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In another two days, there was a blizzard under Mu Yunguan. The wind and snow were dense, covering the sky and the sun. The sky and the earth were so vast that they almost blocked people's sight.

Although this weather is bad, it is an excellent opportunity for a sneak attack.

Jiang Yun was worried, so he went to inspect the Beacon Tower, and stared at the defense with Yun Huai. The sky was freezing and the snow was raging. Although Meng Hui developed a new plaster to relieve the old injury on Jiang Yun's arm, Yun Huai was still worried that His Highness's body would not be able to hold on.

The two walked on the city wall to inspect, Yun Huai said solemnly: "Don't worry, Your Highness, the general will strictly follow His Highness's instructions in the end, and will never slack off in the slightest. Your Highness should go back to Guanzhong."

Jiang Yun wore a thick fox fur and a light blue long jacket inside, and said: "It's okay, the beacon tower is of great importance, I don't want it to fall down so soon."

After speaking, Jiang Yun stopped, stood at the battlements, and looked out of the pass.

Yun Huai stopped and stood beside him.

He has been stationed at Muyun Pass for many years, so he naturally understands that the Beacon Tower is not only a simple city defense, but also a reassurance for the people in the entire Jiangnan area, and it is also a precious result of the year and a half of recuperation that His Highness was replaced by a serious injury.

The beacon tower is here, and hundreds of thousands of people in the south of the Yangtze River can feel at ease.

If the Beacon Tower is lost, it means that Jiang Country has lost its first line of defense.

Even if there are no heavy casualties, it is not good for morale and people's hearts.

Jiang Yun stood facing the wind, his eyelashes covered with snowflakes, looking at thousands of lights hidden in the wind and snow ten miles away, like a dragon. He also doesn't know how tragically this battle will end, let alone how long the two city defenses he has painstakingly planned and deployed can stop Sui Heng.

He didn't want to meet him face to face, so he tried his best to defend the city.

As for the future, let's do our best and obey the destiny.

The Sui army also opened the gate to welcome guests on a snowy night. The king of Qi changed his mind again and sent an elite army to Sui Heng without paying anything in return. As the sincerity of the alliance between the two countries, Tian Ye and Another fierce general of the Qi State led.

In addition to 3,000 elite soldiers, Qi State also equipped 20 giant chariots specially used for siege. Xu Qiao personally led people to inspect and accept them, and found that the chariots made by Qi State were indeed well-equipped, and they were more commonly used in the armies of other countries. His chariot is much stronger, probably due to the contribution of Duan Hou who is good at forging weapons.

Xu Qiaoting was envious of those chariots, and asked Sui Heng what to do with them.

Sui Heng narrowed his eyes, and said: "Put away things first, and keep an eye on people."

Xu Qiao understood, and took the order to go.

Tian Ye soon discovered that the Sui Crown Prince was polite to him on the surface, but in fact he was very perfunctory. He was not allowed to participate in military discussions or actual combat. He was only allowed to stay in the tent all day long, drinking and eating meat. He wanted to find out some news, but everyone in the Blue Wolf Battalion only obeyed the orders of the coach, Sui Heng, and ignored him at all.

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