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"I hate heels" Kara huffed angrily as she followed Cassandra out of the bedroom, stumbling as she tried to get used to the shoes that she couldn't even remember why she had.

"You look pretty" Cass replied simply as she reached over and pat Kara's thigh.

"I just know (y/n) is going to laugh at me" Kara huffed as she looked down at the outfit that Cass had made from Kara's husband's clothing.

"Laughter is good" Cass responded with a shrug as she led Kara into the living room where (y/n) was laying on the couch watching Winnie The Pooh. "You!" (Y/n) quickly looked at Cass before his gaze quickly shifted to Kara.

Kara closed her eyes and waited for the laughter but was only met with silence. When she opened her eyes she was met with a soft smile on the boys face. "Nice cufflinks"

Kara glanced down at the kitten cufflinks before shrugging. "I pull them off better than you"

"Oh I know. I don't own them to wear them. I just saw them and they were cute so I bought them" (y/n) replied as he paused his movie before standing up and walking over to the pair of girls. "The heels may be a bit much"

"Nobody understands my art" Cassandra huffed as she looked away.

(Y/n) gave her a confused look before shrugging and looking back to Kara. "You look good though"

"Thanks" Kara matched his soft smile with one of her own. "Feel a bit to tomboyish though"

(Y/n) shook his head. "To tomboyish would be if you got a pixie cut" Kara cringed at the idea of that. "This is just an interesting fashion choice" Cass gave a curious look. "Good interesting, not bad interesting" Cass' look turned into a smile and she gave the boy a quick hug before letting go.

"Ready to go out?" Cass asked after a moment of silence.

"I thought the movie was tonight?" Kara asked quickly and uncertainly.

"True" Cass nodded. "But seeing as you're dressed up we may as well spend the day out!"

Kara frowned, she had not signed up for this. "I hate you"

"You love me" Cass corrected her. "Let's go"


The trio walked around town, each of the shorter ones holding one of Kara's hands in an effort to keep her as comfortable as possible.

Kara's eyes darted around, praying she didn't see anyone she knew well since she didn't want anyone making a big deal of her being out of the house.

"Can you relax for five minutes?" Kara turned to look at (y/n) as he spoke and squeezed her hand in his. "You're just making me feel bad about this"

"Well I didn't want to come" Kara huffed as she struggled to keep an eye out in every direction. "Not while it was still light out anyways"

Cass sighed as she looked up at Kara with a frown. "You're fine. Safe. Relax"

Even Cass' words weren't enough to make Kara relax out in the open. "I think I'm going to throw up" she groaned as she pulled her hand away from Cass and rubbed her sweating forehead. "This was a mistake"

"Maybe it was" (y/n) agreed with a concerned look to Cass.

"No" Cassandra replied simply and sternly. "You've convinced yourself that you're not safe out in the open. You can't let that ruin your life. You must push through it"

Kara shook her head quickly as her eyes continued to dart around. "No, no I can't Cass. This is- I-" she went silent as she heard the sound of weird laughter that reminded her of Mr. Mxyzptlk and suddenly caused her adrenaline to spike.

Before the two could even process it Kara had zoomed back home and locked herself in the house.

(Y/n) sighed after a moment before glancing at Cass. She gave him a serious look of determination. "We will fix her"

(Y/n) just nodded, tired of uselessly thinking those same words every day since they had found themselves in this time. A wave of tiredness caused him to yawn, and eliciting a confused look from Cass who glanced at her watch to confirm it was still the morning. "I'm going to go to my mom's. Take a nap. I can't deal with Kara right now"

Cass frowned and quickly slapped the boy across the face, waking him up and causing him to stumble back as he tried to process what had just happened. The sound of the slap still rang in his ears. "Bad (y/n)"

"You slapped me!" (Y/n) replied as he considered slapping Cass back before dismissing the idea since he knew she'd catch his attack. He knew she could tell he was thinking about it though.

"Be a good husband" Cass replied simply. "Don't just give up. Never say you can't deal with Kara!"

"Cass I've been dealing with her for weeks" (y/n) replied as he stared down at the Asian girl. "I think I should be allowed a few breaks"

Cass' glare intensified. "If the roles were reversed would you want Kara to just go take a nap?"

"If the roles were reversed Kara would get fed up with me and throw a tantrum" (y/n) replied honestly.

"I didn't ask for what she'd do. I asked what you'd want her to do" Cassandra responded swiftly. "Now let's go"

(Y/n) sighed again but nodded and rubbed his eyes as the two began the walk back to the house where Kara had probably locked herself in the bedroom.

Word count: 939

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