Central City Here I Come, Smallville's Where I'm Coming From

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"Class trip to Central City, sounds like fun!" Kara said excitedly as she jumped over to her boyfriend and picked him up. This looked a bit strange in the middle of the busy school hallway.

"I don't know" (y/n) shook his head as he tried to get out of Kara's arms. "I don't like the city"

"Oh come on!" Kara whined as she nuzzled her head against the head belonging to her boyfriend. "I never get to leave Smallville!"

(Y/n) crossed his arms. "You leave Smallville all the time"

Kara huffed. "Yeah as supergirl, not as Kara! I never get to explore these cities! You have to go with me"

(Y/n) sighed. He knew that whatever his answer was Kara was still gonna bug him until he agreed to go. "Can't I-"

"You're coming" Kara said again as she placed a kiss on his forehead. "Please?"

(Y/n) sighed one more time before nodding his head. "Fine. I won't enjoy it though"

"Yes you will" Kara replied as she kissed his forehead again.

"Can you please put me down? People are looking" Kara rolled her eyes before placing her boyfriend back on the ground. "Let them stare. I don't care" she giggled a bit as she realized she had just rhymed. It was nice when things worked out.

(Y/n) shook his head before looking towards the door. "Let's head out. I don't feel like going to gym and I need to pack" Kara nodded and the two quickly left the building.


"Oh stop being such a downer!" Kara pushed her boyfriend gently as the two sat in the loud school bus.

"We have a long bus ride to a place I don't want to go. I'm gonna be a downer" (y/n) huffed as he looked out the window.

Kara's expression quickly morphed into a smile as she got an idea. "How about I introduce you to the Flash?" Her boyfriend quickly looked back at her. "Would that be enough to make you enjoy the trip?"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "It might be"

Kara quickly leaned forward and kissed him. "Good. I'll try to find him when we get there"


And after a few more hours of driving they had indeed gotten there.

"Alright" Kara said as they entered the hotel that the school was using to house them. "This place is a pigsty"

"It's a public school trip. You don't get a good hotel unless you're in private school" one of their other classmates whispered to Kara as one of the teachers in charge started giving out room keys.

"He's right" (y/n) agreed with a shrug as he was handed his room key. He was paired up with a couple other boys. He quickly swapped his key with one of the girls who was grouped with Kara.

Once everything was finished and the bags were brought to their rooms (y/n) and Kara were quick to get out onto the balcony to avoid their last roommate, a girl neither of them knew well.

"So when am I being introduced to the fastest man alive?" (Y/n) asked as he closed the balcony door.

"As soon as I find him" Kara gave a nervous smile. "If I find him"

(Y/n) frowned for a moment before hiding it. "Alright"

"I'll start searching now!" Kara quickly said, desperate to remedy that frown she knew her boyfriend was hiding. She quickly grabbed (y/n) by the sides and flew up into the air.

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