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Streaky the Supercat lazed happily in the sun on the front porch of his home. It was Sunday afternoon and the girl who fed him was in the field harvesting her crops.

"Hey Streaky" the cat purred as he was pet by (y/n) who sat down beside him. "How you doing?"

The cat just continued to purr as he rubbed his head against the boys hand.

"What's this?" (Y/n) asked as he noticed the collar the cat was wearing. The collar had the symbol of the house of El on the front. "Guess you're officially the Supercat now"

Streaky slowly stood up and stretched before walking onto the boys lap before licking his pocket.

"What are you trying to get?" He asked as he watched the cat. The only thing in that pocket was the crest that gave him powers and the boy was pretty sure that wasn't edible. "You're a weird little guy" he spoke as he pet the cat once more.


The red rock glowed as it hurled through the earths atmosphere. It had previously been hurled away from the planet but a helpful little moon's heavy atmosphere had slingshotted it back the way it had came.

The rock quickly crashed down to the ground, incinerating the wheat that it crashed though.

"What the was that?!" Kara Kent could hear her boyfriend call out to her even though he didn't need to for her to hear him.

"I'll go check it out!" She spoke, making herself louder than most humans could be so she was heard.

The overall wearing supergirl slowly floated towards the crash site where her crops were slowly burning. She used her freeze breath to quickly put out the fire.

As she approached the rock she started to feel a bit strange but she ignored it. She landed on the ground and picked up the rock, holding it up to get a good look. "Kryptonite" she recognized the substance before quickly using her heat vision to incinerate the rock.

She floated back towards her boyfriend as she found herself feeling angry. "It was Kryptonite" she spoke, worrying the boy instantly. "I destroyed it. I'm not feeling to good though so I'm going to go take a nap"

"Alright" (y/n) frowned as he watched the girl go inside. "Feel better!"

"You don't need to yell!" Kara growled from inside. "I can hear you if you whisper!" She slammed the door behind her.


Kara Zor-El felt better than she ever had before when she woke up. She found herself alone, the sun was going down outside. She walked towards the closet and pulled out her old Supergirl outfit. "This looks so much hotter" she shook her head. Screw her boyfriend she thought before quickly putting the outfit on. If he didn't like it he'd have to go deal with it anyways.

Kara floated down the stairs a moment later and noticed the boy was sitting with Streaky and Nia on the couch as he watched the TV. The girl must have come while she was asleep.

Kara found herself clenching her fist as she glared at the Naltorian girl. Her boyfriend had a crush on this girl and she still just let her in the house whenever she wanted?

"Nia!" Kara yelled angrily, prompting the two on the couch to turn around and waking Streaky. "Out!"

"Kara what's-" her boyfriend was cut off as the girl, who's veins were glowing red, quickly used her heat vision to cut the television in half and make it fall down as a warning. "What's wrong with you?" The boy slowly started pulling the crest from his pocket only to find Kara directly in front of him.

Kara quickly punched Nia across the room and into the wall before grabbing the device from the boy. "Were you really about to pull a weapon on me?!" She asked, half angry and half proud sounding. She ripped the device into two pieces, throwing it to the ground as the X-K inside spilled out.

"Kara what's going on with you?" The boy asked as the glowing veined girl straddled him.

"Nothing" Kara replied as she kissed the boy quickly. "I'm feeling better than I ever have"

She was no longer feeling better than she ever had a moment later when she was quickly sent flying by a blast from Nia. The trans girl rubbed her bleeding head as she slowly stood up.

Kara growled before flying back into Nia, causing her to scream as she was hit once again into the wall and this time knocked unconscious.

Kara was about to turn around when she found herself frozen to the ground. "Bad call Frost!" she growled as she used her heat vision to unfreeze herself.

Frost was about to reply when he found himself held up by Kara who's eyes were glowing a bright red. She punched him in the face and knocked him out. "Remember when I threatened to lobotomize you? That wasn't an empty threat" she used her X-Ray vision to look for any anomalies in the boys brain.

Unfortunately for Kara, before she could lobotomize her boyfriend she was quickly bitten. She screamed in pain as she let go of the boy and found that it was her cat who had bitten her. "You little traitor!" She growled as she grabbed it by the throat. "How did you even hurt me?!"

Streaky's eyes glowed red as he choked. He quickly laser'd Kara's forehead, making her scream again as she now let go of Streaky.

Kara took a second to breath as she stared at the growling cat. She used her X-Ray vision and let out a laugh as she realized what happened. "You ate it?" She asked as she looked to her boyfriends broken device and the missing X-Kryptonite. "Stupid animal"

Kara was quickly tackled by Streaky who clawed at her face, drawing blood which was glowing red because of the red kryptonite. Kara screamed as she tried and failed to pull the brutal animal off of him. "Kal!" She screamed for her cousin, not knowing what else to do.

Superman arrived a moment later, taking half a second to take in the surroundings before grabbing Streaky and pulling him off of Kara.

The girls eyes glowed red as she looked at Streaky but she didn't even have time to be surprised when Clark grabbed her and ran her away from the scene.

Word count: 1107

(Been wondering how to use Red K for a while now and a Segway into giving streaky his powers seemed like a good way)

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