Chapter 9

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Yasmin POV 3:21 AM

"Yasmin! Somebody is banging on the door." My lil brother said busting in my room disrupting me.

"Whatchu mean?"

"Fuck you mean what I mean? Get the bat! No better yet getcha bedazzled gun!" After he said that more bangs came through and I nodded. I went under my bed searching for it then pulled it out of its case.

"C'mon." I told him walking past. I got to the door with Jaden behind me with the bat. Any other day I would've laid on the floor under my bed hoping for the best.

But instead im doing this shit. I opened the door with my gun pointed straight at the person.


"Dakota?! Fuck you banging on my door for at 3 inna damn morning??? Get in here!" I said dragging her in looking both ways before shutting and locking the door.

"Mmcht." I heard jaden then his footsteps going to his room. Dakota took her hoodie off and her nose was red and it looked like she'd been crying.

"Dakota... Why are you crying?"

"I'm fine it's nothing. Can I stay her tonight I'll pay you?"

"Youon gotta do that come on." We walked to my room and I shut the door. "Why are you here?" I asked watching her sit on the floor.

"I- I messed up."

"Okay how bad?" I asked getting on my knees in front of her and placing my hands on her knees. "Bad." She whispered and I nodded.

"What'd you do?"

"Him and Gina been messing around and- and it just got me so angry because gina keeps fucking my friends that shower her the most with shit and Corey. Corey knew fucking better and it just makes me so mad because it's my sister. Then I just- just- fuck!" She tried explaining rubbing her palms on her head.

Totally fucking crazy.

"Hey stop that." I said talking her hands. "I'm sorry." "There's nothing to be sorry for."

"But I just hate when I get like that it's not me! Then the way I talked to Gina." Kota explained with tears running down her face. "Have you been taking your medicine?" She shook her head.

"Dakota you need to take it," "Who's blood?"


"Strip your clothes and I'll go run you a bath okay."

"Okay. Thank you."

"Anything for a friend." I answered and nodded. That's all me and Dakota were friends. I got up then helped her up and headed to the bathroom in my room.


"Did you eat?"

"No I'm not hungry. Have you?"

"I'ma smack you. When was the last time you ate?"

"Yesterday." Yeah I'ma smack her. "Go eat sumn before I smack you." And she knows I will too. "I'm not hungry."

I raised my hand and kota jumped up. "Yeah okay." She rolled her eyes.

"Fuck you."

"You want me to call yo lil girlfriend?" I asked her.

"She not my girlfriend ki just my friend."

"You gotta crush on her though." I retorted and she blushed then left. It's been a hot minute since Dakota had a crush so kimora must be doing sumn right.

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