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"-say that the rise in ice related attacks is due to-" (y/n) shut the TV off as he stood up. It was weird now that Kara had another friend, usually she'd be here hanging out with him but now he also had to share her with Nia.

"Mom!" (Y/n) called out as he turned towards the kitchen only to notice it was empty. "Oh" he waited another minute but she didn't reply from anywhere in the house. "Guess I'm home alone then"

The boy began walking towards the kitchen before entering and grabbing a plastic cup. "Now what to drink?" He considered his options for a moment before just deciding on water.

He turned on the water but nothing came out. "Stupid old house" he muttered as he hit the water filter, a bit of ice fell out but no liquid water. "Strange" he muttered before just placing the cup down and giving up.

(Y/n) turned around only to find himself face to face with Killer Frost. Before he could even process it her hand was covering his mouth so he didn't scream. "Stay quiet. We don't want anyone overhearing do we? Someone could get hurt... damn you're skin is cold" she removed her hand and looked the boy over. "You going to behave?"

"For now" (y/n) shrugged in response as he found himself glancing down at the thief's hand. "I expected you to be cold as well"

"I can control my temperature" Frost replied as she took the boys hand and felt it. "Obviously you can't. How did you survive?"

"How did you know I survived?" (Y/n) replied as he considered pulling his hand away before deciding he'd probably stay healthier if he stayed still.

Frost shrugged as she let go of the boys hand. "Educated guess" she shrugged again as she walked closer to the boy. "Based on what I witnessed last time I saw you I expect that if you had died I would have an angry kryptonian after me, possibly out for blood" (Y/n) nodded. That sounded about right. "Now answer my question"

"Some drug the Flash had" (y/n) shrugged, he hadn't bothered to remember the specifics.

"Ah" Frost smiled as if she knew something the boy didn't. "Ray Palmers wonder drug. I had a chance to snag a few a couple months ago. It's still untested on humans of course... officially. I did some tests of my own. You're in for some fun"

(Y/n) got a concerned look. "What do you mean?" He asked as he started feeling nervous. "What happened to the people you tested on?"

"In the end? I killed them all" Killer Frost shrugged as she put a hand on the boys clothed chest and made her hand colder. "Before that though?" She smirked. "You're going to find out very soon"

"Very cryptic" (y/n) spoke, not sounding amused as he started wondering what was going to happen to him. "You going to kill me too then?"

Frost seemed to consider it for a minute before quickly grabbing the boy by the face and pulling him into a kiss. He quickly tried to pull away so as not to die but she was stronger than she appeared. After a moment it was clear he wasn't going to freeze to death like he had almost done last time. After another moment frost pulled away. "No. I'm not going to kill you now. I'm going to let things play out"

"Right" (y/n) spoke as he backed up a bit. The room seemed to grow increasingly colder, although whether that was just the nerves or the actual temperature he could only guess.

"Oh relax!" Frost spoke as she leaned against the counter. "You've already started going through the changes, there's nothing you can do now to stop them. May as well give in and let it happen"

"What do you mean?" He quickly asked as he stared at the woman. "You mean like how my body is always cold?"

Frost shrugged. "Among other things"

"There have been no other things" (y/n) quickly spoke, relaxing a bit as he realized that she must be wrong.

"Oh?" Frost smirked as she picked up a plastic cup from the counter and freezing it. "Think. You been losing time? One second your doing one thing and the next you're doing another? Or waking up in bed?" She quickly crushed the frozen cup in her hand as it fell to pieces and to the floor.

"I-" (y/n) considered this for a moment. Now that he thought about it there were a few hours every now and then that he couldn't account for. That being said he'd never had the best memory anyways so he could just as easily have forgotten a few hours.

"That's what I thought" Killer Frost stood back up straight and began walking away. "You'll see me again"

"You're just going?" (Y/n) asked as he followed after the woman as she made her way towards the back door. "You can't explain more?"

"I can" she shrugged as she turned back to the boy one more time. "But where would be the fun in that? You're going to have to go through the fear and pain of finding everything out just like I did"

"Like you did?" (Y/n) asked as Frost just turned around opened the door. "Hey!" The boys eyes turned icy blue and Frost turned to look at him again with a smirk. "Don't just walk out of here!"

"Oh sweetie" Frost snickered before suddenly blowing a blast of snow from her mouth into his eyes causing him to close them. "Order me around like that again and I'll freeze your fucking balls off" when the boys eyes opened again they were their normal color and Frost was gone, the door closed. The only trace that she had ever been in the house was the crushed froze cup on the floor of the kitchen.

Word count: 1014

(Thoughts on the direction this story is going? Favorite scene?)

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