Natalie Alvarez x Male Reader

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???:Hi,you must be Natalie Alvarez.

He walked up to her and offered her his hand.

???:Y/N L/N,at your service.

She looked at his hand and shly took it before shaking it with a blush.

Natalie:N-nice to meet you.I didnt expect someone so,mature.

Y/N:My last job didnt exactley apreciate my creative thinking and artistic freedom.

Natalie:Where did you work?

Y/N:A curator in an art gallery.

Natalie:Oh...Well that seems,ironic.

Y/N:Unfortunetley but yes.Theyre basically snobs with an eye for colors.Anyways,Im looking forward to working alongside you.


Natalie:(This might be better than I thought.)

Y/N:So,how can I be of serive for now?


She looked around her office,trying to come up with any taks to give him.Her gaze eventually falls on a large pile of papers at the corner of her desk.



She quickly made her way over to her desk to block the view of more than enough papers.

Natalie:I could use more papers.

Y/N:I thought I saw them on your desk few seconds ago.

He tried to look at her desk and look past her but she kept moving left to right.Then she finally pushed the papers back until they fell on her chair and moved away.

Y/N:Huh.I couldve swore that they were here.

Natalie:Well,begginers mistake.Youll get the hang of it eventually.Rember,the most important thing for our line of busyness is eyes and brains.

Y/N:Im pretty sure that was first used for detectives.In those words exactley.And I think Arthur Conan Doyle wrote that.

Natalie:Well never know.Now be a dear and go grab some papers for me,would you?
Y/N:Right away boss.

He was abotu to leave the office when he heard her stop him.

Natalie:Oh,and...please call me Natalie.

Y/N:Will do.Be back in a second.If not,just wait a little longer.

He left the office and after few more seconds to make sure he was gone,she breathed a sigh of relief.

Natalie:(Sigh)That was close.Now then,to dispose of the evidence.

She towered of the stack of papers with her shadow growing over them as an intimidating display.She grabbed the papers with one hand and opened the window with the other.

Natalie:Goodbye now.

She waved to the papers falling on the ground or in the bushes as she closed the window and sat back in her chair,relaxed that her white lie will never be detected or found out.

Natalie:Like I said,close.I need to come up with something better in the future.At least he seems a little bit naive.

After a while,Y/N returned with an all new stack of clean papers and set them on the edge of the table where the last batch was before the whole ordeal.

Natalie:Was it too difficult?

Y/N:No,but the supply employee was confused when I talked to him.He said he brought new papers to every office.

Ben10 human girls x male readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang