Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"I think you're right about me being gun shy," Edward sighed, rolling his shoulder against the current. "I just wish I was fighting Benjamin and not Jacob. Less possibility of being beat to a bloody pulp, you know?"

"Any indications of impropriety, I'll call it, Edward," Charlie smiled. "Relax, soak, and get that should massaged. Two hours."

"Thanks, Charlie. What time is weigh-in tomorrow?" Edward asked.

"Noon and the fight will begin promptly at eight," Charlie said. "Bella's got your suit, and we have a present for you back at the hotel, from the Bull Dog family." Squeezing Edward's arm, Charlie left.

Edward relaxed in the hot tub, watching as members of the training team set up a message table. Dunking below the water, he got out of the tub and lay down on the table, allowing the trainer to work his muscles, focusing on his previously injured shoulder. When he was sufficiently jelly, Edward showered and left the gym, only to come face-to-face with his old coach.

"Caius," Edward said dispassionately.

"Masen," Caius sneered. "You look ... old."

Edward's eyes swept over Caius, noting his slender build and dilated pupils. "You look high. Do you share with your fighters?"

Caius went to attack Edward, but a meaty hand stopped him. "Coach, he's just baiting you." Jacob Black's empty black eyes caught Edward's. "Masen ..."

"I could have made you a star, a winner," Caius spewed, pushing Jacob's hand off his shoulder.

Ignoring his previous coach, Edward held out a hand to Jacob. "May the best man win," he said cordially.

Jacob took it, squeezing it harshly and pulling him close. "Do you like my sloppy seconds? Bella's a fight whore ... spreading her legs for any man who is violent in the ring. The best man will win and that's me," Jacob sneered, stepping back.

Edward gave both men a mocking grin before leaving the gym, not even dignifying his horrific comments about Bella with a response. Arriving back at the hotel, he rode up to the suite. Inside, he found Bella, Emmett, Charlie, and Carlisle. Their meals had just arrived, making his mouth water. In order to maintain his weight, Edward had to be mindful of what he ate. All he wanted was carbs in the form of an apple pie or chocolate cake. Instead, he'd enjoy a meal of baked chicken, steamed broccoli, and brown rice.


"How's the arm?" Bella asked.

"Better, but I ran into Caius and Jacob on my way out of the gym," Edward grumped, sitting down at the table. "They had some choice words to say."

"I can only imagine," Bella deadpanned. "Did Jacob call me awful names? That I was a whore?" Edward blanched while Charlie grew incensed. "He's got a type. He likes women who want him for his fame and for the fact that he's a fighter. He lumped me in with those girls. I'm not a 'fight whore', as he described them."

Edward looked at Charlie, shocked at her frank description. But, what pissed him off was the statement about his 'sloppy seconds.' He wasn't about to mention that to Charlie. Never in a million years.

"They're playing mind games, fucking with your mojo," Charlie sighed. "Ignore them."

"It further solidified my hinky feelings about them, Charlie. Caius looked as high as a kite and Jacob, despite being a lower weight class, was stacked with muscles," Edward sighed. He poked at his meal, spearing a broccoli stalk. "I'm gun shy. That's all it is. Gun shy."

"You have every right to be gun shy, Edward," Emmett said. "I'm not fighting, and I'm worried for you. You had a scary fight with Demetri ... scarier than my fight with James."

"James, who's still in jail, mind you," Carlisle snorted. "He's broke and totally screwed."

"Good. He deserves it," Bella spat. "So, does Jacob. You need to put him in his place."

"I will do my best," Edward sighed, feeling overwhelmed by all the emotions.

"Dad, can I steal Edward for a moment?" Bella asked.

"No sex. He needs to be focused ..." Charlie growled.

"Jeez, Dad. We're all staying in the same suite. I'm not going to have sex with my boyfriend with you right here," Bella huffed, taking Edward's hand. "Besides, I made reservations at a different hotel for after the fight. Away from you, you perv." Tugging on his hand, she led him to her room. Pushing him onto the brown leather sofa, she straddled his legs. "Talk to me, Edward. Where's my cocky fighter?"

"He's rattled, angel," he answered, pulling out the pendant she never took off. He fixed it so the clasp was in the back. "Would you hate me if I walked away? Fought tomorrow, but retired after that?"

"What? Never ... Edward, I don't throw around the words 'I love you' willy nilly," she breathed.

"Did you just say willy nilly?" he laughed.

"Quiet, you jerk," she snorted, pushing on his shoulder. "I love you, fighter or not. I love you for you." She brushed her fingers through his hair. "What did Jacob say?"

"He called you his sloppy seconds," Edward sneered. "I would never ... I can't believe he said that." He cupped her face. "You're everything to me, Bella. Yes, you were with that tool before me ..."

"A very tiny tool," she giggled.

"How tiny?"

Bella held up her pinky finger. "And, I've only ever been with you without a condom. I trust and love you. I didn't trust him. At one point, I thought I loved him, but it was infatuation and resignation. I was never truly happy with Jacob. I'm happy with you, Edward."

"As I'm happy with you, Bella. I'm not being trying to be cheesy, but you are my life now," he vowed. "I fought for myself. Tomorrow? I fight for us and for our happily ever after."

"No ever after ... just the happy," she whispered, hugging him tightly. "But, kick Jacob's ass. You've seen the film and you know his weaknesses, thanks to Charlie's guidance. Use every of them to your advantage, Edward. However, win or lose, I'm proud of you and will be by your side every step of the way."

Edward stared at her, seeing nothing but love and acceptance in her chocolate gaze ... this is what he needed before the fight. Not running five miles or sparring with Brady. He needed the love his woman, his gorgeous angel. "Will I see you before the fight?"

"Charlie will probably say no, but I'll be in the locker room. Seeing me focuses you," she murmured.

"Being with you focuses me. I get Charlie and his rules, but I sleep better next to you," Edward grumped. "I slept for shit last night."

"He won't budge on that. You'll just have to deal with an amazing kiss before the fight and another after you win," she beamed. "Now, I hear your stomach eating itself. Let's get you fed, and watch film of my ex-boyfriend get his ass kicked."

"You plan the best date nights, angel," Edward quipped.

"I know."

A/N: Caius and Jacob are a piece of work. Both of them are douche canoes. Pictures of them, along with New York City, The Stewart Hotel and the Garden are on my blog. A link for that is on my profile. I'm also on FB: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. Twitter, Spoutible, and Hive, too: tufano79.

Next chapter will be the fight ... who will win? Leave me your thoughts!

Thanks for reading! 

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