Good Morning Sleeping Beauty

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Kara Zor-El finished putting on her overalls just as she heard her boyfriend yawn as he woke up. His body still didn't seem to have fully recovered as it still felt freezing cold when she touched him. "Good morning sleeping beauty" she spoke gently as she looked over at him.

"Morning goofball" (y/n) gave her a smile, she thought she saw his eyes change color right before he had said that but she decided it must have been a trick of the light.

"Feeling alright?" She asked as she walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Of course" he grabbed her by one of the straps of her overalls before pulling so she fell and was laying beside him. "Kiss me" Kara smirked before doing as he requested, she was starting to get used to his colder body temperature.

Once the two separated their lips Kara smiled at the boy. "You taste like milkshakes" the boy laughed at the random comment.

"That good hm?" Kara nodded as she bit her bottom lip. "Huh. That's what Killer Frost-"

"Are you seriously about to tell me a killers lips taste better than mine do?" Kara asked as she crossed her arms.

"No. I was just going to say it's interesting that you compared my kissing to how I remember hers" (y/n) rolled his eyes before yanking Kara by the overall straps closer to him and cuddling her. "You're obviously the better kisser. You haven't almost killed me by doing it"

"That's better" Kara smiled as she cuddled up to her boyfriend. "Do you like how I dressed for you today?"

"Of course I do" (y/n) smirked before leaning forward and kissing Kara again. "You look beautiful"

"Like always" Kara added in.

"Better than always" (y/n) replied as he ran a hand through Kara's hair.

"I'll accept that too" Kara smiled. "So I asked Clark about suppressing my powers"

"And what did he say?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"Well he knows about us now so he obviously didn't want to give me any way to have sex with you" (y/n) nodded, that made sense. "But then I told him that we'd do it with or without any sort of power dampening-"

"Just to be clear that's not happening without it" (y/n) reiterated.

"Yeah, I know. But he didn't" Kara pressed a kiss against her boyfriends neck. "So we've got a few options"

"And those are?"

"Kryponite, although to much of that would be lethal"


"We find some way to replicate the powers of a red sun"

"I think Lex Luther has some tech you could steal for that"

"I'm not stealing... maybe. Anyways the last way is I overexert myself so much that I lose all my powers for a couple days"

"Alright" (y/n) replied with a nod. "Let's not do anything just yet" Kara frowned. "I don't feel like-" Kara groaned as she just cuddled up to her boyfriend again. "You Kara Kent are way to horny"

"It's a medical condition"

"Is it?"

"I don't know" Kara shrugged. "Probably. Some of you humans have conditions that cause this sort of horniness, why can't Kryptonians?" She kissed the boys clothed chest before leaning into him again as he just pat her back.


"Up, up, and away Kara" the girl yelped as she was forced awake by her boyfriend picking her up and out of the bed, she didn't know when she had drifted off but she was sort of glad (y/n) hadn't let her sleep through the day.

"Let me go" she muttered as she tried to put her feet back on the ground without her powers but she was held up above it.

"Never. You're mine" (y/n) slung Kara over his shoulder causing her to giggle. "What's so funny?""

"Nothing! I'm just tired" she stared at the floor as (y/n) began walking towards the door of the room. Kara slowly reached down before grabbing the boys butt. "Boop!"

"Okay, stop" the boy heard Kara groan before letting go of him.

"You're no fun" Kara spoke as they exited the room. "You have me in a position where my ass is right next to your face and all you do is tell me to stop?"

"Thank god my mom is at work" (y/n) muttered, a bit exasperated by Kara's lack of restraint with her words.

"Aw, she is? Who's gonna make me coffee?" (Y/n) ignored the girl as he began walking down the stairs. "Hello? Earth to (y/n). Do you know how to make coffee?"

"No" (y/n) replied simply. "I don't like coffee, remember" Kara sighed. "Looks like you'll have to go a day without it"

Kara groaned once more at the boys words as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "I get all nice and dressed up cute and this is what I get"

"It's what you deserve sweetheart. Caffeine is a drug" he finally pulled Kara off of his shoulder and placed her back on the ground. "Now be a good girl and go get me breakfast"

"I'm not your mother, get it yourself" Kara replied as she walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. "Ooh strawberries!"

"Those are mine!" (Y/n) tried to grab the bowl before Kara could but she used her super speed. "Kara if you eat my strawberries I promise you I will find a way to kill you and they will never find the body"

Kara was silent for a moment before slowly holding the bowl back towards her boyfriend. Even if he wasn't serious about killing her she didn't want to start any sort of a fight after everything that had happened the past couple of days.

"Thank you" (y/n) quickly took the bowl back and started eating the strawberries within. "Never mess with a man's food Kara. My mom left you some ice cream in the freezer" Kara's face suddenly lit up and she used her super speed to open the aforementioned freezer and retrieve the ice cream.

Word count: 1066

(Seriously playing with the idea of Kara having a serious medical condition that causes horniness. I feel like these types of conditions aren't used a lot and I think it could really add quite a bit to the story too. Thoughts on this idea or this chapter in general?)

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