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Kara Kent-Lang was awoken by the sound of the bedroom door opening. She was silent until she felt her husband getting in bed beside her and laying down. "Hi" he whispered as he put his arms around her. Kara remained silent. "Alright fine, don't talk. I just won't give you what I got"

His words didn't do much to Kara so she remained silent. "Really? Nothing?" He asked with a frown. "Nothing at all?" He buried his face in the back of Kara's neck and she closed her eyes as she felt his breath on her. "Fine, we'll see how you are in the morning and try again"

Kara rolled her closed eyes before shutting down her body and falling asleep.


Kara woke up to the smell of French toast. She used to love the food but now the smell made her nauseous. The idea of food made her nauseous.

She didn't have to turn to feel her husband's eyes on her. "Stop staring" she muttered.

"You're wearing a shirt" the boy replied.

"So?" Kara whispered as she turned and buried her face in the pillow.

"You never wear a shirt to bed" (y/n) replied as he took his wife's sleeved arm and was instantly shocked. "Oh stop that" he muttered as he once again waited to regain feeling in his hand. "What's with the shirt?"

"I don't want to look at the scar" Kara lied into her pillow. "Will you leave me alone now?"

The boy was silent for a moment. "Yeah... yeah I guess that makes sense" the boy got out of bed and Kara thought he was about to leave until she heard him grab something from the bedside table. "Wanna see what I got you?"

She shook her head.

"Well too bad" he took Kara's hair and pulled her face out of the pillow. He made her sit up before opening his closed palm. "Tada!"

Kara looked at the wedding ring and noticed the boy also had one on his finger. "This way everyone knows" he spoke with a smile.

Kara was silent as she emotionlessly took the silver wedding band. She put it on her finger before diving face first back into the pillows.

(Y/n) frowned and rubbed the back of her head with his hand. "Nia says hi by the way. She wished you were there with us" Kara didn't respond or even move. "She's doing well-"

"Go have breakfast" Kara's words were muffled by the pillow as she pointed towards the door.

"I'll wait with you" (y/n) replied as he lay down with his chin resting on Kara's back.

"I don't eat" Kara replied simply. "And I never will again"

(Y/n) just frowned as he watched Kara's hair. "Well I don't need to yet either I suppose"

Kara didn't bother arguing, he wouldn't starve himself. She huffed as she felt him start to play with her hair, something she would have loved up until recently. "Stop it" she ordered as she felt her hormones starting to work against her. She hated this damn condition.

"I'd really rather not" (y/n) replied as his hands slowly made their way down the girls back.

Kara didn't stop the boy as his hands landed on her hips. Only once he began taking her shirt off did she step in. "It stays on" she spoke as she buried her face deeper into the pillow.

"Kara... what would I find under there?" (Y/n) asked quietly as he stopped taking the shirt off.

"Exactly what you're thinking" Kara replied as she removed her face from the pillow, suddenly feeling like she no longer cared if the boy knew.

(Y/n) was silent for a moment before closing his eyes and removing Kara's shirt. Once he opened his eyes again he found her facing him for the first time in days, he noticed all the new scratches, bite marks, and heat vision burns that peppered her body.

"Bet you want your ring back now" she let out a humorless chuckle as she watched him look her over, the pain obvious in his face.

(Y/n) was silent as he reached out and ran a finger over one of the larger burn marks. "With your boobs out like this, this is like the most messed up porn in the world"

That got a genuine laugh out of Kara, albeit a small one. "I always forget you're into the messed up shit" she spoke as she went back to her monotone tone of voice. "Now are you going to get on with this or are you going to leave me alone?"

(Y/n) smirked. "Oh now you're interested hm? Did I get you in a better mood perhaps?"

"Of course not" Kara shook her head. "You just felt up a girl who can't control her sexual desires well. Now I'm gonna lay here and you're going to use me. I will not enjoy this but you're welcome to do as you please with my body"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "I don't know if I'm turned off by that or not"

"Would you rather I force myself on you but still not care?" Kara asked with a frown.

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "If you're just there not enjoying yourself I'm not sure I want to do it at all"

"You're going to do it" Kara replied harshly. "You got me revved up so if you don't then I'll feel like shit"

"You already feel like shit though" (y/n) started to get up only for Kara to quickly grab him and pull him on top of her.

"Fine. I'll pretend to enjoy it if you'd prefer that"

"Good" (y/n) smiled before kissing Kara. As he did that Clark's words yesterday about pretending to enjoy something making you eventually enjoy it rang through his head.

Word count: 987

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