Kryptonian Biology

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"Is she- is she using her powers to somehow move in slow motion?" Nia Nal asked as they watched the girl try to be attractive as she reached the bottom of the stairs

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"Is she- is she using her powers to somehow move in slow motion?" Nia Nal asked as they watched the girl try to be attractive as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"She's been watching a lot of movies" (y/n) replied as he nodded. "Looking good Kara!"

The girl slowly smiled before zooming into the seat at the kitchen table beside her boyfriend. "What are we talking about?" She asked as she put her elbows on the table and her head in her hands.

"Girls who are more attractive than you" (y/n) replied simply, causing Kara to quickly turn to look at Nia.

"That's not what we were talking about" Nia promised.

"Because there is nobody more attractive than me, right?" Kara asked as she now turned to her boyfriend.

"You mean besides Nia?" (Y/n) asked as he motioned to Nia. "Sure. I'll let you believe that I believe that" Kara was about to say something but (y/n) cut her off. "Don't worry, you make more money than her so you're good"

"You are such a dick!" Kara lightly slapped the boys hand, causing him to yelp in pain.

Nia was blushing as she tried to stay unnoticed.

"You deserve that" Kara spoke as she used her X-Ray vision to quickly make sure she hadn't accidentally broken his hand. She was fairly sure he wouldn't mind her using it briefly on him if it was for a good reason. "What were you actually talking about?"

(Y/n) rubbed his hand as he looked back at Kara. "My growing desire to slap you"

"You're welcome to do it but I'm not running you to the hospital" Kara spoke with a shrug before changing the topic. "So how's your superheroing going Nia?"

"You know..." she started before shrugging. "It's a small town. Mostly just stupid kids stealing stuff their parents can't afford and a couple of meth farms"

"Ah" Kara nodded, she tended to take on most of the big villains so it made sense Nia would get the boring stuff. "At least you've got a good looking suit"

"Yeah" (y/n) nodded in agreement, earning a glare from Kara. "Bad" he held up his cup and threw the water inside onto Kara's face.

Everyone was silent for a moment before Kara broke out into laughter. "You're so lucky I don't have makeup on"

"You don't need makeup, you're a kryptonian" (y/n) spoke as he watched the water drop off her face.

"That doesn't mean shit" Kara spoke with an annoyed tone before moving her hair and reaching a pimple right below her ear. "I don't even know how it is possible but I found this this morning!"

(Y/n) moved closer to get a better look. "Super pimple, neat. Have you asked Clark?"

"I have!" Kara groaned as she covered the pimple again. "He was just as surprised as I was!"

"Well at least now you'll know a small bit of the pain of being a human teen" Kara glared at the boy. "What? You know I'm a sadist"

"I hate you" Kara growled as she rubbed her forehead.

"Why don't you just pop it?" Nia asked as she looked up at Kara's covered forehead.

"Come again?" Kara asked with a confused look.

"The pimple" Nia replied with a shrug. "That's what I do"

"Gross" (y/n) shook his head. "I just wait them out"

"And that's why you still have that one on your upper lip" Nia replied as she motioned to the boys face.

"I guess I'll go pop it" Kara shrugged before standing up and zooming up the stairs.

"So what-" (y/n) was cut off as they heard a loud pop and then Kara even more loudly screaming.

"Did my head just explode?!"

"What the hell?" Nia muttered as she stood up quickly.

"Super pimple" (y/n) repeated his earlier words. "I don't have the stomach to go and see what sort of mess is up there"

"You mean-" Nia cut herself off as she made a grossed out look. "Surely not-"

"Most things that comes out of her are amplified. Why not pus too?" He put down his water as he scowled. "Just the idea makes me want to throw up"

"You okay up there?!" Nia called up after walking to the stairs.

"Don't come up!" Kara quickly yelled back. "I- just stay there! Maybe go out!"

"Yeah I'm going" (y/n) stood up as he quickly grabbed his car keys from one of the kitchen cabinets. "Feel like a drive?"

"Yes!" Nia quickly followed after the boy as they walked towards the front door. "How is that even possible? I mean-"

"Don't" (y/n) shook his head and Nia went silent. "I don't even want to think about it any more"


Lex Luthor sat in silence as he stared at his newly crafted Nth metal lexosuit™️. The device was just about ready for usage. Superman would soon be dead and he would finally show them all that he had been right all along about these aliens.

First however he needed something to distract Supergirl and the league. Someone who, although he didn't believe to be on his level, was almost as smart as him.

He'd have to spring her from whatever prison the league had put her in but that was an easy enough job.

It would of course take a while but this plan was starting to come together. He could already see Superman lying dead on his back.

Word count: 952

(Thoughts on where this is going?)

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