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The little thing was still very cautious, and when Jiang Yun finished his supper, he pretended to be dead and disappeared.

The curtain fell, the hall was silent, and all the guards were sent out.

Jiang Yun leaned on the couch, his green sleeves slipped off, his fingers were like jade, and he played with the mechanism bird in his hand one after another. He couldn't help thinking of the hasty glance downstairs at the gate of Qidu again.

They have been separated for more than half a month.

And the time they really spent together was only a short spring day.

Xiaogou Sui, have you begun to forget me?

Did you know that we already have a little puppy, would you like him.

He's smart, cute, and strong, just like you. Would you snub him, ignore him, or even regard him as a lifelong shame because of your status and standpoint?

If one day I am no longer in this world, will you love him as much as I do.

Jiang Yun rarely felt a little lonely.

No one in this world cares about him.

He should also have no worries and not leave any traces in this world.

But now, he has this little thing.

In fact, he didn't make much mental preparations, and he was worried all the time these two days that he couldn't take good care of him and give him a stable and worry-free life.

From childhood to adulthood, this is the first time he hopes that he can be healthy and live a longer life.

"I will try my best."

"You have to be well-behaved."

Jiang Yun said softly.

Early the next morning, Fan Zhou and several other important counselors came to see Jiang Yun and reported the details of Chen Du's trip.

Of course, Fan Zhou didn't have to do this kind of thing by himself. He carefully selected thirty martial arts experts who were good at assassinating reclusive dead men, and let them sneak into Chen Du secretly, and carry out the kidnapping plan according to the negotiated plan and details.

The leader is Gongsun Yang.

Gongsun Yang was born as a knight-errant with strong martial arts skills. He was arrested in Chendu before and was imprisoned in King Chen's Palace, and then escaped with the help of Jiang Yun. He is very familiar with the layout and defense of King Chen's Palace. And Gongsun Yang is loyal and alert, and he is the best candidate for the team leader.

With Fan Zhou in control of the overall situation, Jiang Yun had nothing to worry about, he only made some small suggestions in a few links, and Fan Zhou was fully responsible for the rest.

"Waiting for your triumphant return."

Jiang Yun held up the lamp in person to honor Gongsun Yang.

Gongsun Yang felt guilty all the time because of Chen Du's incident. After drinking, he knelt down on the ground and said solemnly: "I will definitely live up to your Highness's trust!"

From Muyunguan to Chendu, it takes a few days to get there by taking a short cut, but it takes at least half a month to go back and forth, plus the time to perform the mission, and it may take longer in case of emergency.

Jiang Yun needs to use this half month to think about Yunguo.

Yun State is different from Luo State. Yun State has fertile land and is known as the granary in the south of the Yangtze River. Buying a large amount of grain from Yun State during the harvest season, Jiang State, the suzerain country, also has a fixed grain transaction with Yun State.

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