Battle Part 2

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Kara huffed, out of breath, as she watched Rex Tyler Aka Hourman punch the Ultra-Humanite so hard she went flying high up into the air.

Kara quickly flew up now, seeing her opportunity. She punched the Humanite again as she tried to recover, sending her higher up and in the stratosphere. Her skin glowed blue as she sent another punch and then another, each one sending the villain higher away from the planet.

Soon enough the two were in space. It was silent as the now recovered Humanite came flying towards Kara, her skin beginning to glow red and in an instant she punched Kara harder than she'd ever hit before. The silence didn't stop Kara from feeling her bones cracking even more than they already had at the impact.

The Humanite silently screamed before grabbing Kara by the hair and dragging her at supersonic speeds away from the earth.

Kara struggled and punched the Humanite but she in turn just quickly threw Kara into the nearest celestial body, Titan, one of Saturn's many moons and the home of Imra Ardeen's people.

Kara groaned, now able to make sound again, as she stood up, only to get punched into the ground once again by the red skinned woman and her electrifying punches. She once more grabbed Kara by the hair before throwing her off the moon and into space again.


"Nth metal was an interesting idea Lex" Superman admitted as he ripped the chest plate off of his long time enemy. "But you're losing your touch"

"How dare you!" Lex growled as he tried to hit the man of steel with a magic blast although his glove was ripped off his hand before he could.

"The old Lex would have thought to mix this with promethium" Superman used his super speed to get the rest of the armor off of Lex. "Nth alone isn't strong enough for good armor"

Lex wanted to argue but he was the one no longer wearing his weapon. "You did this to me" he growled as he rubbed his bald head.

Superman frowned as he realized. "The kryptonite. We warned you Lex that if you kept carrying it around it would start to affect you"

Lex tapped his head angrily as he glared at the kryptonian. "I can't even think right anymore! The cancer is gonna kill me within the year. I'm not going to wait and I'm not going out alone"

"You're not taking me with you" Clark replied as he crossed his arms. "Come with me Lex, we'll try to give you more time" he knew it was to late to save him completely. "I'll have the Leagues best men work on it"

"I don't mean you. That'll come eventually. For now..." Lex snarled. "You're not the only Kryptonian anymore" he looked up towards the sky. "Do it"

"What did you-" Clark was cut off as Lex's head suddenly exploded, sending chunks of brain, flesh, and blood everywhere.


Kara screamed silently once more as she was punched, this time towards the earth. She flew into the planets orbit before crashing into the Daily Planet globe in metropolis. She went right through it and crashed through multiple floors of the building.

Kara groaned, her costume torn and her body broken as she still tried her best to stand up.

Kara screamed in pain as she was quickly grabbed and pulled once again at supersonic speeds before finding herself in Smallville. "If I'm going to kill you I want your friends to see it" The Ultra-Humanite growled as she held Kara up in the air, drawing the attention of various heroes and a few civilians, including the girls boyfriend.

"Supergirl!" Her attention was drawn to her boyfriend before she suddenly felt the Humanite hit what must have been a pressure point. Kara fell limp, unable to even feel her body.

She watched, barely able to focus, as a giant steel hammer flew at the Humanite only to be thrown back the way it came. Nia sent a couple of blasts but Kara doubted they did much and she couldn't see the impact. Rex Tyler was quickly sent flying across Kara's view, the hourglass around his neck broken. She heard a scream and thud, Rex must have flown into Nia and sent her to the ground.

"You" the Humanite laughed, speaking to someone with a laugh as Kara began to feel weak. "You really think I wouldn't have used my magic to eradicate that pesky weakness to kryptonite?" Kara heard a loud slap before she saw her boyfriend go flying, the thud that was made as he hit a wall loud, the boy was scarily quiet after that.

"(Y/n)" Kara whispered, barely able to move her mouth. She silently willed herself to stand up but that didn't happen, life isn't a movie after all.

Kara was quickly picked up by the throat by the Humanite and forced to look at the hopefully just unconscious body of her boyfriend. "I'm- I'm going to fucking kill you!" Kara growled as her eyes glowed red.

"That's the spirit" The Ultra-Humanite laughed as she squeezed the girls throat tighter. Kara's hand quickly shot out and punched the Humanite in the stomach as her rush of adrenaline seemed to reverse whatever had been done to her. There was probably a better explanation but that's what she went with.

The Humanite coughed as she was forced to drop Kara. Before she could even process it the glowing red girl was kicked in the face by the adrenaline powered kicks of the blue skinned girl.

Soon enough the Ultra-Humanite was on the ground, taking punch after punch, her eyes every time they began to glow were quickly punched.

Kara looked down at the knocked out witch a moment later. She held her fist up but stopped herself from delivering the finishing blow. She wasn't some sort of animal like this bitch had once been.

Kara slowly stood up, the adrenaline wearing off as she did. She gently floated her way past Kal-El who must have just arrived and to her boyfriend.

She quickly used her superhearing and cried tears of joy as she heard his heart beating, albeit faintly. She was quick to pass out after that.

Word count: 1075

(I really love what I've done with the Ultra-Humanite in this story. He deserves to be used more in live action)

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