She hesitated momentarily, her gaze shifting downwards as she grappled with the memories of that confrontation. "I don't know what that was," she finally admitted, her voice tinged with confusion and defenselessness. "He was mad at me, and then he got close." She said as if tiptoeing around the unspoken intricacies of their encounter. She didn't want to tell him that at that moment when he got close, she felt a rush of emotions that she couldn't explain. It was like a mixture of frustration and something else... something that made her heart race.A fleeting silence followed. She met her stare, his eyes searching for answers, seeking for some relief in the depths.

"But you didn't move away," he observed gently, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"No," she admitted softly, a tinge of self-reflection colouring her voice. "I guess I didn't." Her words hung in the air, resonating with the implicit truth. She had chosen to remain rooted, not retreating from the proximity of Namjoon's presence. Hoseok had caught a glimpse of the affinity that had grown between them, an invisible thread that defied reason and caution. The proximity seemed to spark anger, and now it had fostered an unexpected closeness, a magnetic pull.

"Would you move away if it was me?" The weight of Hoseok's question hung heavily, and (Y/n) felt a swirl of emotions inside her. His usually warm and lively demeanour now carried a tinge of bitterness. Her heart wavered, unsure how to respond. She took a moment to consider her answer, her brows furrowing with contemplation. The honesty in Hoseok's eyes demanded the truth, and she owed him that much, yet she didn't have the answer to give him.

It was a daring proposition, yet his mind couldn't stop grappling with the idea of replicating a past scenario that had left him with bitter feelings and unanswered questions. Hoseok's heart raced as he navigated this uncharted l territory, unsure where his actions might lead him. As he inched closer, his hand reached out instinctively to brush a strand of hair from her face. In that simple gesture, he conveyed tenderness and care. But beneath the gentleness, there was a profound intensity in his gaze. Hoseok was trying to understand her better, searching for something more meaningful, a hidden truth that had eluded him until now. His touch was purposeful, silently exploring the boundaries between them. It wasn't just a casual gesture, not with the way his fingers brushed her cheek down to the edge of her lip. The pieces of hair fell from his fingers, beating in the wind once more.

Her eyes met his. A flicker of realisation ignited within Hoseok. The profound discovery settled upon his features, forming the foundation of a tiny smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. "I guess not", he mutters.

The sun was still casting out columns of light. The raindrops on the grass shimmered as if adorned with a thousand tiny diamonds. Slowly, the two began walking again. With every step, the grass brushed against their legs. Its fragrance, a medley of earthy scents and rain, permeated the air. They could sense creatures. Insects buzzing about, finding solace amidst the protective embrace of the grass. Hares and foxes, prowling, their movements concealed by the veils of green. As one ventured deeper into the country, tranquillity enveloped their sense, far enough away not to be overpowered by the thousands of people in the camp.

The day waned. The soft glow of dusk wrapped around them as they reached the edge of a peaceful meadow. The setting sun painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, casting a warm glow on their faces. As they stood there, immersed in the moment's beauty, (Y/N) turned to Hoseok and asked, "Do you remember the other day with Orichi?"

Hoseok's response was a gentle hum, a soft acknowledgement he remembered that day with clarity. Something in the way (Y/N) asked the question caught his attention, and he gave her his complete focus, sensing that there was more to be said.

"You said we were okay," she continued, her lips forming a thoughtful line. It was clear that she had been pondering those words, letting them stir in her heart and mind.

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