The yandere playboy's introduction to being a scumbag (4)

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After going through four classes of pain, suffering, and torture, Gu Jing remembered that he was supposed to be a school tyrant, and could basically just bully someone into giving him their notes, as tyrannical and selfish as that sounded, could he help it? He sighed to himself. Being a bad person was difficult, but easy to imitate. Gradually, he found himself getting accustomed to the life of a raging homo.

Break-time commenced. Gu Jing found himself loitering at the entrance of the cafeteria. Some students who came earlier for the perk of getting the better parts of the lunch were already seated. They stopped in the midst of picking up their spoons and glanced at him with bleary-eyes like a deer in headlights. Gu Jing felt awkward under the intensity of their stares, as if he was the root of the reason why they couldn't eat. There was a hint of grudge in their gazes.

Gu Jing averted his eyes to look down at his shoes. He drew circles with the tip of his branded shoe similar to the movements of a ballerina, but because of him. The once graceful motion turned cumbersome, and out of place. Having enough of his self-antics, he broodily leaned against the entryway, somewhat disturbing the steady stream of students pouring into the canteen. They had to do their utmost best to avoid bumping into his well-built and lanky body unless they wanted to be targeted by the supposed boss of the school.

Imagine a food-chain. Gu Jing was the predator at the top. The principal and the teachers were one level below him, and of course, the students were at the bottom. Though, everyone secretly knew the undercover King of the school was the taciturn, but as deadly as he was silent, Lai Wenxing. Because he never acted out against Gu Jing, the students gradually accepted that there was nothing they could do about Gu Jing's haughtiness and overbearing ways. Here, Gu Jing's words were order.

But, now, the same 'haughty and overbearing' Gu Jing was tentatively looking over his shoulder, his eyes almost crossing side-ways from impatience as though he were waiting for someone. Everyone knew who Gu Jing was supposedly making a big show of waiting for. It was none other than Kuanlin, the soft, shy and angelic-looking male who was the best friend of Lai Wenxing. As effeminate as Kuanlin looked, he was not those type of pretty bottoms that went out of their way to highlight their prettiness, the ones that gave you the urge to coddle and protect.

Though as sickly pale and frail as Kuanlin seemed, the classmates of his knew that he was too good of a person to be bullied by. Besides, he rarely talked, making him appear gloomy to others. Other than Gu Jing and Lai Wenxing, no one really made an attempt to acquaint themselves with him.

Gu Jing felt an endless amount of pity towards the other. When he was back in his highschool years, he used to be the quintessential example of a student hated by all teachers; he was popular, loud-mouthed, a class clown and exceptionally great at sports, the kind of student girls would giggle at and all the boys would befriend. From the perspective of an out-going person, Kuanlin did seem a little pitiful with his only one friend and one wannabe friend trying to get into his pants.

Gu Jing scratched his head. The system had yet to come back, and the shou was nowhere to be seen. After a few more seconds, Gu Jing waited until his stomach started to gurgle loudly, attracting the attention of few students who had already finished with their lunch, and were more interested in fooling around with their friends. But Gu Jing was thick-skinned and he didn't grow embarrassed of his condition, though, on one hand, was more angered that Kuanlin was nowhere in sight, thus hindering his path to obtaining 100 misery points.

Finally having enough of starving himself, the fool begun to set out of his way to find the shou, before a hand reaching out to grab at his forearm practically making him jump out of his shoes like a cat meeting cucumber. When he turned back, he was greeted with the sight of Lai Wenxing's stone-like, Buddha face. Gu Jing immediately felt the hair at the back of his neck stand up.

Save Mr LuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora