How to steal someone's lover and get away with it (2)

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With a heavy, gray cloud hanging over his shoulders, the teenager, Meng Yiran, hastily showered in ice-cold water and brushed his teeth aggressively and slipped into what he considered the original Meng Yiran's daily outfit — a outfit concerning an over-sized white tee and a pair of black ripped jeans with outrageous holes that could make elders think Meng Yiran was a homeless person. But, in this day and age, it could be considered fashionable.

If Gu Jing were to be considered classy and chic, then Meng Yiran was an aggressive and flashy, epitome of fresh and unruly youthfulness. And if Meng Yiran were to be honest, this style suited his tastes more.

Currently, the youth plodded along the stairs and arrived at the dinner table which was also situated in the kitchen as means of easygoing furnishing. Meng Yixing might have considered this as killing two birds with one stone. And, Meng Yiran had to say, Meng Yixing's tastes were extremely plain, but good on the eyes with a flash of classy aesthetics.

Meng Yiran was greeted with the cold expression of Meng Yixing who was adorned in a cutesy, pink apron scattered with bright yellow and silky ducks with their black, beady eyes and protruding beaks. That caused the youth's eyes to rise to his forehead, but he made no sound as he slid into one of the seats at the dinner table.

"I want a job," Meng Yiran finally said.

"Suit yourself," Meng Yixing replied as he busily pulled his head out from the apron and hung it on the kitchen wall. He seated himself down opposite of Meng Yiran, and picked up a pair of sturdy, wooden chopsticks.

"No, I want a job as in, you helping me get one," Meng Yiran started at Meng Yixing as if the other were a fool for not understanding the meaning behind his words. But, Meng Yiran was sure that the man actually understood, but pretended to be oblivious. "You told me that I shouldn't leech off of you anymore, so I'm asking you to help me get a job. Aren't you a manager at some money lending company?"

"In fact, it's a house rental company," Meng Yixing picked up an egg-roll and placed it on his own plate. "But, I'm not going to help you. Why would I?"

"You have to help me!" Meng Yiran shot up from his seat and slammed both of his hands onto the table. As if it had been already orchestrated, his stomach happened to grumble at the same time, following after his words. Meng Yiran tried to hide his true embarrassment behind a determined expression. But, the twitching of his lips could be seen by Meng Yixing.

When he received a disapproving glare in his direction, Meng Yiran wilted, and he sat back down in his place. He furrowed his eyebrows, musing on how to convince Meng Yixing. In fact, his plan had been to tag along with Meng Yixing like bring your kids to work day and annoy Meng Yixing. Occupying one's mind, even in a bad way, was still occupying one's mind, so the more he annoyed Meng Yixing, the more the other would think about him. This was the first step of his operation.

So he resorted to a primitive but effective method of persuasion to speed things along. "Please, Ge? I promise I won't disturb you (even if that's what I really intend to do). I'll work really hard that you won't ever even hear me get into trouble."

Meng Yixing narrowed down his eyes at Meng Yiran, calling bull on the teenager's speech. "You're an omega. Don't be troublesome. It's not exactly suitable for you to work at a place brimming with alphas. Besides, what's the point of getting a job if you won't ever move out?"

Meng Yiran clasped his hands together, eyes deliberately widened to appear innocent and child-like. With a sickly sweet, honey-dripping voice, he said, "That's because I don't ever want to leave Ge."

Meng Yixing snorted, and he stuffed an egg-roll and a thin slice of bacon into his mouth.

Meng Yiran had already known that this clumsy attempt at buttering up the other would fail, but when it did, Meng Yiran pursed his lips. The expression that replaces the teenager's face was of irritation, and it almost gave Meng Yixing whiplash to how fast it could change.

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