PomPoms And Proposals

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"Nia, Nia! She's our gal! If she can't do it no one shall!" Kara cheered excitedly, pompoms waving in the air, as she floated while watching the aforementioned girl prepare to show them her powers in action.

"Why has my basement become the training place?" (Y/n) almost silently asked himself as Nia took a deep breath.

Nia was wearing an outfit that her mother had given her during the last training session the two had. They had been having many of them since Nia had revealed her powers. They of course didn't tell her sister that.

Nia quickly shot her hand out and out of it came a blue blast of energy which vaporized the training dummy that Kara had made

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Nia quickly shot her hand out and out of it came a blue blast of energy which vaporized the training dummy that Kara had made.

Everyone looked at what was no longer there with wide eyes, Kara slowly descended down to the ground. "Yeah... I'll take her to train at the fortress before we burn this place to the ground"

"Good call" (y/n) nodded slowly as he watched what little was left of the dummy burn away into ashes.


(Y/n) was building the Lego that Frost had stolen him in the dining room when his sister arrived back home from her latest job interview. "Hey bud" she spoke as she noticed the boy and walked into the room.

"Bud?" (Y/n) asked with a confused look as he looked up from what he was building. "Since when was I bud?"

"Since I decided to try something new" Sara replied with a shrug. "Mom wanted me to tell you she won't be home until after midnight"

"She got a date?" (Y/n) asked as he looked back down at his Lego and continued to build.

"Yep" Sara replied, looking like she wanted to elaborate. "Can you keep a secret?"

"My girlfriend is supergirl" (y/n) replied simply as Sara quickly walked to his side and sat in the seat to his left. "Spill it"

Sara glanced around, as if someone may be listening. "John Henry is gonna propose!"

(Y/n)'s head quickly shot up and turned to Sara. "What?!"

"Yeah!" Sara almost squealed with glee. "Tonight!"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "How do you know this?"

"It's their three year anniversary... he's flying her to Paris tonight... and I may have helped him make the ring while you were missing" Sara seemed pretty happy with herself.

(Y/n) was once again silent for a moment. "Does that mean he'll be moving in with us?"

Sara considered that for a moment. "Probably"

(Y/n) was silent for another moment. "That's gonna be weird"

"What's wrong?" Sara asked as she crossed her arms. "I thought you'd be as happy for mom as I am"

"There's a lot of change happening real fast around here" (y/n) replied simply. "I have another person in my head, you move back in, I miss three months, Nia is an alien, I get kidnapped and Kara gets hospitalized, and finally when it's all going back to normal we're gonna have another person living here"

Sara frowned but wrapped her arm around her brothers waist before pulling him into a side hug. "I know it's not always easy but change is a part of life. And you're not the only one going through it" the boy nodded as he waited for her to elaborate. "I got fired, move back home, can't find a job, my little brother disappears, you seeing my point here?"

"Yeah" (y/n) nodded slowly. "I'll get over it"

"I was thinking more along the lines of you can come to me if you ever need sympathy" the boy let out a small smile at that. "But you will also get over it. Soon enough it'll feel normal having John Henry here. Just like it did after Dad moved out and it was just us and Mom"

(Y/n) nodded. It had been weird for a while without as much anger in the house but he had also gotten used to it quickly. "You're right. Thanks Sis"

"You're welcome" she kissed the boys forehead as she let go of him and stood up. "I'm gonna make dinner. Are Kara and Nia gonna be back for that?"

"I don't think so" (y/n) replied as he shook his head. "They just went up to the North Pole"

Sara walked into the kitchen. "Good. We don't have enough brother sister time"

(Y/n) didn't reply but instead just smiled as he looked back down at his Lego and continued to build it.


"Attack! Attack! Nia Nal- Attack! Dummy watch out, you better get back!" Kara once again used her new favorite accessories, her pompoms, as she cheered for the Naltorian superheroine.

"Kara you realize you're being more distracting than helpful right?" Nia asked although she couldn't help but smile at her friends antics.

"Well that's what cheerleaders do" Kara replied with a smile as she twirled around to show off the short cheerleading skirt she had gotten. "I was gonna try out next year but I don't think (y/n) would be comfortable with me going out in this"

"That's probably for the best" Nia replied with a shrug as she shot an energy blast, this time she was able to control it and not vaporize the dummy. "The cheerleaders are all horrible"

"Yeah that's the other reason I'm not trying out" Kara shrugged. "Still gotta put these pompoms to good use though! This is fun"

"Yeah I can tell" Nia replied with a laugh as she watched Kara twirl and do a couple flips. "You know, you could probably get a cheerleading scholarship with moves like those"

Kara shrugged. "Nah. I'm not going to college"

"Why not?" Nia asked with a confused look. "I never would have taken you for someone who wouldn't go"

"I'm supergirl" Kara replied as if it were obvious. "If I need money I can do any sort of physical labor to earn it. And if I don't want to work I can just take a kryptonian crystal and make a house" she motioned to the fortress around them. "You know you want to live here"

"It would be pretty neat" Nia replied with a smile. "You sure that's what (y/n) wants though?"

Kara considered those words. "Yeah. Pretty sure"

Word count: 1055

( #NiaNalSupremacy )

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