Part 6 Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

That answer really surprised the entire HME diplomatic team. The speed of the train they were about to board would be much higher than the speed of HME's latest fighter aircraft, the Alpha-3. The members of the diplomatic team began whispering among themselves, judging whether what Ambassador Gravit had told them was a lie or not. But they had magic that could determine the speed and direction of their walking, and they agreed to use it to determine the speed of the train they would take later to Jakarta.

"Alright, after this, we will look around the mall in the city of Yogyakarta." Gravit said

"What is a mall?" asked Phiam.

"A shopping center, like a market, but much more modern and luxurious." Gravit said.

"Alright, where can we exchange our money for shopping?" said Phiam.

"Since the exchange rate has not yet been determined, we will give you all 1,000 credits per person. That's about 14 grams of gold." Gravit said.

"We have also brought gold to exchange, sir." Phiam said.

"Oh, excellent. We'll take you to the precious metals trading center before we go sightseeing at the mall." Gravit said

The delegates had been provided with at least 250 grams of gold per person by the HME government, which would be used to purchase technology samples from the Myto Empire. Ambassador Gravit then gave each person from the HME diplomatic team a card.

"Gentlemen, the card is used for payment. All you have to do is hold the card up to the payment device and press the pin written on the paper attached to the back of the card. Please memorize the pin and discard or put the paper in a safe place. The card currently contains 1,000 credits." Gravit said.

"Thank you very much, sir. We will use it to look for souvenirs from the Myto Empire." Phiam said.

"But keep in mind, sir. There are items that cannot be purchased due to technological flow restrictions. Hopefully, those rules can be eased in the future." Gravit said.

"We understand that. We have similar regulations to that." Phiam said

They were then invited into several vehicles, such as minibuses. Especially for ambassadors Phiam, Rydorka, and Baeluna, they were taken in the luxurious landspeeder that had brought them from the airport yesterday.




A few moments later
Shopping Center in Yogyakarta, Malioboro

Malioboro Shopping Center is located in an integrated building, where there is Malioboro Shopping Center, a culinary center, offices, hotels, and apartments. The building has 60 floors, or almost 250-meters in height. Today, visitors to Malioboro Shopping Center were temporarily restricted due to a visit from the HME delegation.

The group from HME arrived at the lobby of the shopping center. As they got out of their vehicles, they marveled at the architecture and luxury of the building. From their vantage point right at the foot of the building, the building towered very high.

"Wow, how tall is this building?" said a diplomat.

"It's actually not that tall, sir. It's only about 250 meters high. If I'm not mistaken, it's only 60 floors. It's just that maybe because we are right underneath it, it looks tall. Inside there is not only a shopping center, but also offices and residences." Gravit said.

They nodded, and then the group entered the shopping center.

"Wow, look at the floor made of a single piece of marble!" said a diplomat.

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