CHAPTER X. To Get Stronger

Start from the beginning

Time passed, and she closed her eyes.

A knock was heard, then another. The door opened with a soft whistle, revealing Yuno and Horo, hiding by his leg.

The little boy frowned and looked up. "Is Xie-neechan asleep?" His voice sounded so mellow and lonely at the thought of Xierra's absence. Her interaction with him and the others was minimal these last few days.

Yuno delayed his look at the little boy, smiling faintly. "Yeah," he answered simply, putting the basin by the bedside table and putting a finger over his lips. "Let's let her sleep."


The sun was setting behind the skull of the three-eyed demon. By the outskirts of the village, it left the light of the world slowly. Within the grimoire tower, Father Orsi and Sister Lily met with Drouot, the grimoire tower master, and all wore concerned looks.

"Well, I can understand Yuno and Xierra, but are you really considering allowing Asta to take the exam too?" the priest questioned, doubt audible in his voice.

"Well," the master began, "he's saying that he wants to do it."

They eyed the old man with worry and hesitance when they exchanged glances. Anyone could tell that they weren't convinced that Asta would be able to survive outside of their supervision on his own.

"And the ones I was counting on," the master trailed off, combing his long bears, "decided against taking the exam."

Father Orsi gathered all his courage and tried protesting, "Again, I believe that Yuno and Xierra will be fine, but I don't think that Asta's up for it." A bead of sweat rolled down his face, slowly dripping down.

"Well, he's saying that he wants to do it," the master repeated his answer calmly.

Father Orsi was taken aback, but he didn't step down. "Again, I believe that Yuno and Xierra will be fine, but it will be pointless for Asta to take them."

The tower master waved his worries away, persisting in his answer. "Well, he's saying he wants to do it," he said. The older man showed no sign of backing down. Instead, a thought came to mind, causing him to laugh giddily. "Actually, the idea of Asta going to the Royal Capital just makes you feel lonely, doesn't it?"

The annoying look he displayed and the true statement had Father Orsi clenching his fists unwillingly. Sister Lily widened her eyes before giggling at the statement that tugged a string in the priest's heart. "Aw, Father!"

"That's—that's not...!" The man snapped his head away, crying rivers of tears at the thought of the church devoid of the three oldest children he took care of from the very beginning. "I just believe that if he's going to fail anyway, he's better off not taking it in the first place," he lied.

Father Orsi's stiff movements were amusing to the other two.

"A-And you know... the little ones will miss him too. O-Oh, and maybe you should rethink the decision for Xierra as well. She faints easily. Who knows when or where will she faint out there? A-And Sister Lily will need some help and the children will surely miss her dearly," Father Orsi stuttered, robotically turning his head back in an attempt to sway the master's decision. "Not me! But they'll have two fewer people to play with!"

Sister Lily smiled knowingly at the hidden meaning behind the man's words, causing him to sweat more than he already had.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he feigned innocence.

Drouot patted Father Orsi's shoulder the strongest he could while imitating Sister Lily's look. He gave him a small laugh, returned by Father Orsi's offended gaze.

[HIATUS] BLACK CLOVER: The Whisperer - Yuno GrinberryallWhere stories live. Discover now