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The heavy snow fell, and the soldiers and horses of both sides stared at the strange scene in front of them in surprise.

"Jiang Rongyu?!"

"That turned out to be Prince Jiang?!"

People who have never seen the true face of Jiang Guo’s prince are surprised, and those who have seen it are even more surprised. For example, Chen Qi, Jiang Yuping, the rulers of the subordinate countries, and Xu Qiao, Fan Qi and other confidantes, Chen Qi almost suddenly lost color. How is it possible, how is it possible? It would be him, even Jimo Qingyu's eyes widened suddenly. And after he was stunned, he showed a look of sudden realization. "No wonder..."

Snowflakes fell silently.

Sui Heng looked at the chess piece with a frozen expression. In an instant, countless pictures flashed in my mind.

Sometimes it is the scene of him wearing a green shirt, sitting alone under the window of Meiyuan reading a book; sometimes it is the scene of him sitting by the Qushui River with his mouth lightly raised, his sleeves stretched out, looking up at him; .

"Xiaogou Sui, I like you very much, and you like me too, do you like you?"

He searched hard for him for two years, and he was just short of falling into hell. He never expected that they would meet again in this way.

Sui Heng's fingers trembled slightly, but he did not pick up the chess piece after all.

After a while, ask: "What do you want?"

In fact, Jiang Yun didn't need to answer.

The moment Jiang Yun walked out of the city gate alone and came out to see him with his true face, Sui Heng understood what Jiang Yun meant.

He wants to bear all his anger with his own body in exchange for the lives of the people of his Jiang country.

Sui Heng thought.

As a prince, to be teased like this, and the level of this teasing is more and more beyond his dignity and bottom line, he should be furious, and he can even kill him directly.

But at this moment, Sui Heng thought of many things again.

A lot of irrelevant things.

For example, he once lived in Qingque Terrace, for example, the hidden "slave" seal on the back of his waist.

This is not what a prince of a country should have.

But in the public, he would not be so bold as to pretend to be the prince of Jiang Kingdom in front of all the soldiers and guards of Jiang Kingdom.

He even remembered the black iron arrow that penetrated deeply into his arm that he shot mercilessly when they met on the river that day. Sui Heng's heart shrank severely.

Jiang Rong and.

This name suddenly became a little strange at this moment.

That should be a hypocrite and ugly hypocrite, who can only make conspiracies and tricks. He has an ugly face. The article is written by someone else, and the piano music is played by someone else. Because of his ugly appearance, he wears a curtain all the year round. Not daring to show people your true colors has nothing to do with such beautiful words as "gentleman" and "elegant".

At least that was all the information he had learned about this person over the years.

"I don't remember."

Sui Heng opened his mouth.

His eyes darkened.

He gripped the handle of the knife tightly, and said in a cold tone: "You will never let Gu remember it."

Jiang Yun was startled.

He had thought of this result.

Thinking that Sui Heng would deny everything that happened between them because of deep-seated hatred.

The future events, the spring and March that was like a dream to him, came in Sui Heng, it will only be a memory of humiliation and the past.

But when he really heard him say this, he was still a little sad.

Between them, it can only be like this in the end.

He obviously knows the bitterness and fate that such an identity and position will bring, but he still has a faint hope, even though he knows that this hope is weaker than a cluster of flames on the snowy field.

But Jiang Yun also felt a burst of relief.

He finally took off all the disguise in front of him, and could face him frankly.

No longer have to be awakened by nightmares one after another at midnight because of guilt.

Now that he is in the world, the only thing he is worried about is the little guy.

Jiang Yun regained his smile.

He took back the white puck and said, "I was the one who was abrupt."

"However, Your Highness is a man of promise, since I kept my promise and came out, shouldn't Your Highness let me go as promised?"

This strange and distant tone caused Sui Heng's atrium to convulse again.

Sui Heng lowered his eyes, his brows and eyes were still indifferent and ruthless.

Jiang Yun's heart sank slightly.

In his heart, he didn't want their father and son to recognize each other, but right now, apart from telling the truth, there seemed to be no better way to save the little guy's life.

Just as Jiang Yun was about to speak, there was a piercing and sharp sound in the air.

The faces of Fan Zhou, Yun Huai and others standing on the gate tower changed drastically, and they shouted together: "Your Highness, be careful!" Yun Huai quickly bent his bow and set up an arrow, trying to shoot down the hidden arrow that flew out of the enemy's formation.

However, it was too late, the iron arrow had already headed towards Jiang Yun's throat with a sharp sound.

Fan Zhou turned pale with fright. Seeing that the sharp arrow was about to sink into His Highness's neck with the momentum of thunder, he opened his mouth wide in vain, already unable to make a sound due to extreme panic. In the middle of the air, he directly held the powerful cold arrow in his palm, without even looking at it, he threw it back with his backhand.

A Sui soldier fell in response, the longbow in his hand fell to the ground.

Bright red blood flowed from Sui Heng's palm.

"Your Highness!" Xu Qiao and other confidant generals also suddenly changed their colors. They didn't expect that someone would dare to shoot arrows without order.

Sui Heng raised his hand to stop them, he didn't care about the injury on his hand, and didn't speak, but suddenly reached out and snatched the chess piece from Jiang Yun's hand.

Sui Heng held the chess pieces expressionlessly.

Continuing the topic just now with a blank expression: "Do you want to duel with Gu?"

Jiang Yun looked at his bleeding hand and said, "Your Highness needs anything, no matter what method you use, you will be with me to the end."

"Don't mention those two words, otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to bear it, and I will kill you now."

"Then what does Your Highness want from me?"

"As a concubine."


Sui Heng sneered, he had already steered his horse, and walked back slowly, holding the chess piece in his hand.

A Secret Relationship With The Prince Of The Enemy CountryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang