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"Morning" Kara Kent spoke as she entered the Lang kitchen wearing a shirt she had stolen from her boyfriend and a pair of shorts.

"Coffee?" Lana held up the drink and it was quickly snatched from her hands. "Is (y/n) still asleep?"

"Mhm" Kara replied as she sipped her coffee. "I tried waking him but he said having me as a girlfriend is tiring and went back to sleep"

"Well that's rude" Lana replied as she watched her daughter enter the room.

"Him having her as a girlfriend is tiring" Sara spoke as she walked to the refrigerator. "Her moans travel through the walls like they aren't even there" Kara blushed as Lana laughed. "Nia and I just decided to skip dinner and go to bed. However I didn't succeed in that until they finished"

"Sorry" Kara whispered, trying to seem embarrassed although she was mostly just proud of herself.

"My noise canceling headphones didn't even work" Sara glared as Kara finally finished her coffee.

"Thank god we were out" was all Lana spoke as she walked towards the back door before leaving.

Sara continued to glare at Kara as she ate an apple. Kara broke the silence a moment later. "Just be glad I found a way to dampen my powers and my moaning didn't shatter all the glass in the house" Sara gave her a confused look. "It uh... it happens... from time to time"

"You are so weird" the girl shook her head as she finished her Apple and stood up. "Bye" she walked out of the room and back towards the stairs.

Kara was silent for a moment as she finally let out the proud grin she had been holding in. "I am weird"


"You are so weird" (y/n) sighed as he and Kara walked down the hallways of their school.

"You love that about me" Kara huffed as she pressed herself against the boy. "Right?"

He sighed and nodded his head. "Of course I do" he replied as they stopped walking. "It's your best quality"

"Good" Kara smiled as she stood on the tips of her toes and kissed the boys cheek. "By the way I was talking to Nia about the future and she thought it was important that I tell you I don't plan to go to college"

"You don't?" (Y/n) asked, prompting Kara to shake her head. "Why not?"

"I already finished school back home. I hate even having to go here" she spoke as she motioned to the building around them.

(Y/n) considered this for a moment before shrugging. "You do have superpowers so I guess you could do just about anything that doesn't require a college degree"

"Exactly" Kara smiled as she kissed the boys cheek again. "I knew you'd understand"

"Mhm" (y/n) nodded as he wrapped his arm around the girl. "So what job were you thinking of getting into?"

Kara considered this for a moment. "Cheerleader but I know you probably wouldn't be comfortable with that so-"

"Are you kidding?" (Y/n) quickly asked, silencing the girl. "NFL cheerleaders make around one hundred and fifty thousand dollars per game. Go for the Job Kara!"

"Really?" Kara asked excitedly as she wrapped her arms back around the boy and hugged him excitedly.

"Kara my dream job is stay at home husband" (y/n) replied as he pat the back of the girls head. "If you think you can get a job that pays enough for that and doesn't require you to do anything weird then I'm all for it"

"The selfish thinking of that aside I love you" Kara spoke as she pulled away from the boy. "You're amazing"

"I know I am" (y/n) replied with a smirk. "Do you think you could actually get that job?" He asked as they started walking again.

"I'm Supergirl" Kara scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "I'm sure at least one of the League billionaires owns a football team that I can ask to be a cheerleader for"

"That's... actually a good point" (y/n) nodded slowly before shrugging. "Alright then! Guess I'm not going to college either"

"Wait what?" Kara asked, not having expected the boy to say that.

"I don't want to go to college" (y/n) spoke as he looked down at the girl. "And I don't even know if my mom could pay for it. College is expensive, no need to go if I now have you and Justice League connections"

Kara nodded, understanding the logic behind that. "Alright cool" she nodded slowly. "This day took an unexpectedly amazing turn"

"It did" (y/n) nodded in agreement as he glanced around. "Feel like skipping the rest of the day? After that whole conversation I'm not really in the mood for any classes"

Kara smiled and nodded. "Skipping school? I like a bad boy" she spoke as she picked up the boy in her arms and super sped them away.

"I know" (y/n) replied as the two were now sitting in Kara's favorite ice cream shop. "Unfortunately for you I'm all you're getting"

Kara playfully pouted. "Why do you say that like it's a bad thing? Nobody could top you. My people are way more sophisticated than you yet nobody back home even compared to you"

"Sure" (y/n) spoke unbelievingly. Right before Kara could say anyone else someone came to take their order.

A minute later the two were happily enjoying a couple of milkshakes in silence. In the back of her mind Kara was still thinking about how she was surprised her boyfriend was okay with her going for the job she wanted but she decided not to question it any further.

She was going to have a lot of fun in the future, she could already tell.

Word count: 985

(I found out how much cheerleaders make and now I want to be one)

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