The deranged killer prince's guide on toxic love (12)

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'I'm sorry I came too late.'

A familiar voice rang inside Alucard's subconscious. The once monotonous voice had gained a humane edge, but it did not change how familiar it was to Alucard. The mere sound of the other's voice resonated with Alucard, calling forth a bubbling volcano on the cusp of eruption. Alucard's head snapped upwards, and his entire body jolted, but as soon as he raised his head, the head of the woman straddling his waist was cut off cleanly. It all happened in the blink of an eye, the flash of light, that no one present in the King's chambers could've reacted fast enough to save the woman.

Alucard blinked his eyes, and a splatter of blood streaked across his cheek, tainting the pure skin with a dark ichor. He instinctively leveled his eyes towards the now headless body, which, as if unaware that it had lost its head, twitched mechanically, then finally relaxed its tense muscles, and flopped onto the floor.

"What.." Alucard's breath was caught in his throat. He was unsure whether to scream from the terrifying discovery, but when he opened his mouth, the only word he could mutter was this.

The masculine body that had seemingly vaporized out of nowhere did not stop in the wake of its violence. The figure left afterimages as it hunted down another victim of its brutality, pouncing upwards from the mattress toward the silver-haired King. The only expression left on the man's face was of shock, and it was a look of pure terror that remained on his face when a hand was thrusted into his throat. When the white-haired figure reeled in back his hand, in the man's palm held the king's larynx. The King couldn't even fathom what had happened, couldn't even produce a single sound. Alucard knew the King was dead from the very moment his eyes widened. One by one, the bodies inside of the room were eliminated as easily as that.

It was a bloody scene. No sounds, not even the shuffle of clothes were made, as the blurry figure jumped from one victim to another. The last victim was the gray-haired butler who had ushered the servants in. Where once was haughtiness on his face, only a look of dread remained. The white-haired man.. no.. it was system 3435. The sanguinary rampage of his finally died down, along with the countless bodies that littered the floor. The perpetrator of this blood bath turned to face Alucard who had been bounded to the bed.

A smile bloomed on that beautiful face. Even when covered with blood, it did not hinder the brilliance of the smile, as though the man were a child that thought he had accomplished a feat that was worthy of admiration from a single person. Alucard, even with the bloody scene in front of him, was only enraptured by that single smile.

"Did you wait long?" The bloodied figure inquired. His limpid gaze pierced through Alucard's motionless body, causing the body to shudder.

Alucard couldn't even determine whether it was from fear or relief, but in that very moment, a realization had been carved into his core. The system came to save him. The revelation birthed an unspeakable feeling inside Alucard.

He had always wondered why those damsels in distress, those shous in the damned depraved novels, would fall madly in love with the gongs—no matter the kind of trash-level scums they were—when they took on the role of a dashing hero in shining armor riding a good horse to death. In this very moment, Alucard was relieved enough to cry out 'daddy!' and worship the toes of system 3435's feet. If the other told him to lick his feet, Alucard would go as far as to clean the system's shin with his tongue. Indeed, it felt good to be saved by a handsome man!

His chorus of praises towards system 3435 was intercepted by a voice that cried out hoarsely.

"The king has fallen!"

Alucard tilted his head towards the direction of where such a desperate voice was coming from. To no one's surprise, it was Gabriel Themis, who was so thoroughly dedicated to the future of the kingdom that he was willing to step down, and sacrifice others for the sake. Deluded in his wishful thinking that he could've been a martyr, Gabriel had committed heinous deeds in the name of serving justice. When the king fell, all idealistic ideologies crumbled. An expression of helplessness painted the Duke's face. His translucent eyes reflected desolation, like a dog that had been abandoned at a shelter. The very core of his beliefs was reduced to no more than a dead body—what else could he believe in?

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