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A series of shocking changes in the territory of Chen State shocked the Jiangnan and Jiangbei countries. The Jiangbei countries have long surrendered to the Sui army's iron cavalry, almost holding the mentality of watching the excitement, watching how their princes are invincible, and easily took the land of Jiangnan with only an elite iron cavalry. Among the countries in the south of the Yangtze River, apart from Chen, which was the first to defect, Wei, Luo, Jiang, and Yun, the princes and important ministers all fell into the hands of the Sui army. These two days, they have also suffered a lot. They have had trouble sleeping and eating.

Especially with the news that Jiang Yun, the crown prince of the Jiang Kingdom, fell to the cliff and died, the countries have almost acquiesced in their hearts that the Jiang Kingdom is really going to be cold this time. In the past few years, the prince, relying on his reputation as a corporal, has attracted countless loyal, brave and resourceful people to serve him. He held a banquet and established the Jinlan League, which closely united the six countries in the south of the Yangtze River and built an indestructible city wall. The Sui army attacked and counterattacked several times, but failed to tear a hole in the city wall.

Now that the prince of the Jiang Kingdom is dead, it is tantamount to the collapse of the most important pillar on the city wall. The countries are ready to move, and they can't wait to carve up his counselors and the fertile land of Jiang Kingdom. Some countries have even privately entrusted people to send large sums of money to those counselors, and promised them far better than Jiang's high-ranking officials, so as to attract them to go and serve as allegiance.

Muyunguan in the twilight is like a ferocious beast entrenched on the riverside, dragging its huge body, silently staring at the roaring waves of the Yellow River, which is rolling far away.

King Jiang Langyu of Chu, with his hair tied up in a jade crown, and a black wide-sleeved loose coat, condescended to stand in front of the tent where Fan Zhou lived.

The soldiers who came and went saw this scene, and they were all used to it, and they were not surprised at all. Since the King of Chu came to Muyun Pass to take over the military affairs of Muyun Pass under the order of the king, he would come to Fan Zhou's tent almost every day to visit the injured Mr. Fan.

Even if Mr. Fan disappeared due to illness, the King of Chu persisted every day, rain or shine.

Chu Wang Jianglang is past the age of weak crown, although he looks handsome, but he is more cold and serious, his temper is notoriously unpredictable, and all servants in the mansion are afraid of him.

The weather has been bad for the past two days, and the sky has been drizzling again.

Jiang Lang's wide sleeves fluttered with the wind, standing gracefully, with a calm face, but anxious in his heart.

He had waited too long for this day.

There are countless ambitions in his heart that he wants to realize, and he can't wait to take all the disciples in Jiang Yun's mansion as his own.

He is the eldest son of Emperor Jiang, he has been doted on since he was born, and his mother's concubine Shen's clan is also very powerful, so he should have become the crown prince smoothly and enjoy thousands of honors and respect.

But all of this changed after Jiang Yun appeared.

This younger brother, who was born a few years later than him, not only snatched his crown prince, but also snatched the attention of the courtiers and his father's eyes on him. Before Jiang Yun appeared, he was often praised by his father regardless of his articles or other five arts. Many courtiers praised him for being astute and worthy of great responsibility. But since Jiang Yun appeared, the courtiers only saw the "shockingly talented and stunning" prince, and there was no such "average" Chu king, and even the courtiers privately commented that "although the Chu king is beautiful, he is far inferior to the prince...". He couldn't understand why his father insisted on making Jiang Yun the crown prince, even though his father hated the son of the demon queen so much. Can't you find happiness for yourself?

A Secret Relationship With The Prince Of The Enemy CountryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz