The deranged killer prince's guide on toxic love (1)

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The white room appeared again, this time more spacious than before, much to Lu Cheng's relief and surprise. Instead of touching skin on skin directly, only their elbows and kneecaps seemed to bump with each other, although faintly, Lu Cheng felt as though he were thrusted back into the time when he was alone with the object of his affections back in high-school.

Like a little kid that didn't know any better.

He drew his knees closer into his chest, trying his utmost best to avoid making even the littlest skin contact with system 3435.

If system 3435 was bothered by Lu Cheng's jitteriness, he didn't show it. Well, his face was physically incapable of forming any sort of expression. However, the voice he used to speak was different from the usual monotonous tone.

"Host.. I've received a new update."

Lu Cheng's ears started to ring from how natural it sounded. As though the robotic voice from before was created from his imagination, a human's silky and raspy voice flowed into his ears. The immediate reaction was shock, then he was angered.

"Are systems nowadays so deceiving!?" Lu Cheng muttered, trying to cave into one of the corners of the box. "Why is your voice nicer than mine, pei!"

The system didn't reply instantly, as though stunned by Lu Cheng's outburst. The mellow voice coaxed him gently, now with a different feel. "Host, I assure you. I did not cheat to get this voice. It was given to me by the main system. I don't have access to control how I look like or how I sound like. Are you.. upset at me?"

When Lu Cheng glanced in the system's direction, its face was as expressionless as ever, but its human voice pleaded to know. It sounded.. even a little intimate, like coaxing a sulky lover.

Lu Cheng's ears burned. Why was him, a virgin, being tempted by a fucking robot!? If the main system was planning on handing out maxed stats to all of their systems, they might as well make a modeling studio! Lu Cheng was angry. Angry at the shitty main system who enhanced their workers' appearances and angry at himself for being tempted.

Were they trying to test him? Put a pretty man in front of him and see if he'd pounce on it. Lu Cheng had a weakness for pretty things. And seeing as how the system sounded like a kicked puppy, he couldn't uphold his anger.

"...whatever," he tched.

The system released a sigh of relief. Even if its expression didn't shift, there was a semblance of joy in its voice. "I see. Then, I'm glad. Shall we move onto the next world?"

"Isn't that what we were supposed to— AAAAA!"

"Downloading complete! Proceeding onto the next world!"

"You fucker, you didn't even warn me....!"


When Lu Cheng woke up, he found himself in a bathroom. Wherever he looked, it was all an expanse of white, save for some suspicious red liquid that was splattered all over the marbled tiles. When he looked down, he saw a toned body soaked in water that seemed more like a pool of blood. A scream crawled up his throat until the system's euphonious voice stopped him mid-way.

It spoke in a hurry. 'Host, I know this may seem really weird, but please listen to me first!'

Lu Cheng swallowed the scream down his throat, and his own voice when he spoke was hoarse as though it hadn't been used in years. It was guttural as though coming from the bottom of a volcano. "I know."

"Shit!" He cursed, scared shitless by his own voice. "My.. my voice! It sounds like I can start narrating horror stories..!"

'Before you start freaking out, can you read the information that I'm going to send you?'

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