Chapter 16

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Kota POV July 26th 2:53 AM

"Nah but these steaks finna come out fire." I rejected ki's idea to cook something else. We both started to get hungry on the way back to her apartment which i was going to spend the night at, so we decided to stop at Walmart and get some steaks.

Their steak is small as hell and I'm a big classy lady who needs her nutrition so we got about 3 packs, 2 comes in each. So that means 6 and we get 3 each.

"Yeah cause I'm cooking it of course." She said flipping her hair back. "Yeah yo cooking is good. Not that you ever feed me or anything."

"I do feed you." Ki replied after she took a sip from her glass of wine. "Barley, I'm always feeding you." And it's true. Not that I mind but damn can a nigga get sumn to eat even though I'm prolly not gon really eat it?

It's the thought that counts.

"Because a stud cooking is sexy as fuck. Them other times you offer and who am I to pass up on free food." She retorted tilting her head. "Someone who wants me to save money. You look beautiful right now by the way." I told ki.

She always looks beautiful and the best thing about it is she doesn't wear makeup. The most she'll do is some lipstick and eyelashes. That's one of the things I like/admire most about her, She doesn't paint her face with allat other shit she lets her natural beauty take control.

"Mmcht back up." Ki put her hand on my chest and pushed me away a little bit, a small blush on her cheeks. I did a small lil giggle and went right back to the spot I was in but way closer.

"What?"  She whispered softly with a small smile, I just shook my head. "Nothing." I looked down at her lips licking mine then back up to her eyes.


"Mhm." She ran one of her hands up my chest and to the front of my neck then tilted my head up and forward. My eyes flicked back down to her lips.

I don't know it's just something about them, it's either the two toned or how perfect and plump they look. I leaned in and before I knew it our lips locked together. Mines moved slowly against hers wanting to savor the taste.

The bittersweetness from the wine she'd previously took a sip of. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach as ki grabbed me by the back of my neck and kissed me back harder and faster.

Yeah she wants me.

I'm finna be swinging my feet back n forth later thinking about this. I lifted her up off the counter, my hands going to her ass. "You playing on dangerous territory" Ki breathlessly told me as shi nibbled on my earlobe and I smiled despite trying to breathe.

"Dangerous territory? Girl- You playing with fire right now don't burn yoself." I retorted and she chuckled then roughly pulled my head back by my hair and my dick jumped making me groan.


That's all that was in ki's eyes, lust, her pupils dilated, the hazel color darker then what it usually is with lust. "Mmm Dakota," She traced my jaw with her nail with the hand that wasn't holding my head back.

I bit my lip as I felt myself start to swell up more. "Listen to me carefully, I don't care who's fire I'm playing with, and I damn sure don't care about yours because guess what? Ima tame it baby."

Short chapter took me days to finish😭

I'm editing this before publishing and this chapter here😩🤭

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