The deranged killer prince's guide on toxic love (10)

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It had been about a week since Alucard had ruthlessly abandoned Gabriel's seemingly unconscious body in the middle of nowhere within the countless halls of the castle. Come to think of it.. perhaps, it was because the main scenes usually took place inside of the palace walls, there was no need for Alucard to leave the perimeter of the palace, other than touring around the intricate garden schemes. Was it stifling? Of course not. Alucard would give up a lifetime of pork just to live in an estate similar to the imperial palace, and him claiming that was an exaggeration.

He spent his days in a haze like a prisoner awaiting his death sentence. The main point was—Alucard had way too much free time in his hands. The timelines between each scenes were janky, providing a leeway for Alucard to fit in his leisurely time between. He was still an employee under the system! And should they overwork him, he might go on a strike by stripping himself naked in the grand throne room.

'Hold on.. what does me having a strike have anything to do with stripping my dignity?'

Well, Alucard, it just seemed that way.

For the most part, Alucard wandered like a ghost within the palace. Servants who saw a glimpse of him would take off running like he was chasing them with his tongue dangling out, reenacting the exact image of what a molester would look like. Albeit he wasn't used to being feared like a contagious disease, it felt better going unseen, than to be in public's eye all the time. Alucard was beginning to like the complete solitude, only despising the fact that a certain system was not by his side. It just didn't seem appropriate without that robotic—well, now fully humane voice—droning on and nagging him about the littlest actions.

For those who wondered what characters would do when the spotlight wasn't on them, this was an exclusive peek into their life style.

Starting from the morning, Alucard would feast alone at an extended horizontal table that spanned all the way from the end of one room to the doors. Decorations of food and courses that Alucard would only be able to finish if he had made hundreds of clones of himself stretched across the table. Looking at them, the primary dishes were made of meat, meat, vegetables, and meat again. Alucard shedded tears as he tore apart the dishes with his teeth. For the first time in his life, Alucard had began to dislike the sight and scent of meat. He was still an Asian through and through regardless of his external blond hair and European heritage—a hearty meal wasn't complete without a bowl stacked with rice.

And when breakfast concluded, Alucard would take solitary tours around the palace to satisfy his urge to permanently settle down in a European setting where in which he assumed a position of power. Back then, having power meant you were in a similar position to God. Those who had power could rest in their luxurious abodes, and with a wave of their hand, resulted in receiving innumerable treasures handed over to them on a silver platter. That kind of slacker lifestyle was one Alucard was now tirelessly working for.

'I used to think that the slacker life was the only way for me.. but now I'm starting to feel a little bored.' Alucard, who had his fill of solitary confinement, was starting to grow less enthusiastic. When you had spent enough time with the objects of your desires, you'd soon start to feel as if they were inadequate, which would lead to a thought process along the lines of 'Why had I even wanted this in the first place?' Obviously, a twenty-first century man like him couldn't live without toilets and bidets. Thinking about the little 'shack' that the royals shared for a toilet.. it was horrifying.

'I know this was like waaaaay back then during the renaissance, but couldn't they at least put a little plot hole so I can shit in peace!?' Alucard raised his fist towards the sky, cursing out the main system who had bestowed upon him this aristocratic mission. But, no matter how much an ant could weep, its cries would never be heard by those above them. Eventually, Alucard could only pay himself on the back with a woe-is-me sigh.

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