man?" Kara asked with a confused look, little Kara just nodded. The pretty lady was probably Nia but she had no clue who the green bean man was. "Who's he?"

"I dunno!" Little Kara looked down at Kara with a shrug. "He's pretty though"

"I'm sure he is" Kara nodded. "(Y/n) likes to surround himself with pretty things. That's why he mostly hangs out with women"

"Like us!" Little Kara giggled as she stared down at Kara.

"Like you" Kara amended as she reached up and pat the kids head.

"And you!" Little Kara insisted.

"Not anymore" Kara shook her head. She folded up her sleeve so the kid could see her scars. "Not pretty, see?"

"Cool!" Little Kara giggled as she quickly took Kara's arm and looked it over. "Do they hurt?"

"A little" Kara replied, downplaying her pain.

Little Kara gave one of the bigger scars a kiss. "Better?"

Kara couldn't help a small smile at that. "sure" she shook her head. "How about you go play with your mom? She actually has to deal with you"

"Okay!" Little Kara jumped off of the bed. "Bye aunty K!" She quickly ran off, leaving Kara alone.

Kara closed her eyes as her bedroom door was closed. She didn't sleep, she just rested as she tried to tune out the world and the numerous sounds that accosted her at all times from every direction.

Word count: 1006

(Let's see how long before I next neglect writing)

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