How to steal someone's lover and get away with it (8) (NSFW)

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"Aren't we reversing the saying take me out to dinner before you bed me?" Mang Yiran said, highly amused. He was seated opposite of Meng Yixing and beside Jackson who was unfortunately caught-up between the tension of the two Meng step-siblings. He felt like a neutral country between two hostile forces, yet even Meng Yixing's deliberate coldness towards Meng Yiran did not stop Jackson from treating the other gently.

Under the guise of telling him the hidden lore, Jackson, that bastard took it as a chance to stuff himself full. The three of them narrowly managed to avoid the police by jumping right out the window from the 2nd floor. Meng Yixing had picked him up with a single arm, pulled out his tie from his pocket and stuffed it into Meng Yiran's mouth to prevent the other from screaming like a cock in the morning.

Meng Yiran was certain going to love motels would erupt his PTSD.

'Meng Yixing, that cruel sonuvabitch!' The corners of Meng Yiran's eyes were dyed a light-red that caused people to assume he was embarrassed, which was utterly debunked because Meng Yiran was truly and vividly and royally pissed off. 'He ruined the experience of love hotels for me! What am I going to do once I reincarnate..!? How am I gonna have sex!?'

'Host, I don't think you'll need to worry about that. When you reincarnate, you're going to become a baby all over again,' the system stated in a matter-of-fact tone before finding its host's words to be provoking. The system couldn't help but ask. 'Who.. are you going to have sex with, Host?'

'Hm.. someone the opposite of me. He must have a perky butt, must be the opposite of me, small and cute, short and must be pretty at all costs!' Meng Yiran rubbed his chin logically and snickered to himself. 'Yep, looks really do matter. I mean, it's not like I'm gonna date them, right? So what if they have a nasty personality? As long as they're good-looking, I'll only indulge in carnal desires.'

Perky butt, but handsome and long-legged system felt a little offended by Meng Yiran's words. It murmured. 'I hope you die of old age by the time you meet someone who fits your criteria.'

'Hey, hey, don't wish abstinence on me just because you're jealous you can't get laid,' Meng Yiran shrugged his shoulders innocently.

The system's voice gradually died down in Meng Yiran's head, alluding to the system's blatant anger. Meng Yiran really couldn't tell why the system was having mood-swings constantly. It wasn't as though systems had menstruation, right? Besides, did systems even have gender? However, judging by system 3435's preferred humanoid, it seemed that it was a male.

"If I was truly going to bed you, I have would taken you to a fancier place," Jackson replied in good nature. But, his brutally honest and unadulterated words gave Meng Yiran a punch to the face. Flabbergasted, Meng Yiran pointed at himself repeatedly as though he couldn't believe in the words that escaped past Jackson's lips.

"Do you mean I have no.. sex appeal?" Meng Yiran seemed hurt.

Jackson eyed him cautiously, eyebrows tweaked as he scrambled to come up with a viable excuse. Pissing off one of the Meng brothers was something on his not-to-do list. He had already witnessed first-hand Meng Yixing's brutality and he didn't really want to get beaten into the pavement again. However, judging by now, Meng Yixing himself was in a terrible, the most godforsaken mood that Jackson had ever seen him in.

"You're.. a little too young for me," Jackson sputtered out, smiling sheepishly as he tried his best to avoid Meng Yixing's piercing gaze. A guilty conscience weighed down on him and the tanned man poked at the food on his plate with a fork glumly.

"Excuse me..!" Meng Yiran nearly jumped out of his seat to defend his honor and male hormones. "I'm of legal age, you know! Hah.. did you think I would date you or something? Try again, I like perky butts and cute faces, you hear me? Not overgrown bushes like you!"

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