Zoe's Party - Part Two

Start from the beginning

Just then, you hear the click of a camera. Dan reacts first. He puts down his glass and walks over to where the sound came from.

"Who the hell took that?!" he shouts.

The room goes quiet, and someone turns the music off.

"Well?" he demands.

It's still silent.

"Fine then. Don't own up, but whoever took it, you'd better delete it now. Or else."

He storms away towards the front door.

You get up and follow him, worried. He goes outside, and starts walking away from the house.

"Dan!" you exclaim, grabbing his arm.

"What?" he slurs, shaking you off. He's more drunk than you thought.

"Where are you going?" you ask, running up to him.

He keeps on walking down the pavement away from Zoe's house.

"Why does it matter to you?" he yells.

"Because I'm your girlfriend! And I'm worried about you, you're drunk!" you exclaim, throwing your hands up in frustration.

"Why do you always follow me about? Just go away! Why are you even my girlfriend? I hate you!" he shouts at you, turning around momentarily and giving you an icy glare.

You feel as if your heart has been ripped out and stamped on. "What...?"

"You heard me. Get out of my life!" he roars, walking away.

He's drunk, he's drunk, he's drunk you keep telling yourself. He doesn't mean it.

Despite all these thoughts, you can't help but collapse on the ground, letting out a sob. You feel hot tears on your face, and you make no effort to stop them.

Dan makes no effort to come back, either.

The whole neighbourhood can probably you wailing, but you don't care. All you can think about is Dan.

His warm brown eyes, his curly 'hobbit hair', his slightly tanned complexion, his slightly chapped lips...

The way he confessed his love to you in the park, the date to the fair, making videos with him, your awkward moments together.

It all gets too much to bear. Your vision goes black.

Alfie's POV:

I walk up to Zoe and pull her off Phil. I push his chest.

"What the f*** was that?!" I yell at him.

He flinches and replies, "She kissed me!"

Of course she did, Phil. Of f***ing course she did. This is my amazing girlfriend we're talking about here, and she would never lie to me. Never.

"Don't lie to me," I spit.

"I'm not lying!" he says indignantly. "Zoe's drunk, and she kissed me! I have a girlfriend for heaven's sake!"

"You have a girlfriend?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Somehow I don't believe that. Who would date you?"

The room goes silent. I realise that was a bit too rude. I look around at everyone, seeking support.

Tyler mouths, "Too far."

I turn back to look at Phil. He wipes a tear from his eye. I put my hand on his arm.

"I'm sorry, bro, I didn't mean it..." I apologise quietly.

He shakes my hand off as if it was poison and looks down, tears streaming from his face.

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