18. A New World

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Prince Bain was seated in his study, looking over some papers, when the doors opened. In came the old queen and his guards who were supposed to be securing the door. They started to apologize to him for letting her in, but he flicked them away with a hand. The queen waited until they were alone before rushing up to him with an earnest look.

"Did you take her?" she asked.

"Who?" Bain asked.

"Where's your father?"

"He's not here right now. He'll be back in a few days."

"Bain, please. Bella's been missing for a few days and...there's a rumor going around that she's in holding. That's ridiculous, isn't it?" the Queen said.

"Oh, that," Prince Bain started. "That was me. I'm withholding her on the suspicion of treason."


"She's lying about Rose. She knows where that girl is," Bain explained.

"H-how can you lock up...she's a child! She doesn't have anything to do with Rose. Haven't I been out looking for her? Didn't I say you may do whatever you want with her when we find her? Why would you turn around and treat Bella like this?" the Queen demanded.

"Did you really think I believed you? A mother who throws her cub to the wolves to save another cub cannot be trusted," Bain said.

The Queen gritted her teeth, "I'm going to find Bella and release her."

"You'll be in the cell next to her before you're successful," he said, folding up his papers, "Queen Anders, I think you're mistaken. Your husband is dead. The Bain clan is now ruling. You may have that title, but you have no real power. If you want to save Bella, I suggest you sit tight and not upset me."

Queen Anders' fingers were shaking as she tried to settle her nerves. She met his eyes with teary ones of her own.

"Just please...whatever you do, don't hurt my Bella," she said.

The prince waved her away with the back of his hand and she picked up her skirts, ushering away. Peato was on the other side of the door, he bowed to her before entering then bowed to Bain. In a mood, Bain only eyed him.

"You called for me, your highness?" Peato asked.

"Have you found a new general yet?" Bain asked, but Peato shook his head. "Picky, huh? While the late king was still a boy, you were the general, leading this country into countless battles that finished with victories. Then the late king asked you to guard exclusively over the palace. It was my father who brought along Caldo. Now that he is dead, do you find it hard to find someone to fill in your big shoes or are you rejoicing in Caldo's death?"

"Sorry?" Peato asked.

Bain only smiled.

"I was devastated when King Anders passed, but let it not be mistaken, I now serve the Bain clan. I am actively looking for a new general, your grace," Peato said.

Bain could see it in his eyes, Peato was confused as to why he brought up his distrust, though it was always there. Bain was just tired of pretending. Him and his father was surrounded by the late king's leftovers. He didn't trust any of them.

"Where's your boy?" Bain asked.

"He's overseeing Cedar whilst continuing his training there," Peato said.

Bain gritted his teeth and fought not to roll his eyes. Overseeing one of the top military training bases in all of Mara at the age of 19 was impressive. Only Zaria could do it. When he left to pursue more training, Bain thought that'd be the end of hearing about him. When he was here, King Anders wouldn't stop praising him. Women fawned over him. Teachers praised him as a gifted student. Fight instructors hailed him as a master swordsman. Everyone knew Zaria would follow in his father's footsteps, maybe even surpass it.

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